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最新adobe photoshop cs6快捷键大全 ps6快捷键集合(PS图象处理软件最新Adobe CS6快捷键大全PS6快捷键集合)PS图象处理软件快捷键技巧大全CS61、工具箱(多种工具共用一个快捷键的可同时按【移】加此快捷键选取)矩形、椭圆选框工具【M】裁剪工具【C】移动工具【V】套索、多边形套索、磁性套索【L】魔棒工具【W】喷枪工具【J】画笔工具【B】像皮图章、图案图章【的】历史记录画笔工具【Y】像皮擦工具【E】铅笔、直线工具【N】模糊、锐化、涂抹工具【R】减淡、加深、海棉工具【O】钢笔、自由钢笔、磁性钢笔【P】添加锚点工具【+】删除锚点工具【-】直接选取工具【一】文字、文字蒙板、直排文字、直排文字蒙板【T】度量工具【U】直线渐变、径向渐变、对称渐变、角度渐变、菱形渐变【G】油漆桶工具【K】吸管、颜色取样器【我】抓手工具【H】缩放工具【Z】默认前景色和背景色【D】切换前景色和背景色【X】切换标准模式和快速蒙板模式【问】标准屏幕模式、带有菜单栏的全屏模式、全屏模式【F】临时使用移动工具【Ctrl】临时使用吸色工具【ALT】临时使用抓手工具【空格】打开工具选项面板【进入】快速输入工具选项(当前工具选项面板中至少有一个可调节数字)【0】至【9】循环选择画笔【】或【】选择第一个画笔【移】+【】选择最后一个画笔【移】+【】建立新渐变(在”渐变编辑器”中)【Ctrl + N】【】2、文件操作(需要经常用到的快捷键)新建图形文件【Ctrl + N】【】用默认设置创建新文件【Ctrl + Alt +】【】【N】打开已有的图像【Ctrl + O】【打开为【Ctrl + Alt +】【】【O】关闭当前图像【Ctrl + W】【】保存当前图像【Ctrl +【】的】另存为【Ctrl +转移+【】【】的】存储副本【Ctrl + Alt +【】【】的】页面设置【Ctrl】+【移】+【P】打印【Ctrl + P】【打开”预置”对话框【Ctrl + K】【显示最后一次显示的”预置”对话框【ALT + CTRL +】【】【K】设置”常规”选项(在预置对话框中)【Ctrl + 1】【】设置”存储文件”(在预置对话框中)【Ctrl + 2】【设置”显示和光标”(在预置对话框中)【Ctrl + 3】【设置”透明区域与色域”(在预置对话框中)【Ctrl + 4】【设置”单位与标尺”(在预置对话框中)【Ctrl + 5】【设置”参考线与网格”(在预置对话框中)【Ctrl + 6】【】外发光效果(在”效果”对话框中)【Ctrl + 3】【】内发光效果(在”效果”对话框中)【Ctrl + 4】【】斜面和浮雕效果(在”效果”对话框中)【Ctrl + 5】【】应用当前所选效果并使参数可调(在”效果”对话框中)【一】3、图层混合模式(建议进阶时常用,这也是正常的使用顺序)循环选择混合模式【ALT】+【-】或【+】正常【Ctrl + Alt +】【】【N】Threshold (bitmap mode) Ctrl + Alt + LDissolve Ctrl + Alt + ICtrl + Alt + QClear Ctrl + Alt + RCtrl + Alt + MScreen Ctrl + Alt + SStack Ctrl + Alt + OSoft Ctrl + Alt + FIntense light Ctrl + Alt + HColor Dodge Ctrl + Alt + DColor deepen Ctrl + Alt + BDarken Ctrl + Alt + KBrighten Ctrl + Alt + GDifference Ctrl + Alt + EExclude Ctrl + Alt + Xhue Ctrl + Alt + USaturation Ctrl + Alt + TColor Ctrl + Alt + CCtrl + Alt + YRemove sponge Tool + Ctrl + Alt + JPlus color sponge tool Ctrl + Alt + AThe Dodge / darkened Burn Tool + Ctrl + Alt + WThe middle to light / Burn Tool + Ctrl + Alt + VHigh light dodge / deepen Tool + Ctrl + Alt + Z4, select function(this is also the shortcut key that is often used, whether its beginner or Master)Select all Ctrl + ADeselect Ctrl + DRe select Ctrl + Shift + DEclosion selection Ctrl + Alt + DReverse select Ctrl + Shift + IEnter of a path change selection digital keyboardLoad selection Ctrl + by layer, path, channel panel reduction in map filterMake the last filter Ctrl F on the last parameterFade the effect of the last filter (Ctrl) + Shift FRepeat the last filter (adjustable parameter) Ctrl + Alt + FSelection tool (in the 3D change filter) VCube tool (in the 3D change filter) MBall tool (in the 3D change filter) N column tool (in the 3D change filter) CTrackball (in the 3D change filter) RPanoramic camera tools (in the 3D change filter) E5, view operations(combined with actual operations, many of which are rarely used)Display color channel Ctrl +Display monochrome channel Ctrl + digitalDisplay composite channels Preview (switch) Ctrl + CMYK YTurn on / off the gamut warning Ctrl + Shift YZoom view Ctrl + +Reduce view Ctrl + Full canvas display Ctrl + 0Actual pixel display Ctrl + Alt + 0Scroll up a screen PageUpScroll down a screen PageDownScroll to the left Ctrl + PageUpScroll to the right Ctrl + PageDownScroll up 10 units Shift + PageUpScroll down 10 units Shift + PageDownScroll to the left, 10 units Shift + Ctrl + PageUpScroll to the right, 10 units Shift + Ctrl + PageDownMove the view to the upper left corner HomeMove the view to the lower right corner EndShow / hide selection area Ctrl + HShow / hide path Ctrl + Shift + HShow / hide ruler Ctrl + RShow / hide the reference line Ctrl + Show / Hide Grid Ctrl + Attach Shift Ctrl +;Locking reference line Ctrl + Alt + Stick mesh Ctrl + Shift + Show / hide the palette panel F5Show / hide the color panel F6Show / hide the layer panel F7 display / hide the info panel F8Show / hide the action panel F9Show / hide all command panels TABShow or hide all outside the toolbox palette Shift + TABWord processing (in the text tool dialog box)Left justified or top aligned Ctrl + Shift + LAlign Ctrl Shift + CRight justified or bottom aligned Ctrl + Shift + RLeft / right to choose 1 characters Shift + -
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