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BOOK3 Unit3 Structure Analysis Text Understanding BOOK3 Unit3 Part 1 (para.1-3): The author tells us Japanese and westerners differ in the decision-making approach and introduces what the most important thing is in Japan. Part 2 (para.4-12): The author describes three or four characteristics of the Japanese environment . Part 3 (para.13-17): The author explains that there is a commitment and sense of responsibility which have not yet been discarded in this age of machines and examples are given to illustrate the idea. I. Structure Analysis BOOK3 Unit3 One of the techniques to extend the ideas is making comparison in details. II. Text Understanding BOOK3 Unit3 Paras.1-3 We differ in the decision-making approach. What is the most important thing in Japan? What can it explain? Key It is important which organization you work for. It explains the greater job stability in Japan, in contrast to the great job mobility in America. BOOK3 Unit3 Paras.4-12 Let me try to describe three or four characteristics of the Japanese environment (L11) BOOK3 Unit3 1. I to You VS You to You Westerners: present arguments from their own point of view; sometimes set up confrontation. Japanese: try to understand the other persons point of view; try to reduce confrontation and achieve harmony. BOOK3 Unit3 2. Consensus Opinion VS Bottom-up Direction Westerners: proceed mostly from top management and often do not consult middle management or the worker. Japanese: travel upward through an organization and have an impact on the eventual decision. BOOK3 Unit3 3. Western Communication Style VS Westerners: deadline approach. Japanese: thorough job approach. Westerners: specific decision. Westerners: take time for in-depth planning. Japanese Communication Style Japanese: broad direction. Japanese: move forward, implement the decision. BOOK3 Unit3 Paras. 13-17 There is a commitment and sense of responsibility which have not yet been discarded in this age of machines. (L47) Examples are given to illustrate the idea. BOOK3 Unit3 Nomura Securities: manage to escape the paper traffic jam; most insist on staying until the job is done. Matsushita: become the manager of the sales department; willing to help. Nomura company: payback for workers loyalty and commitment. p Chinese to English p In-Depth Reading p Translation p Language Point p Multiple Choice p Active Expressions BOOK3 Unit3 I. Active ExpressionsI. Active Expressions 1. even if the deal falls through, and will spend whatever time (L39) 2. transactions stay and stay until the job is is done. (L67) 3. the Matsushita Company was having a bad time. (L73) Find out the active expressions: BOOK3 Unit3 Notes to the TextActive Expressions Practice fall stay bad get less or lower; become ; come upon visit in a place; remain; not change; stop the progress no good; doing wrong; serious BOOK3 Unit3 1. He has fallen ill. 2. I hope the weather will stay fine. 3. They arrive at a bad time. 1. 他生病了。 2. 我希望天气能持续放晴。 3. 他们来的不是时候。 Translation More Practice Key BOOK3 Unit3 1. Darkness was falling fast. 2. The government took no step to stay the rise in price. 3. Thats a bad mistake. 1. 天很快黑了下来。 2. 政府未采取措施抑制物价上涨。 3. 那是一个严重的错误。 Notes to the TextActive Expressions Translation Key BOOK3 Unit3 2. n. 1) a group or set of things, esp. buildings a shopping complex 购物中心 a sports complex 体育馆 2)a mental problem an interiority complex 自卑情结 Hes got a complex about his height. 他为自己的身高而烦恼。 II. Language PointII. Language Point complex: (L2) 1. a. made up of several connected parts and often difficult to understand; complicated 复杂的 BOOK3 Unit3 come to grips with: (L3) be at grips with 在认真对付 take a grip on oneself 有自控能力 他讲了很多,但始终没有涉及主题。 start dealing with 着手解决 ExampleExample He talked a lot, but _ _. 当我们舒适地生活的时候,那里的人们在与贫穷 作斗争。 While we are living in comfort, people there _. never came to grips with the key point are at grips with poverty BOOK3 Unit3 at the least (L5) = at least / at the very least 一般说来,便宜没好货。一般说来,便宜没好货。 Cheaper goods are generally of inferior quality. TranslationTranslation Key BOOK3 Unit3 Family MembersFamily Members stability: n. (L6) the condition of being strong, steady and not changing 稳定性 stable: a. 稳定的 stabilize: v. (使) 稳定 stabilization: n. 稳定 stabilizer: n. 稳定器 BOOK3 Unit3 superior adj. (L8) TranslationTranslation a superior actor / adult a superior officer a superior court a superior attitude a superior room a superior musical electronic clock superior education superior imagination superior beef 优秀的演员/优秀(超人一等)的人 上级官员 上级法庭 傲慢的态度 高级客房 精巧音乐电子钟 优质教育 出众的想象力 上等牛肉 1. better than someone or something else 2. higher in rank more BOOK3 Unit3 inferior adj. (L8) not as good as someone or something else 1. 1. 一般说来,便宜没
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