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Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 3 Language in use Revision Please say a sentence about each animal. 1 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1.They let the elephants . 2. We want the animals . 3. We should not allow the situation . 4. Help us . 5. They came here . a) . to help. b) . to become dangerous. c) . plant more bamboo. d) . live in the nature park. e) to be safe 10 12 当我们要表示“想做某事、需要做某事或决定做某事” 时,就会出现两个动词连用的情况,这时应如何表达 呢? 同学们自然会想到want to do sth., need to do sth.和 decide to do sth.等表达方式。 Module grammar 动词不定式 1. 什么是动词不定式? 主要行为动词后面的动词采用了“to+动词原 形”的结构,我们把这种结构称为动词不定式 (有时可以不带to)。动词不定式没有人称 和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语。下面我 们一起来看一下动词不定式有哪些语法功能 。 2. 动词不定式的语法功能: (1) 不定式作主语 不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而将作主语的不 定式放在句子后部。 eg. It is good to help others. 帮助他人是好的。 It is exciting to surf the Internet. 上网是令人兴奋的。 (2) 不定式作宾语 学习不定式作宾语时,要注意掌握后接不定式作宾语的 动词。常见动词有: want, hope, wish, like, begin, try, need, forget, agree, help 等。 Many people decide not to think about it. 许多人决定不去考虑这件事。 I want to go to the library. 我想去图书馆。 (3) 不定式作定语 不定式修饰名词或代词,起形容词的作用,在句中作 定语,放在被修饰对象的后面。请看下列句子: I have a lot of homework to do. 我有很多作业要做。 Im hungry. Give me something to eat, please. 我饿了。请给我点吃的吧。 (4) 不定式作状语 不定式常常作目的状语、原因状语、结果状语等。不 定式作状语时,要注意不定式的逻辑主语应与句子的 主语保持一致。 I came to Beijing to see my grandpa. 我来北京看望我的爷爷。 Im glad to meet you!很高兴见到你! Im too tired to walk. 我太累了,走不动了。 (5) 不定式作补足语 不定式可以作补足语。例如: She told me to buy a ticket. 她让我去买张票。 (6) 不定式作表语 不定式还可以作表语。例如: Our duty today is to clean the floor. 今天我们的任务是打扫地板。 1. Would you please tell me next? A. how do B. what to do C. what do I do D. how I should do 2. The girl wasnt to lift that bookcase. A. too strong B. enough strong C. strong enough D. so strong 一、单项选择。 Practice 3. For a time his grandmother found _ accept his new idea. A. hard B. it hard C. it hard to D. hard to 4. As she has never been there before, Ill have someone _ her the way. A. show B. to show C. showing D. showed 5. You _ drive slowly. The roads are wet. A. had rather B. would rather C. had better D. would better 6. What the scientist said greatly encouraged us _ the experiment again, but his secretarys words discouraged us _ the experiment any more. A. to try; to do B. to try; from doing C. for trying; from doing D. trying; to do 7. In the old days it was difficult for the poor _ a job. A. find B. to find C. look D. to look for 8. When learning a foreign language, try your best _ the spirit of it. A. master B. hold C. take hold of D. to master 9. It was foolish _ his car unlocked. A. for him to leave B. of him to leave C. for him leave D. him to leave 10. Remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it. A. putting back B. put back C. to put back D. will put back 11. Your flat needs _. Do you want me _it for you? A. to clean; to do B. cleaning; doing C. cleaning; to do D. to be cleaned; doing 12. Because of air pollution being greatly reduced, this city is still _. A. a good place which to be lived in B. a good place to live in C. a good place to live from D. a good place to live for 13. You were lost on your way to the lake, werent you? Yes, we were and had to stop _ the way. A. asking B. to ask C. asked D. to be asked 14. Id prefer _ at home rather than _ a walk. A. to stay; to take B. stay; to take C. to stay; take D. stay; take 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Do you know when _ (have) a picnic? 2. She is very busy today. She has a lot of work _ (do). 3. Our teacher asked us _(be) careful when we crossed the road. 4. Its easy for us _ (answer) the question. to have to do to be to answer 三、汉译英。 1. 我们需要更好地保护它们。 We need to protect them better. 2. 许多动物没地方住。 Many animals have no place to live. 3. 我们究竟能做什么? What on earth can we do? 4. 现在有许多濒危动物。 Now therere many animals in danger. Homework Please write a short passage about animals in danger. Happiness is a form of courage. 幸福是勇气的一种形式。
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