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心脏的传导系统由以下几部分组成心脏的传导系统由以下几部分组成 窦房结窦房结 SA nodeSA node 结间束结间束 internodalinternodal atrialatrial pathwayspathways 房室结房室结 AV nodeAV node 希氏束希氏束 AV bundleAV bundle 右束支右束支 right bundle right bundle branchesbranches 左束支左束支 left bundle left bundle branchesbranches Purkinje Purkinje 纤维网纤维网 Purkinje Purkinje systemsystem (三)正常心电图波形(三)正常心电图波形 normal electrocardiographic complexesnormal electrocardiographic complexes 正常心电图波形正常心电图波形 normal electrocardiographic complexesnormal electrocardiographic complexes l l P P波表示心房除极化波表示心房除极化 P waves signal P waves signal depolarization of the atriadepolarization of the atria l l QRS QRS 综合波表示心室的除综合波表示心室的除 极化极化 QRS complexes signal QRS complexes signal depolarization of the depolarization of the ventricleventricle l l T T和和U U波由心室复极化形波由心室复极化形 成成 T and U waves arise form T and U waves arise form ventricular ventricular repolarizationrepolarization 单击左图窦房结单击左图窦房结(S-AN)(S-AN) S-ANS-AN A-VNA-VN (四)心电图导联(四)心电图导联 leads of the ECGleads of the ECG 胸前导联(胸前导联(precordialprecordial leads leads) V V 2 2V V 3 3 V V 1 1 V V 4 4 V V 6 6 V V 5 5 前前 正正 中中 线线 锁锁 骨骨 中中 线线 腋腋 前前 线线 腋腋 中中 线线 包括包括V V 1 1 、V V 2 2 、V V 3 3 、V V 4 4 、V V 5 5 、V V 6 6 导联导联 胸前导联(胸前导联(precordialprecordial leads leads) V V1 1 胸骨右缘第胸骨右缘第4 4肋间肋间fourth fourth intercostalintercostal spacspac at the right at the right sternalsternal border border V V2 2 胸骨左缘第胸骨左缘第4 4肋间肋间fourth fourth intercostalintercostal spacspac at the left at the left sternalsternal border border V V3 3 V V 2 2 与与V V 4 4 连线的中点连线的中点equidistant between Vequidistant between V 2 2 and Vand V 4 4 V V4 4 左锁骨中线与第左锁骨中线与第5 5肋间相交处肋间相交处 fifth fifth intercostalintercostal space in the left space in the left midclavicularmidclavicular lineline V V5 5 左腋前线左腋前线V V 4 4 水平处水平处 left anterior left anterior axillaryaxillary line, in the same horizontal plane as Vline, in the same horizontal plane as V 4 4 V V6 6 左腋中线左腋中线V V 4 4 水平处水平处 left left midaxillarymidaxillary line, line, in the same horizontal plane as Vin the same horizontal plane as V 4 4 二、心电图的临床应用二、心电图的临床应用 Clinical application of the ECGClinical application of the ECG (一)心电图的测量方法(一)心电图的测量方法 d determination method of the ECGetermination method of the ECG (二二)正常心电图)正常心电图 normal ECGnormal ECG (三)心房与心室肥大三)心房与心室肥大 atrialatrial and ventricular hypertrophy and ventricular hypertrophy (四四)心律失常)心律失常 cardiac arrhythmiascardiac arrhythmias (五)心肌缺血、损伤和心肌梗死五)心肌缺血、损伤和心肌梗死 myocardial ischemia injury an myocardial myocardial ischemia injury an myocardial infarctioninfarction (六)电解质与心电图六)电解质与心电图 electrolytes and the ECGelectrolytes and the ECG (七七)洋地黄与心电图)洋地黄与心电图 digitalis and the ECGdigitalis and the ECG (二)正常心电图(二)正常心电图 normal ECGnormal ECG 心电图综合波、间期和段的检心电图综合波、间期和段的检 测测 determination of ECG complexes, determination of ECG complexes, intervals, and segmentsintervals, and segments 定标电压定标电压1cm1cm1mV1mV,纵坐标每一小格纵坐标每一小格 0.1mV0.1mV 横坐标每横坐标每1 1大格分为大格分为5 5小格,每小格小格,每小格0.04sec0.04sec 每每1 1大格大格0.2sec0.2sec 心率的检测心率的检测 determination of the heart ratedetermination of the heart rate R-RR-R间距为间距为0.6sec0.6sec,心率心率60600.60.6100100次次 /min/min 心心 率率 100 100 次次/min/min 正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解 diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and segmentssegments 正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解 diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and segmentssegments 1. 1.波:表示心房除极化,宽度不超过波:表示心房除极化,宽度不超过 0.11sec0.11sec;振幅在胸导联不超过振幅在胸导联不超过0.25mV0.25mV,胸胸 导联不超过导联不超过0.20mV0.20mV 正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解 diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and segmentssegments 2. PR2. PR段(段(PR segmentPR segment):):反映心房的复极过反映心房的复极过 程及房室结和房室束的电活动,正常为程及房室结和房室束的电活动,正常为 正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解 diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and segmentssegments 3. P-R3. P-R间期(间期(P-R intervalP-R interval):):P P波与波与P-RP-R段合段合 计为计为P-RP-R间期,正常为间期,正常为0.120.120.20sec0.20sec P-R interval 正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解正常心电图综合波、间期和段的图解 diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and diagram of ECG complexes, intervals, and segmentssegments 4. QRS4. QRS波群(波群(QRS intervalQRS interval):):表示心室的表示心室的 除极化,正常为除极化,正常为0.060.060.10sec0.10sec,最宽不超最宽不超 过过0.11sec0.11sec QRSQRS波群波群 正常人正常人V V 1 1 、V V 2 2 导联多呈导联多呈rSrS型,型, RVRV 1 1 1。aVRaVR导联的导联的QRSQRS主波向下,主波向下, 可呈可呈QSQS、rSrS、rSrrSr 或或QrQr,RaVRRaVR(2 2 )。)。 正常正常P P波宽度波宽度 (1 1)。常见于二尖瓣病变,)。常见于二尖瓣病变, 称为称为“ “二尖瓣型二尖瓣型P P波波” ”。 R.A.R.A. L.A.L.A. R.A.R.A. L.A.L.A. V V 1 1 1 1 2 2 右心房肥大右心房肥大 right right atrialatrial hypertrophy hypertrophy P P波尖锐高耸,在波尖锐高耸,在、aVFaVF导联表现导联表现 最为突出,其电压最为突出,其电压 0.25mV0.25mV,V V1 1 P P波可呈 波可呈 双向,双向,P P波宽度并不增加,但电压波宽度并不增加,但电压 0.15mV0.15mV ,称为肺型称为肺型P P波。常见于慢性肺源性心脏波。常见于慢性肺源性心脏 病和某些先心病。病和某些先心病。 R.A.R.A. L.A.L.A. R.A.R.A. L.A.L.A. V V 1 1 双侧心房肥大双侧心房肥大 biatrialbiatrial hypertrophy hypertrophy P P波尖锐高耸,在波尖锐高耸,在、aVFaVF导导 联表现最为突出,其电压联表现最为突出,其电压 0.2
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