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javascript的40个网页常用小技巧(JavaScript 40 web pages commonly used tips)Here are some of the 40 commonly used tips for JavaScripts web pages, which are helpful to web developers.Or 19. how to make the form without bump?orWhats the difference between 20.&? (Division) is used to define a large section of a page element, and a career change is made is used to define elements within the same line, and the only difference from is that no change is made is the NS tag, ie does not support, equivalent to 21. make the popup always at the top:22. do not scroll bars?Let not the bar:Let not the bar:Two, get rid of it? Its simpler23. how to remove the picture link, click the dotted line around the picture?24. email processing submission formform name=, form1, method=, post, mailto:*.com, enctype=, text/plain, action=25. how do you write in the code that opens the child window and refreshes the parent window?Window.opener.location.reload ()26. how to set the size of the open pageOpen the pages location 27., in the page how to join is not full of background pictures, pull the page, the background diagram does not moveBodybackground-image:url (/blog/logo.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;Background-position:center; background-attachment: fixed28. check whether a string is made up of numbers 29. get a window sizeDocument.body.clientWidth; document.body.clientHeight30., how to determine whether the characters?If (/x00-/xff/g.test (s) alert (containing Chinese characters);Else alert (all characters);How much is the number of 31.TEXTAREA Adaptive Text rows?32。日期减去天数等于第二个日期功能CC(DD,DADD)/ /可以加上错误处理var =新日期(DD)A = A valueof()a -达德* 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000a =新日期(a)警报(A. getfullyear() +“年”+(A. getmonth() + 1)+“月”+ A. getdate() +“日”)抄送(“12/23/2002”,2)33。选择了哪一个无线电 功能checkme()在每个OB Radio1如果ob.checked然后window.alert ob.value下一个端功能 正文的风格条码34。脚本永不出错!隐藏功能killerrors() 返回true;不检测任何错误;/35。进入键可以让光标移到下一个输入框36。检测某个网站的链接速度:把如下代码加入区域中:提姆= 1setInterval(提姆+ +”,100)B = 1无功autourl =新array()autourl 1 =“www.njcatv。网”autourl 2 =“javacool。3322。网”autourl 3 =“www.sina com. cn”autourl 4 =“www.nuaa。edu。cn”autourl 5 =“www.cctv .com”功能butt() 文件编写(“”)对于(var i = 1;i autourl。长度;i+)文件编写(“”= = ”)文件编写(“ ”)butt()函数自动(URL)其他的B + +功能run() 为(var i = 1;i autourl。长度;i+)文件。写(“”)run() 37。各种样式的光标汽车:标准光标Default: standard arrowHand: hand cursorWait: wait for the cursorText:I shape cursorVertical-text: horizontal I - shaped cursorNo-drop: do not drag the cursorNot-allowed: invalid cursorHelp:? Help cursorAll-scroll: Triangle markerMove: Mobile labelCrosshair: cross markE-resizeN-resizeNw-resizeW-resizeS-resizeSe-resizeSw-resize38. page entry and exit special effectsEnter the page Launch pages This is some special effect when the page is loaded and called up. Duration represents the duration of e
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