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经典可口可乐 The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1892. Its based in the United States and it is the worlds largest beverage Company, which has 48% of the global market share. Coca-Cola in 200 countries with 160 kind of beverage brands, including soda, sports beverage, juice, tea or coffee 可口可乐公司旗下产品: 碳酸饮料类:雪碧、醒目、芬达 果汁饮料: 美汁源、酷儿 草本饮料: 健康工坊 茶饮料: 茶研工坊 饮用水: 水森活、冰露 维他命饮料:酷乐仕 background 2006年商业周刊公布的全球100个最具价值品牌名单中,可口可乐高居榜首。 1886年可口可乐营业额仅为50美元,广告费却为46美元;1901年营业额12万美元。 广告费为10万美元,如今可口可乐每年的广告费竟超过6亿美元。惊人之举使可口可 乐这样一种99.61%都是碳酸、糖浆和水的饮料,卖了个世界第一。 可口可乐的前任老板伍德拉夫有一句名言:Coca-Cola are carbonate 99.61%, syrup and water. If you do not advertise, who would have to drink it? In the many brands of Coca Cola company. Classical Coca-Cola is the earliest company products, and the packaging of visual elements including: Spencer font design(斯宾塞字体设计) , unique curve bottle shape(独特的曲线瓶形) , standard color combination(标准色彩组合 ). The Coca-Cola Companys logo .The logo at the right is a part of its produces 独一无二的经典可口可乐的红色使消费者可以一 眼就将它找到。 这样的单纯红色形成一种集中的视觉力量,让消 费者过目难忘 。 Red 红 Communication Planning 可 At first :Coca-Cola advertising looked for Chinese elements actively, and combined their own products with Chinese elements, in order to got Chinese consumers recognition At second:By star endorsement for advertising propaganda, and make use of all kinds of sports competition and activities to strengthen the publicity of Coca-Cola range, expand the influence of Coca-Cola At last:Coca-Cola use the mass media(大众传媒), and build their own network communication system , develop new transmission channels actively, no longer stand on video advertising. 可口可乐与明星携手 可 The Coca-Cola company has cooperated with “ world of warcraft”, “Street Hoop ”,and the “Pop kart” 可口可乐与网络游戏携手 advantage 可 Let the brand in the consumers mind Consumers can learn more with the Coca-Cola brand image Though the advertisement, increase the Coca-Cola s sale Expand the coca-colas market share Communication method Way: 可 “Advertising bombing”(广告炸弹) : no matter in spreading initial, middle and late or, Coca -Cola has been using advertising investment to advertise on CCTV and many local TV stations on prime-time , conquers the market share. Outdoor advertising(户外广告) : light boxes, billboards, LED display screen and so on Network extension(网络推广) : beside develop the network interaction, coca-cola also set up their own Chinese website(www.coca- ) Other media: new media. during the Spring Festival, which will draw passenger peak, was time For advertising and publicity in good time, for each passenger to Coca-Colas blessing. There also have POP advertising Advertising bombing (广告炸弹) 可 TV: cctv1: Once every three days cycle, after the news broadcast 15 s, in turn, cycle. 每三天一次循环,在晚上新闻联播之后15S,依次循环。 The other TV station: Put advertising between popular program. 插播在在各个热门节目之间 Network extension (网络推广) 可 Internet 大型视频网站:优酷,土豆,奇异 The type of commercial advertising. 在用户视频点击综艺节目视频播放之前,播放15S,暂停时弹出可口可乐的 广告页面 采用网幅广告,宣传可口可乐 文本链接式广告,宣传可口可乐 Outdoor advertising (户外广告) 可 light boxes, billboards, LED display screen In big city , put some put some light boxes in bus stop, and add some billboard everywhere. Put LED screen in square and the crowded area. Set up some display stand in downtown. Other media 可 媒体形式:火车站、客车站、机场内新媒 体 频率:每个地方的视频电视,每台每天播 放50次 媒体形式:POP广告 时间段:12月28日2月17日(在不同的 时间段设置不同的主题) 频率:首选各市的大超市,如沃尔玛、家 乐福、乐购等。在超市内全天设置广告标 语宣传,每市平均设置150处POP广告 赞助体育活动:赞助奥运会 商业分析 Drink coca-cola 1986年 Cant beat the real thing 1990年(柏林墙倒塌) Always coca-cola 跨越92,96奥运,94,98世界杯 Enjoy coca-cola 进入21世纪后 广告定位 广 告 定 位 可口可乐的定位一直都在发 生改变,这个可以从广告语的变 化来分析,下面是可口可乐自产 生到目前的广告语的变化。 谢 谢
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