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Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a-4 Step 1 Lead in1. Ask some Ss some questions :When were you born ? When did you get to school yesterday ? etc.2. Show some exercises.Step 2 Pre-task1. Show the learning goals to Ss.2. Show the picutres of Chopin and Li Yundi to Ss.Guide Ss to use the useful information to describe them.Step 3 While-task1. Guide Ss to finish the task in 3a.2. Ask Ss to read the phrases in the chart .Then have Ss to read the article on their own ,ask Ss to circle any words or phrases they dont understand .Ask Ss to read to the class any words or phrases they circled .Write them on the Bb .Ask other Ss to explain what they mean .e.g. at the age of, take part in, in the 70-year history, spend, alive3. Ask Ss to read the article again and fill in the information in another short passage and correct the answers.4. Ask Ss to use these sentences to start their articles.Step 4 Post-task1. Show 3c to Ss.Read the instructions and ask Ss who they write about .Ask Ss to work on their own .When they finish, ask the Ss to read the article to a partner and to talk about the person in the article .2. Check Ssmemories about the phrases.Step 5 HomeworkFinish 全品Section B2
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