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网页设计师必看 50条(Web designers must see 50)01 clear contentIf you want to be a web designer and want to build a website, you should first consider the content of the site, including the functionality of the site and what your users need. Your entire design should focus on these aspects.02 grab usersWeb design is a failure if the user is not able to access your site quickly or does not operate conveniently. Dont let users down and turn to your opponents Web site.03 optimize contentContent is the core. About two years ago, the enterprise website is like an advertising brochure, even worse, the site uses a lot of pictures, seems to be centuries to download. Chanels (www.channels.co.uk) is successful in some aspects of design, but it is too greedy and takes a long time to find what it wants, so it can not be a successful website.04 quick downloadWhat is not to take a long time to download page of more 4-1. As an experience, a standard web page should be no more than 60K, and it will take 30 seconds to load through the 56K modem. Some designers say web pages should be loaded in 15 seconds.05 website upgradeAlways pay attention to the operation of the website. A host with good performance may run slow as the number of visitors increases. But if you dont want to lose your visitors, be sure to plan your plans carefully.06, adhere to the basic principlesEven if you do not understand the language of HTML, you only need to buy a copyright can see that web design tools such as Adobe or PageMill from the Microsoft FrontPage Express, you can create a website looks very reasonable. However, at design time, these packages, though not requiring HTML, slow down the site. In order to design a website successfully, you must understand how HTML works. Most web designers suggest web novices should look for answers from books about HTML, and use Notepad to make web pages.07 learn HTMLDesign a website with HTML, you can control the whole process of design. But if youre only a newbie at web design, you should look for a package that promises to modify HTML. HomeSite4 is a good Web design tool. In the design process, HomeSite4 can help you learn HTML. It also allows you to switch to the WYSIWYG mode so that you can preview your website before sending it to Web.08, use the stroke of a web site frameworkThe Sage: the pen is stronger than the sword. Before using the computer, use the stroke of a web site framework to show the relationships of all pages. Plan how your users will visit your site at the least amount of time.09 never find a good solution on a computer. Expert advice10 site mapMany designers place their website maps on their websites, which do more harm than good. Most visitors surf the web looking for something special. They dont have much interest in how your website works. If you think your site needs maps, its likely that youll need to improve your navigation and toolbars.11. Open your eyes and pay attention to everything.The observation of the most irrelevant things can lead to the best inspiration. Observe the structure and design of a site. Understand the key elements of the site structure and make sure your design is centered around site browsing. Expert advice12 click rulesHave you heard of the 3 Click rule? For small sites, you dont have any information on your home page and you need to click more than 3 times. For large sites, use navigation and toolbars to improve operations.13 application of extraordinary fontsAlthough you can use extraordinary fonts in your HTML, you cant guess what your visitors will see on their computers. Pages that look pretty good on your computer may look terrible on a different platform. Some web designer is used to define the characteristics of love, although this allow you to use special fonts, but still need some adaptations, lest you choose font cannot be in the visitors computer display. Cascading style sheet CSS helps solve these problems, but only the latest version of the browser supports CSS.14 use practical, simple naming rules. Expert advice15 check spellingGood spelling is an important skill in peoples life. Unfortunately, many designers lack such skills. Make sure your spelling are correct, and pay more attention to the usual easily mistaken write typos.16 avoid long text pagesThere are many text only pages on a site that are tedious and waste the potential of Web.If you have a large number of text-based documents, you should place them in the form of Adobe Acrobat files so that your visitors can read offline.17 do not use the scroll barPeople hate using rolls on the internet. The Trouble website (www.Trouble.co.uk) is a typically poorly designed site. It is based on a floating architecture, and in order to read all the text, the viewer has to use the scroll bar.18 expert favorite Web design tools1.Adobe Photoshop2.Ma
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