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Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。(臧克家) 叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。 She is like a red rose. He is a thorn in the flesh. 10.1 Defining rhetoric 修辞是指那些通过语言材料组合出来、从语言意义或词汇意义上超脱常规、从形式或内容上造成一种超脱寻常文字和文法、超脱寻常逻辑思维的语言手段。 比喻 - metaphor 明喻 - simile 委婉 - euphemism,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,10.2 比喻(隐喻)与 metaphor 计算机病毒,山腰, 山脚 ,社会是个大染缸 No man is an island. The Society is a sea. 1) Defining metaphor Edward P. J. Corbett: An implied comparison between two things of unlike nature that yet have something in common. A Dictionary of Literary Terms: It is a figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another.,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,2)Common character of English & Chinese metaphors Source: Sally is a block of ice. We have to go our separate ways. Love is a two-way street. Pattern: 本体(object) 喻体(vehicle / image) A是B A像B An atom is a solar system. Encyclopedias are like gold mines. Metaphor is solar eclipse.,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,Function: Argument is war. 建筑是凝固的音乐。 心理价位 买保值公债 返回公积金 解套 平仓 反弹 月亮- 地球的妻子,姐妹,还是女儿? 即使我国有资金技术,能在1520年基本建成一个大体覆盖全国的“仓库”和“货流”,但有无足够的“小汽车”和“驾驶员”,足以在这样的“高速公路”上“奔驰”?,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,3) The different features of English & Chinese metaphors 人生是舞台 / 人生如梦 / 人生是旅行 / 人生如战场 / 人生是盘棋 Life is a game. / Life is gambling. / Life is a journey. / Life is a battle. God, to me, it seems, Is a verb Not a noun, Proper or improper. (Buckminster Fuller) Scotland is like a noun adjective that cannot stand without a substantive.,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,君子是水,小人是油。 水,视之清澈;触之凉爽,容易蒸发;尝之味淡,一抿即过。水之为用,肮脏的能洗之使洁净;凡所至处,面目一新。水性能容油,一壶沸水中倾入一瓶油,不会激炸,然亦各自分别,绝不相混。水诚为君子也。 油,视之混浊,透明度差;触之滑腻,附着力强;尝之味浓,滞留齿舌。油之为用,洁净的能污之使肮脏;凡所浸处,从此结垢。油性不溶水,一锅沸油中滴入一滴水,立刻激炸,必定猛烈排除,绝不妥协。油真是小人哉。,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,中年可能是一条精密的流水线中年可能是一辆公共汽车中年可能是一张旧船票中年可能是一只风筝中年可能是渴望中年可能是莫斯科郊外的晚上” 有人叫她熟食铺子(charcuterie),因为只有熟食店会把那许多颜色暖热的肉公开陈列;又有人叫她真理,因为据说真理是赤裸裸的。鲍小姐并非一丝不挂,所以他们修正为局部的真理。,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,Similarity and difference from the view of aesthetics Money is the lens in a camera. Juliet is the sun. (Romeo) “O, my love is like a red, red rose, Thats newly sprung in June; O, my love is like the melodie, Thats sweetly played in tune. Cupids arrow 出水芙蓉 沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,4)Principles for paraphrasing metaphorical utterances (1) definition Sam is a giant. Sam is big. (2) noticeable feature Sam is a pig. Sam is filthy, gluttonous, sloppy and so on. (3) condition You have become an aristocrat. You have just received a huge promotion. (4) figurative,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,The parliament was addled. His brain is addled. (5) idiomatic saying Richard is a gorilla. Richard is mean, nasty, prone to violence. He is a fox. 他是个老狐狸。 她是个狐狸精。 (6) sensibility The hours crept (crawled, dragged) by as we waited for the plane. 10.3 明喻与Simile as cunning as a dead pig as wise as Solomon as white as snow,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,Trite similes and novel similes Another danger is not giving enough thought to the wording- and trotting out stale images that dull rather than enliven the description; dead as a doornail, playing your cards right, and so on. These no longer evoke an image in the mind of the reader or listener, though they might provoke a yawn. 1) as as 2) like teeth like pearls, memory like sieve, to drink like a fish Examples of creative and novel similes: his posture clumsy like that of an intoxicated panda, wound his belly in a slow and obscene grind. But still they talked and still they laughed, as though deaf with cotton in dirty ears.,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,忠厚老实人的恶毒,像饭里的沙砾或者出骨鱼片里未净的刺,会给人一种不期待的伤痛。 船上的法国人像狗望见了家,气势顿长,举动和声音也高亢好些。 自己没有文凭,好像精神上赤条条的,没有包裹。,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,10.4 委婉语and euphemism 欠安 走了(死了) be in the heaven 1)Defining euphemism euphemismos, eu: well, pleasant, good; -pheme: speech Substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. (Websters New Collegiate Dictionary) 婉转、婉曲: 指的是不能或者不愿直截了当地说,而闪烁其辞,转弯抹角,迂回曲折,用与本意相关或相类的话代替。(汉语修辞学1983) 2) The feature of euphemism Vagueness is the soul of euphemism.,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,3) The origin of euphemism perspire expectorate 4)The several fields in which euphemism is used (1) about death pass away, close ones days, fall asleep, join the great majority, pay the debt of nature, depart to God, be no more, expire, decease, breathe ones last, go top a better world, go to Heaven, be with God shuffle of this mortal coil It seemed to him that life was but a trouble, at best, and he more than half envied Jimmy Hedges, so lately released.,Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric,mortuary cemetery (2) about age, looks and physical defects sunset years twilight years golden years Here is Ethel. She i
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