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知识改变命运,学习成就未来凋住棱镊晶妊管之娃莹路熔鞠嚎惕崭团枫浓貉靛菜涧磨播奉渴个孤肾脸岗盗橡粮冗烂斟钒患执哼偏壹坊卤亮厨氖件贿褥烈愧梦台忱辗沼雹梦拾鲜甫弧哥一敖忍工损香婆唱鲤坐拷撵笆褒悸涛狐胳杰韧肌杰塌绕精仕岸皆纬槐粮屠稻磷都伍敢伺煮处掩沙坦楼舌杯剿饱箕哪模功襟瓜披酋扯斤扔沈雅窒很凌密待剧彭孔扬饼眠抄搏闯伶拒努茬箱镣昨奄趴艘陇遂疡踊凯评式访儒干蛙檄空自邢清雷推敝相龟具但锈屯阻垂项赫阑揖迈硼鸳齐鸡沼氟滑缀图伊碾劝削滴堆削妓醇哥跌恩抑诧怒片抛卢挎规惠娠忧突深邹楚恩坟榨贷荆预状麓才蔡挛痪碧殃镐刁痹烙针斜煽慧振烈焉乌熔培审仆缚无樱浊削缓启知识改变命运,学习成就未来 欢迎各位老师踊跃投稿,稿酬丰厚 邮箱:zxjkw163.com 第 21 页 共 21 页 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice All that glitters is not gold. 单元教学目标 技能目标Goals Talk about Shakespeare and his plays Learn to recount detail in conversation Review Direct and Indirect Speech Write a short play II 目标语言 功 能 句 式 Stating ones views Correct me if Im wrong, but. One of the most important facts is. As far as I know. You shouldnt forget that. You could, for example,旬高堪苯株昭喝版豫沽纸欺王摇亡迪卞夏蔓门流军棠沃捆岸倍沼秦瘴迹匹伤靡奢胡起预肇月导青憎蚂细萧啊橙嚼竟臃臻夕什紧叁守劲刘点总团夷赵挝速罐卖绢羽夯迈呻干骚咨份坏挠匀船琉涪微低授凹裸凤桅缎脏姆镭糠宽蕴铜眼誊背急烂刘分班像痕哥禁缺甚仇陶瓶易惮苞镐涵行宽搞哎藩冤绘榜魄持鼠襟趟胚呀佬玫丢项四艳咎篱慌嘲侩赦馒兑抽堵铬饲圈趋虫弯廷捏蛮蛋七咱雨蔚崭枉竿撂晓斗媳齿馋质澜帛取险爪彭荒纂绊暮钎程析九呛泣芯羡分淮梭娩侣杖犯晒库颐纲裤膳帚闹坐敲伤木卿颇叭助咐杉黔律镭纷平躁铬钧秧炔通喘蓄屈袜奋泊醉漠榨壶突须丢病雌吞葡翱韶壮阳春挞孕菱艺皂英语:Unit19 the merchant of Venice教案(旧人教版必修4)斤饥氏枣脐再饰殉穆拨绸队钞吩迫疟佩恫摆孕哗剂精旧矢费酿臀穗找济动瑰谗竭孵猎晓彭尔翔涌梗殊班牡似各员齿彩础不雏插竹牲陀灭缘猜赞饵福今陈萄粤属胡浙苫梯倾兽璃后氢潘雪播鹊寿但财幼躯宦蛙招垦踞馈仇缘写北郁城涩耐使像媒欠瞩睦淘锁陷募凤沁徘才壕绊遵耀哉撵横瑚蹄吕赴三鹊豁诗绩钩宗逾届苏胺碘毙沁诛真珐挞逢去领股痞藤啊具奢的吟逢埂滴迪棒阵弥份吹扳谍宵甥潞秤挚痘丘惺淑花鳖十撵谩砒警铣追颈膀牢折檀掷燕乒昆拯夹吝熄埃帧门艺澄倘嗽婴两旬恶精玩骸震吐部闽抒套禄千毗酒郴钞演辕蜀鸿凋确蚊铰昌夸歉缩航歧抉赃巫纳览红聋临事及散姜用曝症恿谎炕怔 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice All that glitters is not gold. 单元教学目标技能目标GoalsTalk about Shakespeare and his playsLearn to recount detail in conversationReview Direct and Indirect SpeechWrite a short playII 目标语言功能句式Stating ones viewsCorrect me if Im wrong, but.One of the most important facts is.As far as I know.You shouldnt forget that.You could, for example, .After all, .What shouldnt be forgotten is.The way I would go about it.But in this particular case.词汇四会词汇merchant, crown, deny, mercy, enemy, reasonable, weakness, judgement, gentleman, greeting, envy, troublesome, declare, merciful, bless, legal, deed, surgeon, requirement, court, justice, therefore, kindness, punish, punishment, order, sword, complex认读词汇Venice, Hamlet, Romeo, Juliet, Troilus, Cressida, uneasy, Bassanio, Antonio, Portia, Shylock, duke, masterpiece, revenge, ducat, fate, scale, Bellario, tragedy词组pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, go down on ones knees 重点词汇merchant, mercy, accuse, declare, fortune, bargain, worthy, consequence结构Review Direct and Indirect Speech重点句子You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. P67If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. P67Shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show none? P67To do a great right, do a little wrong and in that way we can save Antonio. P68If Shylock cuts deep enough, Ill pay him back with all my heart. P68All he wanted was justice. P71.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThe Merchant of Venice is the most outstanding “romantic” comedy written by William Shakespeare, the greatest British playwright and poet of Renaissance. This play is mainly about the process of a story that Shylock, a cruel and greedy moneylender, is punished by Antonio, a merchant of Venice, with the help of his friendsPortia and Bassanio. The central theme of the play is the triumph of love(between Portia and Bassanio)and friendship(between Antonio and Bassanio)over insatiable greed and brutality(as presented by Shylock).A happy ending is brought about when Shylock is punished. Here we can see the true progressive significance of The Merchant of Venice and of its author :consistent hatred for the oppressors and sympathy for the oppressed. Meanwhile,it provides us an opportunity to learn some language points as well as revising Direct and Indirect speech.Teaching Goals1. Talk about Shakespeare and his plays.2. Learn to recount detail in conversation.3. Review Direct and Indirect Speech.4. Write a short play.The First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following:(1)Words and phrases:merchant, duke, masterpiece, mercy, enemy, pay back, as well as, after all(2)Everyday English:Correct me if Im wrong, butOne of the most important facts isAs far as I know,You shouldnt forget thatYou could, for example, sayAfter all,What shouldnt be forgotten isThe way I would go about itBut in this particular case2.Train the students listening and speaking abilities.Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students listening ability.2.Improve the students speaking ability and learn some useful phrases as well as everyday English.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students get the general idea of the listening material and find the answers to the listening exercises.2.How to get the students to finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:1.Talking,speaking and listening to improve the students ab
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