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英语演讲:;The Great Silent Majority;Rihard M。 Nixon: The Great Silent MajoritGood Evening, m fello Amerians。 Tonight I ant to talk to ou on a subjet of deep onern to all Amerians and to man people in all parts of the orld, the ar in Vietnam。 I believe that one of the reasons for the deep division about Vietnam is that man Amerians have lost onfidene in hat their Government has told them about our poli。 The Amerian people annot and should not be asked to support a poli hih involves the overriding issues of ar and peae unless the kno the truth about that poli。 lass=MsoNormalTonight, therefore, I ould like to anser some of the questions that I kno are on the minds of man of ou listening to me。 lass=MsoNormalHo and h did Ameria get involved in Vietnam in the first plae? lass=MsoNormalHo has this administration hanged the poli of the previous Administration? lass=MsoNormalWhat has reall happened in the negotiations in Paris and the battlefront in Vietnam? lass=MsoNormalWhat hoies do e have if e are to end the ar? lass=MsoNormalWhat are the prospets for peae?lass=MsoNormalNo let me begin b desribing the situation I found hen I as inaugurated on Jan。 20th: The ar had been going on for four ears。 Thirt-one thousand Amerians had been killed in ation。 The training program for the South Vietnamese as behind shedule。 Five hundred fort-thousand Amerians ere in Vietnam ith no plans to redue the number。 No progress had been made at the negotiations in Paris and the United States had not put forth a prehensive peae proposal。 lass=MsoNormalThe ar as ausing deep division at home and ritiism from man of our friend, as ell as our enemies, abroad。 lass=MsoNormalIn vie of these irumstanes, there ere some ho urged ithdr*l of all Amerian fores。 From a politial standpoint, this ould have been a popular and eas ourse to follo。 After all, e beame involved in the ar hile m predeessor as in offie。 I ould blame the defeat, hih ould be the result of m ation, on him - and e out as the peaemaker。 Some put it to me quite bluntl: this as the onl a to avoid alloing Johnsons ar to bee Nixons ar。 lass=MsoNormalBut I had a greater obligation than to think onl of the ears of m Administration, and of the next eletion。 I had to think of the effet of m deision on the next generation, and on the future of peae and freedom in Ameria, and in the orld。 lass=MsoNormalLet us all understand that the question before us is not hether some Amerians are for peae and some Amerians are against peae。 The question at issue is not hether Johnsons ar bees Nixons ar。 The great question is: Ho an e in Amerias peae? lass=MsoNormalWell, let us turn no to the fundamental issue: h and ho did the United States bee involved in Vietnam in the first plae? Fifteen ears ago North Vietnam, ith the logistial support of Communist China and the Soviet Union, launhed a ampaign to impose a Communist government on South Vietnam b instigating and supporting a revolution。 lass=MsoNormalIn response to the request of the Government of South Vietnam, President Eisenhoer sent eonomi aid and militar equipment to assist the people of South Vietnam in their efforts of prevent a Communist takeover。 Seven ears ago, President Kenned sent 16,000 militar personnel to Vietnam as bat advisers。 Four ears ago, President Johnson sent Amerian bat fo
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