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提升高中英语阅读能力 We are on the way 发展英语综合语言运用 用英语交流; 获取信息、处理信息; 进行思维和表达。 词汇学习和复习 “If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words.” -Dellar H and Hocking D How many words do we need to know in order to understand a text? 80%-85% 95%-98% underestimate Schmitt, 2008 *高考中出现现但课标课标 未收的相对对高频词频词 claim, solution, solve, depress, involve, impact, frustrate, establish, factor, issue, crisis, vary *考纲纲内词汇词汇 词汇的复习是重点,但是不能孤立地复习词汇,同 时要有基础语法、书面表达并配合每日精读与泛读 。 product producing Production Form: pronunciation and spelling Meaning: denotation Grammar Collocation Connotation Appropriateness Meaning relationship Word formation What to review (on the team; tell the truth) (a moist cake; damp) (weep vs cry) (intelligent-smart;rich-poor) Word-formation The three major processes of word-formation: a. Compounding or composition(about 27%) airport flowerpot b. Derivation or affixation (about 17.5%) postwar modernize c. Conversion (about 10.5%) permit water sound Word families: groups of words which are based on a common root (nation, nationalize, national, international) 否定前缀缀知多少 polite-impolite honest -dishonest convenient-inconvenient legal-illegal regular-irregular normal-abnormal popular-unpopular forgettable-unforgettable formal-informal 前缀有五个dis, i(m), re, un, non, 后缀有17个-able, -al, -an, -ful, -ive, -er, -ese, -ist, -ment, ness, -tion, -fy, -ian, -ing, -ise/ize, -ly, -teen,并熟记这 些前缀和后缀的含义 。 形近词 quality- equality error-terror attitude- altitude evolution-revolution native-naive principle -principal belief- relief- grief attack- attract- attach effort- effect- affect Vocabulary Words 形容词变词变 副词词特例: comfortable- comfortably reasonable-reasonably possible-possibly flexible-flexibly true-truly 绝对不可数的名词: progress weather fun work furniture equipment information advice news(word) Chunk Words belong to each other. Lewis把词块词块 分为为单词单词 和短语语、搭配、惯惯 用话语话语 和句子框架等四种。 固定组块组块 如:at risk, make up ones mind, get accustomed to, so long as, the man in the shop, It is said that, etc. 常用well 来修饰饰的词词 be well aware of / that I well remember be well prepared for be well worth doing 动宾动宾 “黄金”搭配 make the bed make sense make it make peace make a difference make ends meet feel ones way lift ones spirits develop ones interest In 1928, Gershwin went to Paris. He applied to study composition with the well-known musician Nadia Boulanger, but she rejected him. She was afraid that classical study would ruin his jazz-influenced style. While there, Gershwin wrote An American in Paris. When it was first performed, critics (评论 家) were divided over the music. Some called it happy and full of life, to others it was silly and boring. But it quickly became popular in Europe and the United States. It sill remains one of his most famous works. 必须注意“音、形、义”结合教学 。力求使学生 做到“听其音知其形,见其形知其音,观其形知其 义”。 在语境中呈现新词,词不离句,句不离文; 直接法 ,必要时(遇有抽象名词、语法术语等)也 可用翻译法。 创造丰富多彩的词汇教学活动 使用启发式激发学生已有的知识 运用联想,建立词汇思维网络系统 复习阶段的四个词汇表: 课标词汇 考纲词汇 高考题中的词汇 教材词汇 中华人民共和国教育部2003年颁布的普通高中英语课 程标准(实验)给出词汇(含附后的数词、月份和星 期,不含主要国家名称及相关信息)3484个。 在“考试内容和要求”中明确指出:“根据普通 高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,依据中华人民 共和国教育部2003年颁布的普通高中课程方案 (实验)和普通高中英语课程标准(实验) ,确定本学科考试内容。”现包含词汇3491个 ,已经达到了要求中的3500个词汇。 高考题中的词汇 Boycott bkt Rasa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. 联合抵制 Reviewing Dictation Bingo game Guessing Compose sentences make up a story 英语词汇有效记忆法 反复接触 (Reception and Repetition) 有研究证明,单词 有间隔地出现七次以上就容易被长久记住,因此,要 加大词的复现率。学习者就要扩大与目的语的接触。 加深认知度(Cognitive depth)提高对英语单词的认 知规律,利用音、形、义的联系,构词法,语法词形 变化等规则,掌握有关英语词汇的内在规律,就可变 “死记”为“活记”。做个学习英语词汇的有心人。 运用记忆(Use to remember)光靠记单词或词 组不行,必须组词成句,组句成篇,在口语会 话和书面表达中加以运用,得到真实体验,用 过的词语方能牢记在心。 视觉记忆(Imaging)初学者看图识字很有效, 要充分利用教材中的图画学习。在教师、校园 、及校外场所,有意识地注意带有英语标志的 实物、图表, 视觉记忆(Imaging)初学者看图识字很有 效,要充分利用教材中的图画学习。在教师、 校园、及校外场所,有意识地注意带有英语标 志的实物、图表,做个学习英语词汇的有心人。 检索效应(Retrieval practice effect)通过经常反复 的复习(如背记、默写、听写、造句等),不断 从大脑中提取所学词汇,加强记忆。 亲身感受(Personal organizing)实验证明,仅仅 默读单词不如大声读出含有该单词的句子容易记 住单词,如能读出用该单词自己造出的句子,则 更容易记住了。 启发动机(Motivation)学习者认识到学习词汇的 重要性,有较强的动机,愿花费时间和精力学习 和扩大词汇量,譬如扩大听读的实践量,笔记含 有关键词的妙语警句等。对于那些缺少动机的学 生则可设计相应的任务让他们实施,使他们尝到 甜头,他们便会产生进一步学习的动机了。 加强注意(Attention)那些具有感情色彩的词汇 容易引起学生的注意,例如骂人的词语(swear words)、独具特色的单词(如:banana, crocodile )等,会引起有意注意(conscious attention),产 生过目不忘的效果。 情感深度 (Affective depth) 在人的记忆库中,对词的 情感和认知一样会起作用。喜欢某个词的音或形,对 某个词所代表的人、动物或物体有强烈感情的(如 daddy, mummy, doggy, kitty,ghost),或会引起情感波 动的词(如love, kiss, frightened),这类词都会比其他 单词记得快,而且记得牢。 记忆诀窍(Mnemonics) 记忆单词有许多窍门,最为 常见的是运用关键词(keyword technique)帮助记忆,即 用表示话题的单词做关键词,由该词的每一个字母引 出许多与话题有关的词。 运用母语帮助记忆多音节的单词也不失为一种巧记单 词的办法,例如用汉语拼音或谐音词,有人用“(没 有伞)俺不来了”对应umbrella,用“(要急救车)俺 不能死”来对应ambulance,虽说不科学,但却让人愉 快地记住,而且终身难忘。记忆窍门来自学习者的创 造,外国人、中国人都能想出各种招数,八仙
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