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leading cadres awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to two lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that two is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the third revolution the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. Two is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the two is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the the old way didnt work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass convincing and identityBehind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. Two is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. Giving up two effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility to know to music , good changes, in parallel with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in two learn a do in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted three strict three real topic education from key minority to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be组织学与胚胎学五年制本科教学大纲课程编号:课程名称:组织学与胚胎学英文名称: Histology And Embryology总 学 时: 70学时(理论课:42学时;实验课:28学时)学 分: 4学分适用对象: 预防医学、临床医学、临床医学(肿瘤方向)、麻醉学、医学影像学、医学检验、眼视光学、口腔学、法医学组织学是研究正常人体微细结构与功能的学科,胚胎学是研究个体发生和发育规律的学科。组织学与胚胎学是医学中的重要基础课之一,是医学生的必修课程,许多后续课程如生理学、病理学、免疫学、妇产科学的学习都需要以组织胚胎学作为基础。随着科学技术的发展,现代组织学的研究,从细胞水平向超微水平、分子水平不断深化,并与生物化学、免疫学、病理学、内分泌学、生殖医学、优生学等相关学科相互交叉渗透,很多重大的课题都与组织学、胚胎学密切相关,因此,学好组织胚胎学对于医学生学习其他医学课程有重要的意义。组织学与胚胎学教学,强调对学生基本理论、基本知识、基本技能的培养,并以形态与功能相结合、局部与整体相统一的辨证唯物主义观理解人体的组织结构,同时适当反映国内外有关的最新科学进展,介绍新成就,另外还对组织学与胚胎学学科中重要的专业英语词汇作介绍,为学生阅读外文期刊奠定基础。由于组织学是一门形态学科,因此讲课中贯彻理论联系实际原则,并开设实验课,实验课以学生观察组织切片为主,辅以示教、模型和多媒体课件等电化教学,增强学生理解记忆。学生通过学习本门课程后,掌握组织学与胚胎学的基本理论、基本知识与基本技能,培养思考问题和分析问题的能力,为学习其他医学基础课和临床课打下坚实的基础。第一章 组织学绪论目的要求:一、掌握:组织学的研究内容及意义。二、熟悉:HE染色、嗜酸性、嗜碱性的概念;PAS反应的意义。 三、了解:1、石蜡切片制作的基本过程和方法;电镜技术的基本原理;组织化学术的基本原理;细胞培养和组织工程的原理。2、组织学的学习方法。学时安排: 2学时教学内容:一、基本概念或关键词:组织、HE染色、嗜酸性、嗜碱性、PAS反应。二、主要教学内容1、组织学研究的内容和意义2、组织学技术简介(1)光镜技术:石蜡切片制作的基本过程和方法;HE染色;嗜酸性、嗜碱性、中性的概念。(2)电镜技术:透射电镜和扫描电镜术的基本原理;电子密度的含义。(3)组织化学术:一般组织化学的基本原理;PAS反应的含义;免疫组织化学术的基本原理;原位杂交术的基本原理。(4)放射自显影术(5)图像分析术(6)细胞培养术和组织工程3、组织学的学习方法对组织学内容的审视角度;平面与立体的统一;形态与功能的统一;注意归纳和比较,培养观察能力和空间思维能力。第二章 上皮组织目的要求:一、掌握:1、上皮组织的特性。2、单层上皮及复层扁平上皮的结构特点、分布与功能。二、熟悉:1、细胞连接的结构特点及功能。2、基膜的位置、结构与功能。3、质膜内褶、半桥粒的结构特点与功能。三、了解:1、复层柱状上皮、变异上皮的结构、分布和功能。2、腺上皮、腺的概念。学时安排:2学时教学内容:一、基本概念或关键词:内皮、间皮、微绒毛、纤毛、连接复合体、基膜。二、主要教学内容 1、上皮组织的特性(组成、结构特点、分布、功能及再生能力)2、上皮组织的分类3、被覆上皮:(1)单层上皮:单层扁平上皮、单层立方上皮、单层柱状上皮、假复层纤毛柱状上皮的结构、分布与功能。内皮、间皮的概念。(2)复层上皮:复层扁平上皮(角化的复层扁平上皮、未角化的复层扁平上皮)、复层柱状上皮、变移上皮的结构、分布与功能。4、细胞表面的特化结构:(1)上皮细胞的游离面:微绒毛、纤毛的概念、结构与功能。(2)上皮细胞的侧面:紧密连接、中间连接、桥粒、缝隙连接的结构特点与功能。(3)上皮细胞的基底面:基膜的位置、结构与功能;质膜内褶、半桥粒的结构特点与功能。5、腺上皮和腺的概念;内分泌腺和外分泌腺的概念。第三章 结缔组织目的要求:一、掌握:1、结缔组织的特性。2、疏松结缔组织成纤维细胞、巨噬细胞、浆细胞、肥大细胞的结构与功能。二、熟悉:1、疏松结缔组织胶原纤维、弹性纤维、网状纤维的特性、化学组成和功能。2、疏松结缔组织基质的化学组成、分子结构特点和功能。三、了解:1、脂肪细胞、未分化的间充质细胞的结构特点和功能。2、致密结缔组织、脂肪组织、网状组织的结构特点和功能。学时安排:2学时教学内容:
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