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position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of two not phenomenon rendering four a features: a is positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants duty consumption of many two phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to keep a car, but also dependants, leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or电大【钢结构】www.dda123.cn 形考作业答案一、单项选择题1下列关于我国目前的钢结构设计说法正确的一项是( C )A 全部采用以概率理论为基础的近似概率极限状态设计方法B 采用分项系数表达的极限状态设计方法C 除疲劳计算按容许应力幅、应力按弹性状态计算外,其他采用以概率理论为基础的近似概率极限状态设计方法D 部分采用弹性方法,部分采用塑性方法2按承载力极限状态设计钢结构时,应考虑( C )A荷载效应的基本组合B荷载效应的标准组合C荷载效应的基本组合,必要时尚应考虑荷载效应的偶然组合D荷载效应的频遇组合3在结构设计中,失效概率与可靠指标的关系为( B )A 越大,越大, 结构可靠性越差 B 越大,越小,结构可靠性越差C越大,越小,结构越可靠 D 越大, 越大,结构越可靠4下列钢结构计算所取荷载设计值和标准值,符合钢结构设计规范的一组是 ( B )A计算结构或构件的强度、稳定性以及连接的强度时,应采用荷载标准值;B计算结构或构件的强度、稳定性以及连接的强度时,应采用荷载设计值;C计算疲劳和正常使用极限状态时,应采用荷载标准值;D计算疲劳和正常使用极限状态时,应采用荷载设计值。5塔架和桅杆的结构形式属于( A )A高耸钢结构 B板壳结构 C轻型钢结构 D大跨结构6相同跨度的结构承受相同的荷载,普通钢屋架的重量为钢筋混凝土屋架的( B )A1/31/2 B1/41/3 C1/201/10 D1/301/207在构件发生断裂破坏前,具有明显先兆的情况是( B )A脆性破坏 B 塑性破坏 C强度破坏 D失稳破坏8钢材的设计强度是根据( C )确定的A比例极限 B 弹性极限 C屈服点 D 抗拉强度9钢材的三项主要力学性能为( A )A抗拉强度、屈服点、伸长率 B抗拉强度、屈服点、冷弯性能C抗拉强度、冷弯性能、伸长率 D冷弯性能、屈服点、伸长率10钢材的伸长率是反映材料( D )的性能指标。A承载能力 B抵抗冲击荷载能力C弹性变形能力 D 塑性变形能力11钢结构对动力荷载适应性较强,是由于钢材具有(C )A良好的工艺性 B良好的冷弯性能 C良好的韧性 D良好的可焊性12四种厚度不等的16Mn钢钢板,其中( A )钢板设计强度最高A16mm B20mm C25mm D 30mm 13钢中硫和氧的含量超过限量时,会使钢材( B )A变软 B热脆 C冷脆 D 变硬14以下关于应力集中的说法中正确的是( B )A应力集中降低了钢材的屈服点 B应力集中产生同号应力场,使塑性变形受到限制C应力集中产生异号应力场,使钢材变脆 D应力集中可以提高构件的疲劳强度15钢材在低温下,冲击韧性( B )A提高 B降低 C不变 D不能确定16钢材经历了应变硬化(应变强化)之后( A )A强度提高 B塑性提高 C冷弯性能提高 D可焊性提高17下列因素与钢构件发生脆性破坏无直接关系的是( A ) A钢材屈服点的大小 B钢材的含碳量 C负温环境 D应力集中18钢材的疲劳破坏属于( C )A弹性破坏 B塑性破坏 C脆性破坏 D低周高应变破坏19对钢材的疲劳强度影响不显著的是( C )A应力幅 B应力比 C钢种 D应力循环次数20沸腾钢与镇静钢冶炼浇注方法的主要不同之处是( C )A冶炼温度不同 B冶炼时间不同 C沸腾钢不加脱氧剂 D两者都加脱氧剂,但镇静钢再加强脱氧剂二、判断题1钢结构在涂刷油漆前应
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