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Unit2 Ithinkthatmooncakesaredelicio us! SectionA1a2c 金蛋里有不同的问题,回答问题正确即可得到 奖品 仔细选噢! 35 4 1 2 When do we usually see the above picture? Spring Festival You can play with water happily on the streets. If people throw water at you, youll have good luck. Water Festival. Name the festival shown in the above picture. Mid-Autumn Day When can we see many lanterns in Jiangxi? Lantern Festival This festival is best known for the dragon-boat races. Dragon Boat Festival 一、通过学习,熟练掌握下列词汇:stranger, relative, pound 二、通过问答,学会下列句子: 1. What a great day! 2. Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. 3. Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year. 4. Ive put on five pounds. 三、1.了解世界各地的节日以及庆祝方式。 2. 发表自己对节日的看法。 四、通过谈论节日活动,加深对中国传统文化的理解。 学习目标学习目标 FestivalsActivities Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival Lantern Festival Water Festival Eat dumplings. Have dragon boat races and eat zongzi. Throw water at each other. Make lanterns and hang them up. A: Whats your favorite festival? B: I like A: What do people do during the festival? B: Listen. What are Bill and Mary talking about? They are talking about the Dragon Boat Festival. Listen again and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. 2. Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic. 3. Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year. 4. Bill and Mary believe that theyll be back next year to watch the races. T F T F T F T F Listen again and fill in the blanks A. Ill be back again next year to watch the races! B. How pretty they were! C. theyll have the races again next year. D. it was a little too crowded. Mary: What a great day! Bill: Yes, it was really fun! Mary: What did you like best? Bill: I loved the races! They were really interesting to watch. How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! Mary: Yes, And look at the colors of the boats. _ Bill: I agree! But I guess _ Mary: I dont know I kind of like to have more people around. It makes things more exciting. Bill: Thats true. Oh, and I really liked eating zongzi. Mary: Oh, me too! The sweet ones are my favorite. Bill: I wonder whether _ Mary: Of course! They have them every year. Bill: Then I believe that _ Mary: Me, too! C A D B Mary: What a great day! Bill: Yes, it was really fun! Mary: What did you like best? Bill: I loved the races! They were really interesting to watch. How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! Mary: Yes! And look at the colors of the boats. How pretty they were! Bill: I agree! But I guess it was a little too crowded. Mary: I dont know I kind of like to have more people around. It makes things more exciting. Bill: Thats true. Oh, and I really liked eating zongzi. Mary: Oh, me too! The sweet ones are my favorite. Bill: I wonder whether theyll have the races again next year. Mary: Of course! They have them every year. Bill: Then I believe that Ill be back again next year to watch the races! Mary: Me, too! 模仿秀! 观察与思考: 观察刚才的听力材料,请你来总结一下: 1) What a great day!这一感叹句还可以表达为 _ _ it is! 感叹句用What或How来引导,what修饰名词,how 修饰 形容词、副词或动词,其他部分用陈述句语序。两类感叹句的基 本结构分别是: What +(a / an / adj.) +名词+主语+谓语!如:What an interesting story (it is)! How + adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!如:How tall Yao Ming is! 练一练:The boy is very clever. (改为感叹句) _ _ the boy is! / _ a _ boy he is! How great How cleverWhatclever Pair work I love I think / guess / believe / wonder What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences. 1. Wu Ming and Harry are cousins / strangers / friends. 2. Wu Ming went to Singapore / Hong Kong / Macao for his vacation. 3. Wu Ming visited his relatives / friends / classmates. 4. Wu Ming liked eating out / shopping / the Dragon Boat Festival best. 再听录音,用合适的单词完成 句子 1) Wu Ming has _ _ five pounds, because the food in Hong Kong is _. 2) Hong Kong is a great place for _. 3) _ is a perfect time for Harry to see the boat races in Hong Kong. put on delicious shopping June Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities , but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart. Fun activitiesDownsides Eating out Shopping Dragon Boat Festival put on weight spent money weather is hot 再听一遍录音,将两部分内容 匹配成完整的句子。 Wu Ming believes whether June is a good time. Harry knows that June is a perfect time to visit. Harry wonders that he ate at least five meals a day. Wu Ming thinks that the food in Hong Kong is delicious. 观察与思考 以上后面连线的部分在整个复合句子中作 _ (成 分),我们称之为 _ 从句。当陈述句作为从句时,常 用从属连词 _引导,在非正式文体中可以省略;当一 般疑问句作为从句时,用 _ 或 _ 引导,表示 “_”的意思,不能省略。从句一律用 _ 语序。 练习:用that / whether / if完成句子。 I know _ Li Lei is a good boy. I wonder _ he will come tomorrow. I believe _ the Chin
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