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学习目标:能使用祈使句禁止某种行为,能初步了解复合词。能给指令,能理解公共场所提示标语。能注意公共场所的英语提示标语,学会有礼貌地向别人发出提示,引导学生提高自觉遵守公共规则的自觉性。能在写作中正确使用代词,学会写一篇在公共场所应该做什么和遵守不应该做什么的社会规则,遵守公共道德的一篇文章。课前预习:从方框中选出合适的词完成短文,有的需要变换形式refuse; lose; exhibition; collect; cover; allow; use; steal; position; keepThe British Museum is one of the biggest museums in the world. It has many of Chinas (1)_ _ historical relics(文物). Chinese relics started being (2)_ in 1753 and now come to more than 23, 000 objects, with an important (3)_ in the museum. One exhibition room is (4)_ for Chinese relics only, and the collections covered all of Chinese (5)_. But they arent all on (6)_; nine tenths of them are (7)_ in rooms that people arent (8)_ to enter without special permission. There are also relics from other countries. Most of them were (9)_ years ago, but they are so valuable(珍贵的) that the British Museum (10)_ to return them even though the countries have ever asked to get them back. 课堂练习:Belphegor is a famous French movie. The story takes place in the Louvre Palace. A stone coffin(棺材) is found in Egypt and brought to the famous museum in Paris. As experts are trying to find out its age, a ghostly spirit(鬼魂) leaves the coffin and makes its way into the museums electrical system. An expert, Glenda Spencer, who examines the findings, says that the mummy(木乃伊) inside the coffin is actually the ghostly spirit Belphegor. Lisa, who lives across the street from the museum, one day follows her runaway cat into the museum after closing time. She is accidentally given a shock, and the spirit enters her body. Soon, Lisa takes away some rare Egyptian treasures on display at the museum, because she believes they are hers. As Belphegor is doing many strange things, Verlac, a retired detective(侦探) is asked to find out where the museums Egyptian collections have gone. He finds out the secret after a hard fight with Belphegor. In the end, Belphegor leaves Lisa, and she returns to a normal life. ( )1. The story of the movie takes place in _. A. Hollywood B. London C. Cairo D. Paris( )2. Why does Lisa steal the museums treasures? A. Because she has no money to buy them.B. Because Belphegor makes her do that.C. Because the treasures belong to her.D. Because she wants to find out a secret.( )3. What does the underlined word “rare” mean? A. 古怪的 B. 稀有的 C. 廉价的 D. 仿真的( )4. Who plays the most important role in finding the lost treasures? A. Glenda Spencer.B. Belphegor. C. Lisa. D. Verlac.( )5. Where is one likely to read the passage? A. In a newspaper. B. In an Egyptian magazine. C. On a movie website. D. In a childrens book.书面表达:(共 20 分)近期要有一批外国朋友到你市的博物馆参观,请你用英语写一份入馆须知。入馆须知的汉语提示与开头已经给出。不少于 50 词。入馆须知欢迎来到我市博物馆参观,请遵守以下规则:1. 禁止在展馆内吸烟;2. 保持馆内安静;禁止大声喧哗;3. 保持馆内清洁卫生;4. 禁止拍照;5. 如想了解展品的详细情况, 请咨询导游;6. 不得随意触摸展品。开放时间: 8:3016:30 Sunday MondayNoticeWelcome to our museum. Please obey the following rules 0
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