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精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询The enlightenment that courteous principle composes to report of case of foreign trade EnglishSummary: depended on the stand or fall of verbal intercourse effect, successfully greatly the control of pair of courteous principles and apply. Business affairs letter serves as a kind of method of intercourse, below the guidance of courteous principle, good to building business dealings concerns, the success of stimulative commerce, have huge reality sense. The article was made at this point discuss. Keyword: Sentence of vocabulary of principle of courtesy of foreign trade letterThe communication of letter of business affairs English is a character not just, the communication of information, also be psychological communication. Be in different language setting, when different psychology accepts the foreign trader of habit and different culture setting to undertake effective communication, the requirement of decent sex is must. One, about courteous principle精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询20 centuries 80 time, english linguist benefit is strange (G.N.Leach, 1983) the point of view that learns from rhetorical, type of writing sets out, put forward famous “ courteous principle “ . He raises 6 levels of courteous principle, among them every criterion includes two second criterion. (1) politic criterion: Make other damage the least; Make other indebted the biggest. (2) munificent principle: Make oneself indebted the smallest; Make oneself damage the biggest. (3) recognition principle: Endeavor to narrow to other derogate; Endeavor to exaggerate the praise to other. (4) modest criterion: Endeavor to narrow the praise to oneself; Endeavor to exaggerate to oneself derogate. (5) approve of criterion: Endeavor to narrow oneself is opposite the difference of other, endeavor to exaggerate the accord between oneself and other. (6) sympathize with a principle: Endeavor to narrow oneself is opposite the disgust of other, endeavor to exaggerate the oneself compassion to other. 2, courteous principle writes medium application in report of foreign trade caseReport of case of foreign trade English aims to be composed through business affairs letter, each link of 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询stimulative trade activity undertake effectively. Whether can the person that write use business affairs utterance effectively to achieve “ with character accomplish sth “ the purpose comparatives with respect to what show important. Want effective use this kind of utterance is need strategy. Foreign trade English reflected cooperative principle and courteous principle everywhere in case report, and these principles can know people read and compose practice. (one) vocabulary: 1. personIntercourse person should get on the footing of him park the other side, esteem, show sympathy, recognition the other side makes the other side is benefited as far as possible, make the other side feels his importance is respected, reflect courteous principle thereby. Multi-purpose in style or manner of writing the 2nd person, use the first person less. Such more genuine appearing polite, make with the first person you feel cool. Exemple: Ithinkthatyoudidagoodjobinsellingourproducts. Youdidagoodjobinsellingourproductsinyourarea. Analysis: The first although reasonable, but did not take 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询position of the other side completely. With “ I think “ stripped on certain level the honorary feeling of the other side, however a kind of praise that I give you. The 2nd the period and the comma rises make the client is benefited, reflected courteous principle adequately. Of 2. positive statement applyThe term of affirmative sex emphasizes positive aspect, give a person happy sense, negatory term emphasizes inactive aspect, give a person unpleasant suggestion, because this is when expression,abandon negatory term as far as possible and choose the term of affirmative sex. Exemple 1.Yourimmediateattentionwouldbeappreciate. Exemple 2.PleasenotethatourcontractwillbevaliduntilAugust. Analysis: Be in exemple 1 in, used Appreciate active vocabulary. In exemple 2 in the sentence used Valid and avoid to use privative Terminate, because latter has,lose respectThe application of 3. ambiguous definitiveThe change that one of functions of ambiguous definitive carry rate namely enhances the acceptation of the statement that qualifies or abate. In business affairs letter, if one 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询party produced the job of your person unpleasantness, be like,commerce other one party can be applied Sortof, the language of degree faintness limitation such as Kindof, alleviation mood. Pass adverbial Unfortunately, hardly will change negative tone infirmly. Exemple: Itseemstomethatwearegivinguptoomuchinthiscase. (2) sentence1. is applied when preteritExemple: Ididwonderwhetheryoucouldlowertheprice. When using the past can the seasonable sex of desalt movement, reduce potential face menace. In this example, used auxil
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