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铜公加工方法及注意事项(Copper processing methods and matters needing attention)Copper processing methods and matters needing attention-Number rich - providing the most advanced CAD/CAM technology, www.datafu.comBefore writing the knife path, after the stereo drawing is finished, the center of the picture is shifted to the coordinate origin, and the highest point is moved to Z=0, so that the copper can be processed, and the copper spark position can be processed with negative reserve.Before processing, it is necessary to check whether the clamping direction of the workpiece is the same as that in the computer, whether the position is correct in the mold, whether the fixture is blocked, and whether the direction of the front die and the die match. Also check whether the tools you use are complete, the standard in the meter, and so on.Matters needing attention in processing copper:Determine the spark position, the general juvenile Gong (ie, Jing Gong) reserve amount of 0.050.15, rough male 0.20.5, specific spark size can be made by master die.Copper public no processing of the dead corner, whether it is necessary to dismantle one more scattered public?.The tool path arrangement of copper processing industry in general is: large (flat knife) rough - knife (knife) clearance angle ? use knife knife surface light.Rough teachers with a flat knife is not a knife, knife with a knife after rough, then the shape of light to the number, then use knife light surface large, and small knife light surface dont plan, for some small angle and with a knife to the dead can not processing sword knife cutting range limit in order to avoid air knife, live too much.Copper Gong, especially the young male, is of higher precision, and the tolerance is usually 0.0050.02, and the distance is 0.050.3. When you open the crude copper knife a knife Liu Qiu, which will shape copper rough deep a knife radius.Copper should also be processed in the middle of the school table benchmark, spark discharge to correct copper work, general school three faces (upper, lower, left, right) processed copper workers must have three datum plane.The copper material is easy processing materials, cutting speed, speed can be fast, rough, leaving 0.20.5 as the workpiece machining allowance, depending on the size, machining allowance, rough cutter path can quickly improve the efficiency. Empirical parameters for processing copper material:Tool size12356101220Feed rate (FEED, rate)50200(50100)200500(50300)5001000(200600)10002000(6001000)Spindle speed (SPINDLE)Three thousand30002500(24001200)25002000(1200700)15002000(600250)Note: the brackets for high speed steel on steel material parameters when coarse, above cutting speed refers to the rough, to light the shape of F=300500, F for 50200 steel knife.The problem of roughing the front die,The first public copper map in the front view side view in rotating 180o which become the front mold figure, plus a pillow, PL surface; the original body to die before leaving the place, do not use the method of the lens body will turn into the Copper drawing die drawing, sometimes wrong (when copper public figure X the Y direction are asymmetric). Before the mold processing has two difficulties: relatively hard materials; not easily die before welding, not wrong.Before the mold rough with a knife with copper work principle is similar to that of rough, coarse knife sword, sword, knife knife knife, but before the mold should be with machetes, knives do not use too small, easy to play knife, rough usually with a knife (rough), try to use the knife round nose because of this knife, knife is enough big, powerful, a parting surface before the mold processing, often encounter a problem, when the knife parting surface due to penetrating confidential quasi Lou number, and the cavity to the machining allowance remain 0.20.5 (leaving out sparks). This can be the mold cavity surface toward the forward correction 0.20.5, the surface in the writing path, the machining allowance is set to 0.Before the mold rough or knife is usually limited to take the knife, remember you set is the center of the cutting tool, the tool range is not the boundary of the range is not a knife processing, and a tool radius.Before the mold rough tool path method is commonly used in surface trench, parallel light knife. The front surface of the front die is machined with the pillow surface generally machined to a predetermined number, while the contact face can leave 0.1 allowance for the matching of dies.Problems often encountered after machining dies:After the original body, or die insert of two, with the same steel after die die material, material is hard, should try to use a knife knife processing, road sur
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