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in 26 cases, long-term measures to implement the rate is 77% deployed 40 couples free pre-pregnancy health checks. -Balanced development of education. I attach great importance to control fits and starts work, to ensure that school-age children to school on time, hope dream poor students go to school to help poor students, help students complete nine years of compulsory education. Township school-age children enrollment rate up to 100%. -Home to poverty alleviation work in order. Complete the rural minimum living standard security system and the effective connection between pro-poor development policies, establish the Township poor electronic records and paper file documentation work, and cooperate with the superior unit holders, such as the statistical work of the poor masses. As of now, I enjoy the low 94 families, a total of 305, 44310 rural minimum living standard security issued organization 7 operational training full-time staff with disabilities participated in the County Federation organized 15 disabled people to participate in free training in farming skills; organization of 14 patients with cataract receiving free checks, participate in the examination will now undergo surgery had been successful. -Waste management policy in place. Seriously implement the subsidy policies such as direct subsidies for grain, returning farmland to forests this year agriculture agricultural policy subsidies total 554940, of which: farmers direct subsidies for grain 389880; reforestation subsidies 165060. -Comprehensive management of public security work steadily. Full implementation of the measures for comprehensive management of social security, increasing crackdown on all illegal and criminal activities. As of now, my alarm 30 received, 7 all kinds of disputes, mediation successfully 6; State criminal case 3, case 7, has been investigating the 7. -Stabilisation work of letters and calls for further strengthening. Received mass petitions from 10 successful mediation, 8, investigation 1, collective skipping appeal event does not occur. Meanwhile, further strengthen publicity and mobilization work, carried out in schools, kindergartens and surrounding environment group woven fire safety and food safety 6 times, 1 traffic safety publicity and education, legal literacy, drug pictures and materials via issuing 600 and guard against cult of special publicity activities 2 attended by 300 people, mixture of anti-evil propaganda 70. Advancing the law of six thematic activities, through the easy way, with the film projectionist the village broadcast education 44, 3600 people returning to watch. -Further development of spiritual civilization construction work. Evening leisure time, organizations in the elderly in the rural culture of Hui Xiang Hui fitness dance square, greatly enriched the lives of the masses. Use of Arbor Day, 51 labor day, May Fourth youth day festivals, organize the education campaign for the festive, educational guide people to foster patriotism, socialism, collectivism and strengthen love and loyalty to the party, firmly follow the party go . Implementation of the one gang double responsibility established number one responsibility, team member management works. Five are team building. Open-minded, innovative ways to meet the actual needs of target, combining education and political education in party lecture, unified planning, unified plan, take active measures to enhance cadres quality and ability. (B) a solid foundation steadily promoting the construction of润达财(2012)1号关于印发青海润达物流有限公司内部财务会计控制制度和青海润达物流有限公司内部会计管理制度的通知各子分公司、各部门:为了贯彻执行会计法和铁道部铁路会计基础工作规范推进我公司加强内部管理,规范财务会计行为,进一步加强会计基础工作,确保国有资产保值增值,根据青藏铁计财函200427号文件,关于印发建立健全公司内部财务会计制度和公司内部会计管理制度若干意见的通知及计财监管200976号文件关于严格执行铁路会计基础工作规范通知要求,结合本公司实际重新修订青海润达物流有限公司内部财务会计控制制度和青海润达物流有限公司内部会计管理制度请各子分公司、各部门认真贯彻执行。附件:1、青海润达物流有限公司内部财务会计控制制度2、青海润达物流有限公司内部会计管理制度 二一二年五月一日 附件1:青海润达物流有限公司内部财务会计控制制度财务机构的内部控制1、 按照规定,设置青海润达物流有限公司计财部,遵照回避制度的要求,分设计财部长、稽核、出纳、材料核算、固定资产核算、工资核算、成本核算及决算报表等岗位。2、 公司计财部依照规定及标准进行会计核算,实行会计监督,任何人不得以任何方式授意、指使、强令财务人员违法办理会计事项。财务人员有权对违规的会计事项予以纠正、制止并向上级领导反映。3、 明确职权范围,严格落实财务内部不相容的岗位分离,即付款与制证分离,银行印签与各种银行票据分离,制证与稽核分离,形成层层把关,互相监督的内控体系。4、 根据规定,公司领导班子成员的直系亲属不得在本公司会计机构中担任负责人;会计机构负责人的直系亲属不得在本公司同一会计机构中担任出纳工作。5、 各岗位会计人员实行2-3年进行轮换制,促进财会人员的业务能力整体提高。6、 根据规定严格执行持证上岗制度,没有取得从业资格证书的人员不得从事财会工作。7、 建立健全对银行票据及有价凭证的管理制度。 计财部长每月一次进行抽查银行票据的使用情况,并于月度终了对未使用完的银行票据进行盘点。 8、设立兼职人员(计财部指定一名会计员)负责财务信息化的管理。财务会计信息化质量的内部控制1、 一切经济业务的审批必须自下而上最终由公司第一管理者一支笔审批(差旅费报销可由主管领导审批)。2、 财会人员对原始凭证必须认真审核,根据合规的原始凭证填制记账凭证,记账凭证必须经稽核人员审核盖章(稽核人员外出时,计财部长负责稽核工作)再交计财部长审批。对手续不全的付款业务,出纳员不得付款。
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