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精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Shallow talk about adverbial modifier subordinate clause to be applied mediumly in the university entrance examAbove all, the concept of adverbial modifier subordinate clause. The subordinate clause that can have adverbial effect is called adverbial subordinate clause. Because adverbial main effect is the adverbial modifier of appropriative sentence, also call adverbial modifier subordinate clause so (Adverbialclause) . Main adverbial modifier subordinate clause is 13 kinds according to semantic relation cent: Subordinate clause of time adverbial modifier (Clauseoftime) ; Subordinate clause of place adverbial modifier (Clauseofplace) ; Subordinate clause of reason adverbial modifier (Clauseofreason) ; Subordinate clause of purpose adverbial modifier (Clauseofpurpose) ; Subordinate clause of result adverbial modifier (Clauseofresult) ; Subordinate clause of degree adverbial modifier (Clauseofdegree) ; Subordinate clause of conditional adverbial modifier (Clauseofcondition) ; Subordinate clause of means adverbial modifier (Clauseofmanner) ; Subordinate clause of concessional adverbial modifier (Clauseofconcession) ; Compare adverbial 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询modifier subordinate clause (Clauseofcomparing) . Current, every year in the university entrance exam different adverbial modifier subordinate clause is met appear in examination questions of the university entrance exam, check a place or compare what we can see adverbial modifier subordinate clause from which much. For example: 1._hecomes, wewon Tbeabletogo. A.WithoutB.UnlessC.ExceptD.Even2.Thehorseisgettingoldandcanrun_itdid. A.asfasterasB.sofastthanC.sofasterasD.asfastas3.Shetoldus_storythatweallforgetaboutthetime. A.suchaninterestingB.suchinterestingC.soaninterestingD.asointeresting4.Thisyeartheyhaveproduced_grain_theydidlastyear. A.aslessasB.asfewasC.lessthanD.fewerthan5.Ihurried_Iwouldn Tbelateforclass. A.sinceB.sothatC.asifD.unless6._thedaywenton, theweathergotworse. A.WithB.SinceC.WhileD.As7._sheisyoung, sheknowsquitealot. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询A.WhenB.HoweverC.AlthoughD.Unless8.Althoughheisconsideredagreatwriter, _ . A.hisworksarenotwidelyreadB.buthisworksarenotwidelyreadC.howeverhisworksarenotwidelyreadD.stillhisworksarenotwidelyread9, goandgetyourcoat.It S_youleftit. A.thereB.whereC.therewhereD.wherethere10.-Whatwasthepartylike? -Wonderful.It Syears_Ienjoyedmyselfsomuch. A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.since11.-CanIjoinyourclub, dad? -Youcanwhenyou_abitolder. A.getB.willgetC.aregettingD.willhavegot12.-Ididn Tseeyoursisteratthemeeting. -Ifshe_ , shewouldhavemetmybrother. A.hascomeB.didcomeC.cameD.hadcome13.MotherwasworriedbecauselittleAlicewasill, especially_fatherwasawayinFrance. A.asB.thatC.duringD.if14.ShethoughtIwastalkingaboutherdaughter, _ , infact, iwastalkingaboutmydaughter. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询A.whomB.whereC.whichD.whileThe answer is: 1-5:BDACB6-10:DCABD11-14:ADADFrom which the number that we can see check of adverbial modifier subordinate clause and limits are more extensive, the explanation of illustrative sentence can help following faces we learn and master adverbial modifier subordinate clause better. For example: 1, johnplaysfootball_ , ifnotbetterthanDavid. A.aswellB, aswellasC.sowellD.sowellasThe answer: B. This problem key depends on whether make out sentence medium adverbial modifier subordinate clause. Ifnotbetterthan is More. the comparison of Than structure, insert composition. Basis sentence meaning, blank place As. As compares structural meaning to be “ if not be Bidawei,kick well, it is good to also be kicked euqally with him “ , reason chooses B. Deny an ability with So. As structure, themore. , themore. wait for word guiding, comparing subordinate clause share often is elliptical sentence. Be like: Iknowyoubetterthanhedoes. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Themorewecandoforothers, thehappierwewillbe. 1 2 of on one page issues one page 2._ , motherwillwaitforhimtohavedinnertogether. A.HoweverlateisheB.HoweverheislateC.HoweverD.HoweverlateheisThe answer: DHowever decorates an adjective or adverb is equivalent to Nomatterhow, be like Howeverrichsheis, shealwaysfeelssad. =Nomatterhowrichsheis, shealwaysfeelssad. 3.We Llhavetofinishthejob, _ . A.longittakeshoweverB.ittakeshoweverlongC.longhoweverittakesD.howeverlongittakesThe answer: DHowever of adverb of degree of the subject check guides the usage of adverbial modifier subordinate clause. However=(towhateverdegree) “ no matter arrive what degree “ , after the adjective that place of the However in introductory adverbial modifier subordinate clause emphasizes or adverb should tighten therewith. Be like: HoweverhungryJaneis, shegoesonworking. However still can decorate a verb. Howeveryoutravel, itwilltakeyouatleastthreedays. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Interrogative + the compound use that Ev
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