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1. _n. 钻石; 菱形 2. _ n. 模式; 式样; 图案 3. _ n. 枝条; 支流; 部门 4. _ n. 毕业文凭 5. _ n. 冠军称号 单词拼写 championship diamond pattern branch diploma 6. _ n. 奖学金; 学问 7. _ n. 悲伤; 悲痛; 懊悔 8. _ n. 指南针; 圆规 9. _ vt. 传达; 运送 10. _ v 交换exchange scholarship sorrow compass convey 11. _vt. 发起 n. 赞助人 12. _ adj. 具体的 13. _ adj. 赤裸的; 稀少的 14. _ adj. 空白的 n. 空白 15. _ adv. 最后; 终于eventually sponsor concrete bare blank (A)单词派生 1. _ adj. 矛盾的 _v. 与矛盾; 发生矛盾 _ n. 矛盾 单词拓展 contradiction contradict contradictory 2. _ adv. 灵活地 _adj. 灵活的; 易弯曲的; 柔韧的 _ n. 灵活性flexibility flexibly flexible 3. _n. 盐 _ adj. 含盐的; 咸的 4. _ n. 结束; 终止 _ adj. 无穷的; 无止境的 salty endless end salt 5. _n. 最低限度 adj. 最小的 _n. 最大限度 adj. 最大的 maximum minimum 6. _ adj. 可转化的; 可改革的 _v. 转化; 转换; 改革; 变换 _ n. 转化; 改革; 变换 transformation transform transformable 7. _adj. 适当的 _ adj. 不适当的 _ adv. 适当地 _ n. 适当; 合适 appropriateness appropriate inappropriate appropriately 8. _adj. 黑暗的; 昏暗的 _ n. 黑暗; 漆黑 9. _ v. 使温暖 adj. 温暖的 _ n. 暖和; 温暖warmth warm darkness dark 10. _n. 钢琴 _ n. 钢琴家; 钢琴演奏者 pianist piano (B)灵活运用 1. Believe it or not, having a diet that is too _(salt) is bad for our health. 解析: 作表语用形容词。 2. When the _(piano) finished playing, the audience clapped for five minutes. 解析:作主语用名词。 salty pianist 3. I keep getting _ (contradict) advice some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it. 解析:作定语用形容词。 contradictory 4. In fact, the words that English speakers use in their daily conversations are quite simple but they can use them _ (flexible), which makes Chinese students envy a lot. 解析:作状语用副词。 flexibly 5. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work, people come into contact with each other and by collective activities, they find friendship and _(warm). 作宾语用名词 warmth 6. She became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old. Since then she lived in a world of _(dark) and silence, and communication seemed only a dream for her. 解析:作介词宾语用名词 darkness 1. _用完 2. _发出; 放走 3. _测试; 试验 4. _尤其; 特别 三、短语翻译 in particular run out of let out try out 5. _由构成 6. _让悲伤的是 7. _轻松; 从容; 不紧张 8. _把转化成 /变成 transform .into . be made up of to ones sorrow take it easy 1. 在众多爱好中, 我特别喜欢写诗。 1.Among various kinds of hobbies, I like writing poems in particular. 2. 当然, 我对构成一首诗的押韵词还是很熟 悉的。 2.Certainly, I am quite familiar with rhyming words that make up a poem. 短语运用 3. 平时当我有时间的时候, 我经常尝试写诗。 3.In my daily life when I am free I often try out writing some poems. 4. 然后我把这些诗都转化成英文形式并背诵 下来, 这样我可以学到很多有趣而灵活的语言 4.Then, I transform the poems into English and recite them, from which I can learn a great many interesting and flexible words and expressions. 5. 让我郁闷的是, 有时候我词穷以致什么都 写不出来。 5. To my sorrow, sometimes I run out of all my words and nothing can be written by me then. 6. 但我从来不紧张, 等有了灵感再写。 6. But I just take it easy all the time and I will go on when inspiration comes to me. 1.Others try to convey certain emotions. 2. 而有些诗则试图传达某种感情。 convey v. 传达,表达(思想、感情)(= express ) convey ones feelings 表达某人的感情 convey sth. to sb. 把传达给;把(土地、 财产等)转让给 (1)言语无法表达我当时是多么高兴。 _ (2)请向你父母转达我最美好的祝愿。 _ Words cant convey how delighted I was. Please convey my best wishes to your parents. 2. take it easy =take things easy 从容; 不 急; 放松 联想 as easy as ABC极其容易; 非常简单; 轻 而易举 Easier said than done. 说比做容易。 Easy come, easy go. 来得快, 去得快。 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 心脏病发作后, 他得好一段时间里不能太 过操劳了。 After his heart attack, he had to _ _ for a while. 别紧张, 告诉我们发生了什么事。 Just _and tell us what happened. take things easy take it easy 3. run out (of) =use up/have no more of 用完; 耗尽 提示:run out “被耗尽; 被用完”; 用进行时 表示“快要用完了”。 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 在他父亲到来前他的钱已用完了。 _ _before his father came. His money had run out / He had run out of his money 汽油快用光了。 _ 我的护照已经失效了。 My passport _ . The petrol is running out./We are running out of the petrol. has run out 4. be made up of =consist of 由 组成/构成(不能用于进行时) 提示:be made up of的主动形式是 make up。 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 天空和大海构成了一副和谐的画面。 Sky and sea _ a harmonious picture. 我班由21名女生和34名男生组成。 Our class _ _. is made up of 21 girls and 34 boys make up 5. transform (B6 P11) 运用 用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式 填空。 E-mail _ (transform) the way people communicate in the past few years. transform/change/turn.into. 把转 换 解析:由in the past few years可知, 要用现在完成时 。 has transformed T
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