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湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 荀子“为学”思想研究 姓名:王光辉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国哲学 指导教师:蔡四桂 20050501 摘 要 摘 要 传统儒家十分注重“为学” ,即道德的修养和实践。孔子提倡 “为学”的原则应是“为己之学” ,自称孔子“后学”的荀子极力 推崇孔子,并在“为学”问题上也强调“为己之学” ,然而两者的 区别仍然十分明显。荀子的“为学”一开始就不是单纯以成人成 德为目的,而是作为实现客观外在目标的手段提出的,其宏伟而 又详尽完备的社会政治理想即建基于社会成员的“为学”基础之 上。其次荀子为了突出“为学”这一手段的重要性,又不得不在 经验和事实层面上预设“人性恶”作为前提。这样,原本意义上 的“为己之学”依据个体自身即能完满自足地得以实现,而在荀 子那里会产生一个问题,即“为学”如何可能?荀子认为,首先, 人的“天官”和“天君”可以结合起来,能够明确无误地认识客 观事物;其次,人还可以凭其天生具备的“质具”将客观事物之 “理”通过“以类度类”移用到道德领域之内。不过,荀子还认 为,个体内在的依据还不足以促成对“仁义法正”的认知和实践, 道德修为必须辅之以严整齐一的礼法、威严绝对的君师以及合理 合礼的功利等诸多外在依据方为可能。 虽然荀子也极力主张“为己之学” ,但是其“礼法并重”的为 学致思路向会不可避免地将道德自律置换成他律,随之德性伦理 也将为规范伦理所取代;同时,荀子对君师之德之才一厢情愿的 虚构无疑又为君主专制提供理论支持; 另外, 将功利作为个体 “为 学”之动力又会导致功利主义盛行,最终会变功利为道德服务而 为道德成为功利分配之附庸,顺此以往,自律道德将变得了无意 义,其地位会逐渐被边缘化直至消解。 在社会亟需道德自律、人们纷纷呼吁重建“为己之学”的今 天,将荀子的“为学”思想从儒家道德思想中抽取出来作些厘清, 并分析其消极意义,是十分必要的。 关键词:关键词:荀子; “为学”思想;为己之学;性恶论;礼义法度 Abstract The traditional confucianists attach great importance to the doctrine of cultivation. ie. ones understanding of morality and the practice of it . Confucius advocates the principle of the doctrine of cultivation is the one of self- cultivation. Xuncius, who claims himself to be the follower of Confucius, has the greatest esteem for him, and also lays stress on it. However, theres a great distinction between the two. First, Xuncius thought of the doctrine initially does not aim at moral-forming or cultivation of whole man purely. He puts it forward as a means to realize objective, external goal. whats more, his magnificent and thorough social political ideal is based on the doctrine of cultivation for all the humans. Second, in order to stress the importance of the means, Xuncius has to presuppose evil of human nature in the aspects of experience and fact. As it were ,the so-called doctrine of self- cultivation can be fully explained by individuals, but as to Xuncius the next question is how the doctrine can be possible. Xuncius believes, first humans sensory organs and mind can be combined so as to understand the objective world exactly; second, with the help of his inborn materials, human can transfer the principles of the objects to the field of morality by way of reason within the same category. At the same time, Xuncius also regards an individuals innate judgement can not help to bring about the recognition and practice of humanity and righteousness, and regulations; the cultivation of morality must be supplemented with rigorous ceremonial rites and regulations, dignified