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成考英语阅读理解解题方法及技巧探微 成考英语阅读理解短文题材涉及日常生活、科技常识、人物传记等;体裁有记叙文、说明文、应用文等。为了提高学生的英语阅读水平,我作了如下总结: 一、解题步骤 (1)掠读全文。特别注意首尾段、首尾句。 (2)解读题目。定位关键词所在部位。 (3)重叠选项(对照原文),选出答案。 二、阅读方法 (1)掠读。快速浏览全文,抓住文章的话题,归纳主旨大意。 (2)跳读。根据题目的要求,对文章有关细节再进行“扫描”,然后对问题作出判断。(适用于细节题) (3) 细读。逐字逐句地精读有关语段,让“隐含”的意思露出“庐山真面目”。(适用于选标题、隐含性推理) 三、阅读理解常见题型及解题技巧 1细节题 该题型针对某个特定细节而提出,难度较小,通过短文一般能直接找出答案。解题方法: (1)掠读全文,领悟大意。特别要注意以下几方面:六个W(Who,Where,When,What,Which,Why),一个H(How)以及其他特殊之处,比如转折词处;数字,日期,时间等;标点符号比如破折号,括号,省略号,同位语等;表示附加说明的词,比如by the way,besides,whats more,in addition to,including to,as well as,except等;倒装句及加强语气的词,比如above all,mainly,mostly,certainly,indeed,in fact等。 (2)使用排除法去掉不符合原文细节的选项,剩下的就是要选择的最佳答案。 Practice time: I go to the barber every three weeksI dont like very short hair,so my barber doesnt cut muchI have known him for almost four years,and when I go to him,we always talk a lotHe tells me all his news and I tell him mineHe meets a lot of interesting people in his shop and he talks to most of them,so he always has a lot of news for me Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks for his holidays,and when he comes back to England,he has a lot of interesting newsWhile he is cutting my hair,he tells me about beautiful old cities and quiet little villages,strange food and drinks and many other thingsI sit there and listen to the old man with open earsOne minute,my barbers chair is a seat in a French train,and the next minute it becomes a chair in a restaurant in Praise Although my barber is old,he always tries new thingsHe never says,“I have never eaten this food before,so I am not going to eat it now” He says instead,“Try everything once” Choose the best answer: ( )1How long has the author known the barber? AFive years BAlmost four years CAlmost six years DTen years ( )2Where does the barber go for his holiday every year? AEngland BAmerican CGermanyDFrance ( )3Why does the barber never say,“I have never eaten this food before,so I am not going to eat it now”? ABecause he is too old to eat it BBecause he likes to eat CBecause he wants to eat DBecause he always tries new things 2词句理解题 要求正确理解短文中一些关键词、短语或句子的含义。解题方法: (1)根据构词法来辨别词义。(如前后缀、转化法、合成法) (2)利用上下文来分析生词的含义。 常见设问形式: 1The underlined word“ ” in theparagraph refers to/means/stands for 2The expression/phrase“ ”means 3The word“ ”is closest in meaning to Practice 1: I go to the barber every three weeksI dont like very short hair,so my barber doesnt cut much ( ) what does the word “barber” mean? A花匠B学徒 C清洁工D理发师 提示:通过上下文,根据生活经验、生活常识来推理。 Practice 2: A century is a hundred years ( ) What does the word “century” mean? A世纪;百年B一打 C一群 提示:定义或解释说明。信号词:be,be called,means,be defined as等。 Practice 3: Because the little girl was the only child in the family,she was the apple of her parents eye ( )What does the word“apple”mean? A苹果 B掌上明珠 提示:根据上下文中的因果关系。信号词: because,since,as,for,due to,so,therefore,sothat,suchthat,thus等。 Practice 4: He had been getting better,but during the night his condition(情况)deteriorated ( )What does the word“deteriorated”mean? A好转 B恶化 C正常 提示: 通过表示转折的词猜词义。信号词: but,however,yet,otherwise,while ,though等。 3推理判断题 在掌握全文提供的信息的基础上,推断作者的意图、人物的动机、目的、性格特征、事情的前因后果、语气等。解题方法: (1)利用已知信息,进行逻辑推理。 (2)结合一般常识,分析提供信息。 (3)注意表层意思,悟出深层含义。 典型的常用词汇:infer, imply , suggest和conclude;表示推测的情态动词:can,could,would,might 等;表示可能性的副词:probably,most likely等。常用设问形式: 1It can be inferred from the text that 2From the text we know that 3The story implies that 4The passage /story /author /paragraph implies,but does not directly state that 5The Writers attitude towardis Practice time: One day,a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“I need two small mice and about five dozen roaches(蟑螂) and two spiders(蜘蛛)” “What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised “Well,” replied the man,“Im moving out of my apartment(公寓) and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it” ( )The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the apartment(公寓), it was Avery clean Bjust cleaned by the landlord Ctidy and comfortable Ddirty and full of insects 4主旨大意题 这类题型主要测试学生对文章全面理解和概括的能力。比如要求学生确定文章的标题或归纳文章大意。一般不容易在文中直接找到答案。技巧:排除细节或论据,找到各段的主题句。解题方法: (1)确定主题句。如:“for example” “first” “second”等之前的句子中或者 “all in all” “above all” 等之后的句子后。 (2)文章提及最多的就是文章的主旨大意。主题句的特征为:它表达的意思比较概括;一般结构简单;段落中其他句子必定是用来解释、支撑主题句的。 例如,主题句在段首,其后句子是论证性细节。 For example: People have different tastes in foodSome feel that they havent eaten a meal unless they have had
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