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成人三级英语考试总复习(考前辅导专用)目 录语法专项训练4不定式汇集8词汇分类28阅读部分理解技巧(一)39阅读部分理解技巧(二)46作文讲解55作文样本(一)62作文样本(二)67学位英语高频单词一览表72词汇短语及常用搭配汇集81语法专项训练语法专项训练一、词汇和语法结构题型中常考词汇: (一)虚拟语气 (下列词汇后面的从句谓语动词都使用虚拟语气)宾语从句:(下列动词后接宾语从句,从句谓语动词使用should do 的形式,should可以省略)order命令,demand要求,require要求,request要求,direct命令,指示,command 命令,urge要求, suggest建议,advise建议,propose建议,recommend推荐,insist坚持要求, 主语从句:(下列形容词后接主语从句,从句谓语使用should do 的形式,should可以省略)vital重要的,important重要的,essential必要的,imperative紧急的,必要的,obligatory必要的,necessary必要的, unnecessary不必要的,impossible不可能的,strange奇怪的,natural自然的,advisable可取的,fitting合适的,proper合适的,appropriate合适的,desirable 可取的,合意的 Examples:It is essential that all the facts should be examined first. 把所有的事实先核查一遍是必要的。I thought it advisable that an armed guard should stand in readiness. 我认为全副武装的警卫人员立正站好是十分必要的。He ordered that all the books should be sent at once. 他要求把所有的书立即邮寄出去。【典型例题】1. I suggest that the students each _ a plan for the summer vacation. A) would make B) will make C) make D) made2. Bills English teacher recommends that he _ a regular degree program. A) begin B) begins C) will begin D) is beginning3. It is urgent that the police _ about the traffic accident occurred on the highway. A) are noticed B) will be noticed C) were noticed D) be noticed4. I demand one of you _ back to attend the conference.A) must hurry B) will hurry C) hurried D) hurry 5.We required that the machine parts _ cast iron.A). is made of B). be made from C). be made of D). is made by答案:CADDC40如何解答时态问题例1:Youve already missed too many classes this term. You _ just last week. A. missedB. would missC. had missedD. have missed例2:Anne asked Tom _ the key. A. when he leftB. where he had left C. how he left D. why did he left考试重点:一、与完成时有关的时态现在完成时 (have done) since, for/ in the past few months, up to now例1:Collecting toy cars as a hobby becomes increasingly popular during the past fifty years. 在过去的五十年里,收集玩具汽车作为一种嗜好变得越来越流行。例2:English _ in a new way at my college in the past few years. A. has been taught B. was being taught C. have been taught D. had been taught. 过去完成时 (had done)例3:Anne asked Tom _ the key. A. when he leftB. where he had leftC. how he leftD. why did he left例4:The chemistry class_ for five minutes when we hurried there. A. had been onB. had begunC. has been onD. would began将来完成时 (will have done) by例5:Were late I expect the film_ by the time we get to the cinema. A. had already started B. have alreadyC. will already have started D. have already been started. 现在完成进行时 (have been doing)例6:It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right.A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking过去完成进行时 (had been doing) 将来完成进行时(will have been doing )例7:By the time you arrive this evening, _for two hours. A. I will studyB. I will have been studiedC. I had studied D. I will have been studying.3. 在时间和条件状语从句中不用将来时态用一般现在时代替一般将来时例1:When the mixture_, it will give off a powerful force. A. will heatB. will be heatedC. is heatedD. has heated例2:please be sure to telephone me the next time you _. A. will comeB. would comeC. shall comeD. come用现在完成时代替将来完成时例3:Smith is to study medicine as soon as he_ military service. A. will finishB. has finishedC. finishD. would finish注意:例4:No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she_ them. A. triesB. will tryC. are tryingD. have tried4. 考试小窍门考试中如果遇到与完成时态相关的选项,要重点加以研读,一般说来是正确答案。二、情态动词1. 几个情态动词的否定式的含义cant may not mustnt needt 2. 表示推测的几个情态动词用法must表示肯定的推测,意思是“一定” +do 对现在情况的推测must +have done 对过去情况的推测例1:I _ asleep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the night. A. might fallB. must fallC. must have fallenD. can have fallen cant/couldt表示否定的推测,意思是“不可能” +do 对现在情况的推测 cant/couldnt +have done 对过去情况的推测 may/might not表示可能性很小的推测,意思是“也许” +do 对现在情况的推测 may/might +have done 对过去情况的推测3. 情态动词的完成时虚拟语气的用法neednt have done should have done should not have doneought to have done could have done 4. 考试小窍门在遇到情态动词加完成时和情态动词加原形同时出现的情况下,一般说来情态动词加完成时是正确答案。 Must do Must have done 三、虚拟语气考试重点:1. 条件句中的虚拟语气例1:I would ask George to lend us the money if I _ him. A. had knownB. have knownC. knewD. would know 选C虚拟语气:1. 与现在事实相反的假设:虚拟条件句:If +主语+动词的过去式(be动词用were)主句:主
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