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Confucianism on Chinese impact The analects of confucius What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. If a man take no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. Keep what you say and carry out what you do. 己所不欲,勿施于人。 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 言必信,行必果。 人无远虑,必有近忧。 1. Representative of Confucianism 2.Introdunction of Confuciansim 3. Influence of Confucianism 1. Representative of Confucianism Confucius Mencius(孟子) XunZi DongZhongshu Confucius(551-479 B.C.) First/given name: Qiu (丘) social/academic name: Zhongni (仲尼) lived from 551 to 479 B. C. during the Spring and Autumn Period. A great thinker, political figure, educator ,philosopher Symbol of Chinese culture. The founder of Confucianism Advocated “Benevolence”、” righteousness”、” moral”、 ” Wisdom ”、”trustworthiness” When I am fifteen, I aspired to learn. At thirty, I can be independent. At forty, I am not deluded. At fifty, I knew my destiny. At sixty, I knew truth in all I heard. At seventy, I could follow my hearts desire without overstepping the line. (吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺, 七十而从心所欲,不逾矩) (372-289BC) Mencius is the representative of Confucian during the Warring States. He was a Chinese philosopher who is the most famous Confucian after Confucius. He inherited the Confucianism,and made it further more systematic. (312230 BC) Xunzi is another Confucian philosopher who lived during the Warring States period. He believed mans inborn tendencies need to be curbed through education and ritual. (179104 BC) Dong zhongshu ,who is a Han Dynasty Chinese scholar, promoted Confucianism as the official ideology of the Chinese imperial state. He advocated “oust others doctrines,the overwhelming Confucianism”(罢黜百家,独尊儒术) 2.Introdunction of Confuciansim A school of thought represented by Confucius and Mencius. A set of moral and social values designed to bring ways of man and government in harmony with each other and with the universe. Theory that man is an integral part of nature The canon of Confucianism The Four Books :The Great Learning The Doctrine of the Mean The Confucian Analects The Works of Mencius The Five Classics :The Book of Song The Book of History The Book of Rites The Book of Changes The Spring and Autumn Annals 四书:大学、中庸、论语、孟子 五经:诗、书、礼、易、春秋 Basic Confucian Beliefs: Man is good, if good examples are set for him Filial Piety - devotion, loyalty to family Obedience and respect for authority Key Principles of Confucian Teaching: 1.Social order and stability are based on unequal relations between people 2. Family is the pillar of the country and the society. 3.Proper social behavior consists of not treating others as you would not like to be treated yourself. Core ideology of Confucian ren (仁): benevolence to others the root yi (义): righteousness by justice the trunk li (礼): moral ways of conduct the branches zhi (智): wisdom the flower xin (信): trustworthiness the fruit In acient China,confuciansim was understood as the core of human civilization . Now,it still provides abundant resources to morden people,such as,the benevolence and the educational thoughts. Confucian culture and its values has become an important factor in the spirit of the Chinese nation, has long been popular on the man, doing things and the founding of the famous, and depicting a spread to every corner of the social life. 3. Influence of Confucianism Undoubtedly, it also contains some dross . Three Cardinal Guides ruler guides subject 君为臣纲 father guides son 父为子纲 husband guides wife 夫为妻纲 But we can not give up, where the essence. Take the essence and discard the dregs ren (仁): benevolence to others the root yi (义): righteousness by justice the trunk li (礼): moral ways of conduct the branches zhi (智): wisdom the flower xin (信): trustworthiness the fruit temperance Responsibility peaceful Filial piety Confucianism is extensive and profound. It has and will always cause significant influence to our culture 、social norms、 politics、and behavior. benevolence righteousness moral trustworthiness wisdom 报告人:王 凯
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