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Unit 14 Mainly revision Lesson 55 Book Two Revision 1.Revise Shopping. 1. What do you think of the color/style? 2. What size do you take/wear? 3. This T - shirt/skirt/woolen/sweater looks good/too big/too small/too tight/ just right on you. 4. You may try it on, the fitting room is over there. 5. Its very fashionable, it looks wonderful on you. 6. It fits you very well. 7. I thinks it also suits you. 8. You look great/nice in red/in blue/in gray etc. Presentation Uncountable Nouns: chicken, fish, rice, bread, beef, duck, rabbit etc. Countable Nouns: apples, grapes, melons cakes, dumplings etc. Part 1 Practice Listen and answer. 1. Why does Ann need to buy some meat? 2 .Why does Ann want more meat? 3. When are Ann and her mother going to buy more food? 4. What did Anns mother buy this morning? 5. What did Ann buy this morning? 6. What else do they want to buy? Practice Language point buy bought more Its not a comparative degree, but sth you get again. e.g. Is there anyone in the room? One more. It means there is still one. Part 2 Practise Practice Shop assistant: Can I help you? Customer: Yes, would you please show me that sweater? S: Sure. C: It s very fashionable, isnt it? S: Yes, it is. C: But do you have a yellow one of the same style (风格)? I want it to match my jeans. S: We do (强调)have yellow ones, here you are. C: May I try it on? S: Yes, please. C: Oh, I think the color and the style suit me very well, but the size doesnt fit me. Why dont you show me a looser one, size M. S: All right. There you go. C: This is better, much better. S: It looks great on you. C: Thank you. Id take it. Practice Part 3 Practise Useful expressions: May I have some fish, please? Could you pass me some fish, please? Help yourself to Help yourself to some dumplings Would you like Yes, please. Yes, just a little. Yes, one more please. No, thank you. Language point help oneself to sth. 此句型用于主人招待客人时,意为:别客气,随便吃( 喝) 当你应邀参加宴会时,主人会对你说这样的 话。意思是让你随便吃饭和菜,有对也表示随便取某 物。此句型是一句常用的客套语。主人请客人不必拘 束或客气(跟在家一样)。 Help yourself to some chicken, Jim. Yes, I will. a piece of cake. 有两层意思,其一是“一块蛋糕”;其二是“小菜一碟” ,言外之意是“小事情”。 E.g. Im not sure how to do this. Its a piece of cake, let me show you. Exercises in class Make sentences with these phrase. have sb. do/have sb. done. have sth. done. help oneself to sth. (1)You must have your hair cut. (2)He has the horse trained. (3) Mary! Help yourself to some beef. (4) Help yourselves to some fish, Susie and Jack. (5) Would you give me another cup of tea? (6) Here are some/a number of pieces of news. (7) Its a piece of cake. Rewrite the drills without changing their meanings. 1. How delicious the food is! _ _ _ it is! 2. We need two more grapes. We need _ _ grapes. 3. Whats the price of the coat? _ _ _ the coat? 4. We all enjoyed ourselves at the get - together. We all _ _ _ _ at the get - together. 5. Dont forget to bring some food. _ to bring some food. What delicious food another two How much is hadlotsof fun Remember Homework 1. Recite the dialogues in the text. 2. Make his own dialogue. 3.Finish off the workbook exercises. Song Happy New Year! ; 西宁夜场招聘 西宁夜总会招聘 西宁ktv招聘 orz14msr 易,但要让人们都相信是他们在造谣,在短期内却是办不到的。而且,咱们倘若真这样做了,也只会导致与他们之间的结怨更深。至于说他们 的好话,那倒也不必。我是想,咱们不妨与这彭掌柜的私下里协商,研究出一个两全其美的解决办法来。这样,两家的铺子就可以各赚各的钱 ,甚至还可以互相扶持对方的发展呢。如此一来,岂不是化敌为友了嘛!”李老乡说:“和则共荣,斗则俱伤,这个道理倒是对的!可要操作 起来,又该从哪里下手啊?”耿正说:“这就是需要咱们尽快商量确定的大事了。看起来,咱们得在已经成功经营的商品上做一些让步了;更 确切地说,是彼此之间的让步。这是因为,他们也得给咱们让出一些来,好让大家都有盈利的空间!”于是,老乡四人如此这般地认真商讨了 一番。当意见达到一致之后,决定由年轻的耿正出面,次日上午去约见“彭记丝绸行”彭显贵掌柜的。事实上,大凡造谣生事者,其内心深处 却也是很虚的。他们也都担心事情一旦败露,反倒让自己无脸见人。当然,那些就连自己的脸面也不顾及的人,就另当别论了。再则,倘若是 稍微有一些良心的人,还会或多或少地为自己的所作所为感到亏心或愧疚,因此间也愿意想办法进行一些亡羊补牢式的弥补。上述这位扮演了 不光彩角色的彭掌柜的当时就鉴于这两者之间。尽管由于“昌盛丝绸行”受困于自己店铺里伙计们制造的那些个谣言而暂时性地经营受挫,从 而使得自己店铺里的生意最近几天有了明显起色,但是他心里却也非常明白,这并不是一个长远之计;一旦日久了谣言被彻底戳穿,反倒会对 自己更加不利!又想起父亲在世时经常提醒他的有关诚信经营的那些个祖训,越想越不是个滋味儿,反倒终日里如坐针毡了。如此,铺子 也无心照料,大多数的时间里都呆在门面店铺后面的家中苦心冥想,思考着下一步的对策。但无奈却是越想越没辙,越没辙就越郁闷,近两日 已经是茶饭不思了。那一日上午,正当他一个人坐在小院儿里的泡桐树下苦苦熬煎时,一个伙计慌慌张张地跑了进来,说:“彭掌柜的,不好 了,昌盛丝绸行的耿二掌柜的来了,说是要见您哪!”由于事先没有任何思想准备,所以,这彭显贵掌柜的当时听了这话,且看到这个伙 计如此惊慌的样子,也不免有些吃惊。不过,他可不想让伙计看出来自己的惊慌失措,于是就故作镇静,假装漫不经心地问:“只他一人吗? 可像一只斗架的公鸡?”来报信的伙计说:“只他一个人,倒还文质彬彬的样子呢!”彭显贵听伙计如此说,虽说稍微放心了一些,但心里还 是没有底,再则也不想轻易放下自己的那一副臭架子。于是,他故意装出一副很不屑的样子,说:“哼,小娃子一个,想来干啥呢。告诉他, 我忙着呢,不见!”把这个来报信的伙计
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