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牛津高中英语模块10Unit 2模块10Unit2课文1教学Title: Population mobility in the USATeaching:Step1Scanning the text and do exercise A at p.18Step 2.Reading in detail*Read the text and do EX.C1,C2Step 3.Discuss some language pointsPara1译:In this edition of AmericanPara2注释1 at p.67*on the move*people aged 60 and over 60岁及60岁以上的人Para3译:This group accounted for nearly 18 per cent of the states population.这个人群大约占该州人口的18。*解释; 说明; 指数量等占; 打死, 击落*to form a particular amount or part of somethingAfro-Americans account for 12% of the US populationPara4注释2at p.67The question is why are so many people retiring and spending their pensions.?*特殊句型Why 引导的倒装句式作表语从句,让表达更口语化。Para 5*Also, snow can turn into ice, which is easy to slip on.不说 snow can be turned into ice,后也,on which it is easy to slip on.Para6*However, as the number of older Americans movingcater to them.*cater to sb照顾人们的需要cater to迎合,投合Serious newspapers do not cater to peoples love of scandal. 严肃报纸不去迎合人们对丑闻的爱好。Para7注释3。Recently,there has been a boom in.* there has been a boom in在。方面激增Para8Step 4 Summery and consolidation参考答案1.people aged 60 and over 60岁及60岁以上的人2.pack ones bags 打点行囊3.head south向南进发4.account for nearly 18 per cent of the states population. 大约占该州人口的185.spending their pensions花某人的养老金。6.look for communities of older people 寻找老年人之间的交流7.make sense 有道理8.the national minimum retirement age 这个国家最早的退休9.reduce the risk of slips and falls减少跌倒的风险10.adaptations such as these 这样的改进11.get good medical care 得到好的医疗12.there has been a boom in在。方面激增13.my own flesh and blood 我自己的骨肉14.across the USA整个美国15.seek excitement 寻找刺激16.speak with one voice 用同一个声音说17.a top accountant 一个顶尖的会计师18.a database clerk 一个数据库职员20.head for big cities 搬(走,前)往大城市模块10unit2课文2教学(蔡林忠)The title: the wandering RomaTeaching procedure:I.Reading comprehension.Read the text and answer the following the following.1. Where did Roma live originally?*.in northern India in an area that is now Pakistan.2How did the Roma make a living?.through. their basket making, metal working and by entertaining others.3. What was the Romas living habit?Wandering about. not having have a fixed place.4.Where did the Roma move after leaving India?*to European countries, such as Egypt, then Eran and Hungary. And then through a chain of countries: Spain,France Germany and England.5.Why did the Europeans not welcome the Roma?*not having a good reputation.*the collision of cultures between Europeans and the Roma6.Why did the Roma pretend to be pilgrims during their travel?They had to survive.7.When was the darkest time for the Roma ?Why?*in the 1930s*Because the Nazis classified the Roma as a dangerous group and plotted to wipe them out.8.How are the Roma going now?*Modern nations have finally begun to recognize the Roma as a unique group.II. Discuss some language pointsPara.1注释7 at 68*be associated with 和。有联系;和。有关联At the time, I was associated with him in a large law firm.当时我跟他一起在某一大律师事务所工作。Para2【译】Frequent moving made it difficult for the Roma to find work, so they supported themselves through their basket making, metal working and by entertaining others.Para3The Roma left India in several waves beginning in AD 1200,.*经过几次浪潮。Para4Although the Roma have developed differently,is a tendency to live in closed groups.紧密群居的倾向。The Roma have traditionally resisted,rather thanrather than*而不是She is a career woman rather than a housewife. 她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。She is pretty rather than attractive她是漂亮,而不吸引人。*与其.倒不如She is not so beautiful as charming. (=She is charming rather than beautiful.) 与其说她美倒不如说她迷人。*宁可.也不愿(prefer torather than.)prefer to die rather than surrender宁死不屈It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up.生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。*By refusing to submit to any government, the 由于拒绝屈从任何政府。* submit to屈服,屈从于I submit to his wishes.我顺从他的意愿。Are you prepared to submit to my decision?他准备对我的决定让步吗?Para6.*Throughout their travels,the Roma experienced problems.在旅途中,罗姆人遇到了 许多问题*As these ideas spread ,Europeans made it clear that they did not want the.Para7This worked for some time until until it became known that most of the Roma这在一段时间的确起到了一些作用Para8*This collision of cultures between Europeans and the Roma led many countries to make laws removing rights from*Some countries did more than limit their rights.banning the Rome.远不止是限制他们的权利。禁止出现*注释9* at 68 without a fair hearing 没有公平的申诉Para9* laws concerning the Roma 与罗姆人有关的法律concerning关于They show great anxiety concerning their retirement allowance.他们对自己的养老金问题显得十分焦虑。Let me see all the official documents concerning the sale of this land. 让我看看买卖这块土地的所有官方文件。*注释10 at p.68Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma took to illegal behaviourPara10.This was at its worst in the 1930s.cla
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