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Teaching aims: 1.to undertand the importance of oral English. 2. to get to know how to improve oral English. 3. to master some speaking skills when speaking English. 4. to foster students interest and confidence in speaking English. Reading aloud n English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the world. It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India, Singapore, and many countries of the Pacific island. n In these places English is often used as a second language. English is also used as an important international language in many other countries, like China and Japan. People in these countries use it for business. Other people may learn English because they enjoy reading books in English, listening to British or American music or watching American films. 模仿朗读评分标准(20”) 档 次 语语语语音音语调语调语调语调语语语语速与内容速与内容 分值值标标 准分值值标标 准 A10-12发发音清晰、准确, 语调语调 正确、自然, 语语流连贯连贯 、流畅畅 8按原语语速,且内容完整 B7-9发发音基本准确,语语 调调基本正确,语语流 尚为连贯为连贯 5-7基本按原语语速,漏几个词词 C4-6部分音素发发音不正 确,语调语调 不连贯连贯 , 语语流有不连贯现连贯现 象 2-4基本按原语语速,漏一些词词 D0-3大部分的音素发发音 不正确,语调语调 不正 确,语语流不连贯连贯 0-1不能按原语语速,漏整句或很 多词词 Question nHow to perform well when reading aloud? nperfect pronunciation nspeaking speed na confident and fluent voice nspeaking skills 5 Speaking Skills 弱读 reduction 重读 stress 语调 intonation 停顿 pause 连读 liaison loss of explosion 失爆 6 Speaking Skills 弱读 reduction 重读 stress 语调 intonation 停顿 pause 连读 liaison loss of explosion 失爆 语调(intonation) n模仿朗读下列句子,注意语调的正确把握。 n1)Do you come here a lot? n2)Please stand in the line. n3)Shes got a stomachache, a sore throat, and a temperature. n4)You speak English, dont you? 英语的基本语调包括: 升调 (rising tone)表示语义未结束,不肯定 和降调 (falling tone)表示语义完结,语气肯定 n1.升调(rising tone):表示“未完结”、“不 肯定” nCan you come to us for lunch? nDo you like reading novels? nSo long(再见)! nStand up,please. nYou know her? 升调主要用于: 一般疑问句(general question),带有疑问语气; 祈使句(imperative sentence),表示委婉、客气; 陈述句(declarative sentence),表示疑问,不肯定或 不耐烦等。 语调(intonation) 2.降调(falling tone):表示语义完结 ,与语气肯定 The birds are singing in the trees. Tell me all about it. When shall I give you the book? Leave the book on the desk. What a beautiful picture! 语调(intonation) 主要用于陈述句(declarative)、特殊疑问句(special quesion)、祈使句(imperative)(表命令)、 感叹句(exclamatory)。 n3.前升后降调:主要用于: n(1)选择疑问句(alternative question)。 nWhich do you prefer, tea or coffee? n(2)以状语或状语从句(adverbial clause)开头的 句子。 nIn my opinion,he is perfectly right. n(3)计数(count)或列举(list)。 nOne,two, three and four. nI want a pen, a ruler and some paper. n(以 and 相连的几个并列的词或短语, and 前 面的都读升调,其后的读降调) 语调(intonation) n 4.前降后升:主要用于带有疑问语气的反意疑问句 n (disjunctive question)。如: nYou havent finished it, have you? nThe movie wasnt interesting(), was it()? 语调(intonation) 对话(Pairwork)注意使用正确的语调 nA: What a nice day! Lets go to see a film! nB: What kind of film do you like? comedy, n thriller, romance, or fighting? nA: I like comedies most of all. nB: (at the cinema )Do you like coke or coffee? nA: Coffee please. Dont drink too much coke. nB:(after the film)The film was interesting, wasnt it? nA: Yes, it was. Thank you for inviting me here. nB: Youre welcome! So long! 朗读(注意语调) n English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the world. It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India, Singapore, and many countries of the Pacific island. Reading aloud n English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the world.It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India, Singapore, and many countries of the Pacific island. 语调(intonation) Reading aloud n English is spoken as a first language /by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the world. /It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India,Singapore, and many countries of the Pacific island. 停顿(pause) 停顿(pause) 讲英语或读英语时,尤其是遇到长句时,适当 的停顿很重要。停顿并非随心所欲读累了就停 ,而要根据意群(sense group)(句子中构成相 对独立完整的意思的语言单位)来停。 意群可以是一个词,一个短语,也可以是并列 句中的一个分句或复合句中的一个主、从句等 。 n一般来说,段与段之间的停顿时间最长,其次 是句与句之间的停顿,最后才是句子内部意群 之间的停顿, n句子意群的划分主要由以下三个因素决定: n1. 意思联系的紧密程度: n 一般来说,一个短语或一个简短的从句就 是一个意群。在意思联系紧密的短语或从句 之后,应该有一个短暂的停顿。停顿符号常 用“/”表示。 n 例: I see animals/in the zoo. 停顿(pause) n2. 语速: n 语速快的时候,意群可长些;语速慢的时 候,意群可短些。 n 如: Most of us dont like playing football. n 语速较快时,这句话可以划分为一个意群 。语速较慢时,可以划分为 n 两个意群。 n 如: Most of us dont like playing football. 停顿(pause) / n3. 句子的长度: n(1)短句可以看作一个独立的意群,在后面有一个短 暂的停顿。 n 例:She is fine. n(2)长句一般要划分成两个或两个以上的意群,具 体原则如下: n 从句或短语放在句子开头作状语的可以独立划 分为一个意群,在 n 其后可短暂停顿。 n 例:1.After knowing what happened, he went to the hospital immediately. 停顿(pause) / / n 2 .What he said is very important. n 3. The majori
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