monarch and masters, and legal, moral utility and other external reliances, which can make it possible. Although Xuncius also advocates the doctrine of self-cultivation, his way of thinking which gives equal weight to both morality and rules by law will unavoidably replace self-discipline with external restraint so that moral ethics will be replaced by regulative ethics; Whats more, his fabrication of monarch and masters morals and talents through his own wishful thinking gives theoretical backing to autocratic monarchy; besides, setting utility as the motivation for individuals doctrine of cultivation will lead to the prevailing of utilitarianism so that utility will give service to morality and morality will become the appendage of utility distribution .If so, self-discipline will become meaningless and its position will be gradually marginalized until it vanishes. When the society is in bad need of self-discipline, and people appeals for re-establishing the doctrine of self-cultivation, it is very necessary to take out Xuncius thought of the doctrine of cultivation from Confucian morality thoughts, and analyze its negative influence. Key words: Xuncius; the doctrine of cultivation; the doctrine of self-cultivation; the theory of evil humanity; ceremonial rites and regulations 1 引 论 引 论 荀子的思想宏富广博,兼采众家之长,集诸子学说之大成, 其文字载体荀子一书洋洋数万言,自成体系。 然而两千多年来,后世对荀子的思想一直有较大的争议,历 代褒贬不一,荀子的历史地位也随着其思想在不同时代的荣辱誉 毁而浮沉升降。荀子最为历代所诟病的似乎是其“人性恶” 、 “法 后王”等思想的提出,以及与屡遭非难的政治家李斯、韩非的直 接师承关系。由于传统儒家倡导“性善论” ,所以批评更为突出地 集中在“人性恶”问题上。如二程谓: “荀子极偏驳,只一句性恶, 大本已失。 ” ( 河南程氏遗书卷十九)明儒胡居仁曰: “荀子只 性恶一句,诸事坏了,是源头已错,本流无一是处,在本原 上已错,故百事皆错。 ” (引自清熊赐履学统卷四十三) 不过对荀子思想大加赞赏的人也有不少。 汉儒董仲舒就曾 “作 书美孙卿” 。刘向把荀子抬到了仅次于孔子的地位,谓“观孙卿之 书,其陈王道甚易行,疾世莫能用,其言凄怆,甚可痛也。 ” (刘 向孙卿新书叙录 ) 。汉代徐干认为荀子“有睿哲之才,祖述尧 舜,宪章文武,宗师仲尼,明拨乱之道。 ” ( 中论审大臣 )清 代有儒者认为: “荀子之学之醇正,文之博达,自四子而下,洵足 冠群儒, 非一切名法诸家所可同类共观也。 ” (谢墉 荀子笺释序 ) 事实上两者之间的争论除了外在政治因素、主观好恶等原因 外,还反映了如何看待儒家思想性质的问题,也即儒家思想究竟 是圣贤们自身修身实践工夫后的体认和记录,还是属于一种理论 主张和知识推理的体系。 有学者认为: “宋儒所要复兴的儒学,最关键的并不是创造了 一种新的儒学知识形态,即以一种道德义理之学去取代汉唐的章 句训诂之学,而是在努力恢复儒学的人文关怀与实践品格” ,就宋 儒所注重的四书而言,它“原本就是圣人们修身工夫与实践 历程的记录,孔子、曾子、子思、孟子等先贤先圣均是终生致力 于修己治人的实践活动,他们在这种修身实践中获得许多感悟和 2 体会,圣贤及其生徒们将这些感悟体认总结记录下来,就成为后 代儒者们所谈到的儒家经典。 ” (朱汉民朱熹四书学与儒家 工夫论 , 北京大学学报 ,2005 年第 1 期) 孔子曰: “古之学者为己,今之学者为人” 。这表明,儒学的 首要任务是以成人成德为目标的“为学”实践,而不是直接着眼 于对某种功利的构图。 宋儒通过自身的实践和 “体贴” , 对孔子 “为 己之学”作出了各自不同的诠释,其学术思想来源于各自以具体 有限的方式独立自主地体悟儒家之“道”后的感触。 “学贵自得” 即是宋儒对孔子“为己之学”的一种体认。因此宋儒所持的“人 性善”之立场应看作是内求于“本心” 、 “心性本体”之后的一种 “自得” ,是对其汲汲以求的“道”之本然状态的一种复述。 后来清代学者改变了宋明儒者从本体论角度审论荀学得失的 做法,转而在方法论问题上理解人性论,把思孟一派的“本然之 善”和宋明理学
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