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社会心理学(social psychology)Psychological counselor notesHe JingThe second chapter, social psychology knowledgeSection 1 OverviewThe second section socialization and selfThird social perception and attributionThe fourth section: social motivation and social emotionFifth attitudesSixth section communication and interpersonal relationshipSeventh section social influenceThe eighth section of love, marriage and familyPsychological counselors (basic knowledge) note includes basic psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology and abnormal psychology part.Section 1 OverviewUnit 1 research objects and scopeThe definition of social psychology focusing on PsychologyF.H. Allport (F.H. Allport): the study of individual social behavior and social consciousness.G.W. Allport (G.W. Allport): social psychology attempts to understand and explain how individuals thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by other peoples reality, imagination and implicit existence.Social behavior:It is a reaction system caused by social factors and influences the society.Include:Individual acquisition behaviorProsocial behavior and antisocial behaviorInterpersonal cooperation and competitionGroup decision making behaviorLewin (K.Lewin) put forward a famous formula in 1936:B = f (P, E)The behavior function relates to the situation where the individual is situatedSocial psychology:It is the intermediary process between social stimulation and social behaviorIts caused by social factorsAnd the psychological activity that has guiding function to social behaviorA brief history of second unit social psychologyThe development of social psychology can be planned for:Speculative stage of PhilosophyEmpirical description phaseEmpirical analysis stageSpeculative stage of philosophy:The philosophical debate around human natureIt can be regarded as the earliest social psychology research.SocratesPlatoAristotleIt can not be proved by empirical method, but not by scientific formBut it has enlightening effect on the later social psychology.The research method of third unit social psychologyThe main principles to be followed in social psychology research:The principle of value neutralityResearchers should adopt a scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, and can not distort and conjecture the objective facts.For some anti social values and some values that cause psychological disorders, consultants should actively intervene and guide.Systematic principleSocial behavior and social psychological phenomenon exist in a system, and its causes and changes have reasons.Many principles in system theory, such as dynamic principle, holistic principle, ordered principle and feedback principle, provide a theoretical perspective and analytical means for social psychology research.Ethical principlesThe study of social psychology often adopts some means to control the situation or the subjects. In view of this, the ethical code that researchers should follow is that:1. researchers should evaluate their moral acceptability in the development of research projects2. before the study, the researcher should explain the main part of the research plan and ask the subjects to agree. In the special case of deception shall be approved by the strict procedures, and afterwards to the subjects that seek to understand.3. in specific research, researchers must take measures to protect subjects.4. subjects had the freedom to quit research.5. the information provided by the subjects should be kept confidential, such as publication, subject to the consent of the subjects.6. no other relationship outside the study should be established with the subjects.Fourth units: the main theoretical schools of social psychology(no test). Slightly)The second section socialization and selfSocialization of the first unitSocialization: the process of individual growth and development from natural person to social man. It is the process of individual interaction with others, accepting social influence, learning and mastering the social role, forming the process of adapting to the social environment of personality, social psychology, behavior style and life skills.Socialization involves two aspects: Society and individual.Socialization of children and adolescents is early socialization.Socialization of adulthood is continuing socialization.Because of the rapid social change, the process of re socialization of individuals is called re socialization. Re socialization also includes the re education of individuals who failed to acquire qualified social members in the process of early socialization and continuing socialization.For example, the reeducation through labor and labor reform system in China is a kind of re
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