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大工19秋大学英语2(远程英语2)在线测试3-0001试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分)1.They disagreed on how- “liberal”.A.to defineB.have definedC.defining答案:A2.Emotional or mental problems can arise - a physical cause.A.upB.onC.offD.from答案:D3.We have had to adapt quickly - the new system.A.upB.toC.throughD.off答案:B4.If _, the experiment will be successful.A.doing carefullyB.do carefullyC.did carefullyD.carefully done答案:D5.Before-, turn off all the lights.A.leftB.leavingC.leavesD.have leaving答案:B6.The sofa will serve - a bed for a night or two.A.upB.onC.offD.as答案:D7.We should - the issue from a historical perspective.A.realizedB.realizeC.did I realizeD.I答案:B8.Hard work is essential -.A.to successB.sucesses.C.successingD.success答案:A9.At the risk of - my ignorance, how exactly does the Internet work?A.showsB.showingC.showedD.show答案:B10.The new technology was applied - farming.A.toB.thatC.outD.off答案:A11.Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.A.invitingB.invitedC.having invitedD.being invited答案:B12.When first _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A.introducingB.introducedC.introduceD.being introduced答案:B13.Roses need special care _ they can live through winter.A.whereB.whenC.whatD.so that答案:D14.When _, the museum will be open to the public next year.A.to be completedB.completingC.completedD.being completed答案:C15.It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when _ at the meeting by my boss.A.to be questionedB.questioningC.questionedD.having questioned答案:C16.Racism feeds - fear.A.toB.onC.offD.for答案:B17.If _ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.A.givingB.givenC.giveD.being given答案:B注意:答案的顺序有可能和你的题不一样 注意核对答案与选项售后或需要更多联系QQ1192235545 微信同步 18.The famous scientist grew up _ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.A.whereB.whatC.thatD.about答案:A19.I have to say that we get along-each other quite satisfactorily.A.withB.upC.offD.as答案:A20.There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East-West.A.upB.onC.offD.and答案:D二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)21.Telephone is now a household necessity.答案:正确22.She regularly contribute about write the college magazine.答案:错误23.The availability of public transport is also part of the equation.答案:正确24.We wish you health, happiness, and prosperity.答案:正确25.His tone changed dramatical when he saw the money.答案:错误26.The fact contradict his theory.答案:错误27.It was greedy of them to eat up all the candy.答案:正确28.Preference will be given to graduates of this university.答案:正确29.What he said turned out to be the very reverse of the truth.答案:正确30.We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey.答案:正确
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