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Period 1 Comic strip +Welcome to the unit 学习目标: 1.掌握与电视节目相关的词汇表达2.能用英语表达各种电视节目及收看习惯学习重点:1与电视节目相关的词汇表达2能用英语表达各种电视节目及收看习惯学习难点:能用英语表达各种电视节目及收看习惯课前预习:一、对话理解1. 读 Eddie 和 Hobo 的对话,回答下列问题。1). Will Eddie go shopping with Hobo, why? 2). What kind of things does Eddie like to do?2. 根据对话内容,用相应的词填空Hobo wanted to go shopping today,But Eddie said he was _ too busy _ go with Hobo. He had to watch TV_9:00 _12:00. Then he would like to have lunch and a little sleep _ 2:00_ 7:00. After that, it would be time. Eddie thought a dogs work is never _. 二、英汉词组互译(读一读,记一记)1at dinner time 2have a little sleep 3my least favourite programme 4between and 5从到 6实在太忙 7无事可做 8电视台 9喜欢去购物 10太而不 三、63 页 A 部分:1. 预习下列单词并了解其汉语意思。broadcast _ studio _ distance _2. 试着把左边的单词与右边的句子连线。3. 划出难点,了解其意思。send out_, perform_,control_, a TV station_63 页 B 部分:1. 写出你所知道的电视节目名称,组内成员比赛看谁知道的多。2. 谈谈你最爱的节目,并给出原因。I(dont) like_,because_.四、重点词的用法Im far too busy to go shopping. far 词性 词义 ;far toomuch too,“很,极,太”修饰形容词或副词的原级,far 也可修饰比较级,意为“得多”相当于 much 修饰比较级在这条河里游泳实在太危险了。Its _ _ dangerous to swim in this river. 今年夏天比去年热很多。 It is this summer than last summer.课堂交流展示1、检查预习情况2、63 页 A 部分. 组内成员说出右边的句子,其他成员猜出其所表示的单词e.g: send out programmes on radio or TV-broadcast3、读 comic strip 部分,回答问题:a. Will Eddie go shopping with Hobo?b. Why or why not?c. Does Hobo think Eddie is so busy?d. What kind of things does Eddie do every day?4、 Language points:1. Im far too busy to go shopping. far 词性 词义 转换:I am _ busy _ I cant go shopping.翻译:Dont worry. Your father is far better now.比较:(1).My school is far from the town.(2). How far is it from here to your school?2. Its dinner time.转换:Its time dinner.Its time dinner.6、63 页 B 部分。拓展活动:I like because .I dislike because Homework: Read the dialogue on Page58 and try to recite it Preview the part of “Reading A” Copy and recite the new phrases课 堂 达 标 检 测一、根据提示完成句子。1. Teenagers like _ (看) cartoons.2. Last week Channel 1 _ (广播) the big accident.3. A man who performs in TV programmes is an _.4. The TV programmes are made in those s_.5. My homework is too much. It will never be _ (完成).二、单项选择。( ) 1. The old man was _ busy _ answer my questions. A. so; that B. too; to C. very; that D. such; that( ) 2. Studio is a room where TV programmes _.A. makes B. made C. are making D. are made( ) 3. China has _ Shen Zhou VII successfully.A. sent for B. sent out C. sent up D. sent to( ) 4. He had _ lunch today, didnt he?A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( ) 5.Shall we have a party this weekend?_. Ill go to Shanghai for a meeting.A. Thats a good idea. B. That would be nice. C. Thats all right. D. Im afraid not.三、将下列句子译成英语。1我通常从早晨 8 点工作到晚上 10 点。 2你最喜欢的电视节目是什么? 3今天是星期天,我没有多少家庭作业要做。4他女儿实在太小了,不能给自己穿衣服。 5妈妈的家务活是干不完的Period 2 Reading (1)学习目标: 1 通过阅读,了解文中所出现的四个电视节目的基本情况. 2. 能读懂、听懂 TV guide 通过阅读,了解文中所出现的四个电视节目的基本情况3. 通过阅读电视节目预告,提高学生学习英语兴趣学习重点:能够理解所介绍的四个节目的主要内容及其特点学习难点:根据课文内容简单描述电视节目课前预习:1. 预习 64-67 页生词,掌握其意思及读音。1. weekly _ 2. round-up_ 3. up-to-date _4. cover_ 5. live _ 6. Asian _7. attend _ 8. text_ 9. message_10. concert_ 11.direct_ 12. face_13. 消失_ 14. 最新的、最近的_15. 奖赏_ 2. 读课文,找出不理解的单词、词组以及句子,组内成员互帮解决。3词汇检测(根据英文释义及首字母提示,写出相应的单词。 )1)a person in charge of a film, play, etc. d 2)tell a decision, plans etc. to the public. a 3)a short report of the most important information r 4)the art or progress of taking photos p 5)a performance given by musicians c 4.快读课文,回答以下问题。1) What are the programs on Saturday?2) When and which channels are they on?3) What are they about?5再读文章,回答以下问题。1). If you are not a football fan, how will you feel about this weeks Sports World?2). When will this years Beijing Music Awards be held?3). If you want to vote for your favourite songs or singers, how can you do it?4). Who will
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