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3dmax用光域网使用经验(Experience of using optical domain network for 3DMAX)Experience of using optical domain network for 3DMAXAm3DMAX experience with SkyLight (sky light)SkyLight is used to simulate daylight effects. The user can set the color of the sky or specify the map for itselfOn: used to turn on or off the sky lights. Select the check box and use the sky lights to illuminate the scene during the shadow and rendering calculations.Multiplier (multiplier): magnify or reduce the intensity of light by specifying a positive or negative value. Sky Color (sky color) option groupUse Scene Environment (use scene environment): select this option, will use the Environment and Effect dialog box in the environment settings to set the color of the light. This setting is valid only if the ray tracing is in active state.Sky Color: to select this option, click the color swatch box to display the Color Selector dialog box and select the color of the sky lamp.Map: maps can be used to affect the color of sky lights. The check box is used to control the activation of map; trimmer on the right side of the map is used to set the use percentage (if the value is less than 100%, it will map color and sky color mixing); the None button is used to specify a map. The map is valid only if the ray tracing is in active state.Render (render) option groupNote: this option group is valid only when the Default scan line renderer is currently used and the ray tracing is not activated.Cast Shadows (projection shadow): when selected, sky lights project shadows. Default to turn off.Note: this option is not valid when using radiosity or ray tracing. Sky lights do not cast shadows when rendering with Activeshade rendering levels.Rays per Sample (the number of rays per sample): set the amount of light used to calculate the sky lights on the given point in the scene, with a default value of 20. When making animation, you need to increase this value (about 30) to eliminate flickering phenomenon.Ray Bias (light deviation): set objects to cast the minimum distance of shadows on a fixed point in the scene. If the value is 0, the shadow object can be in its own projection; set this value to avoid the large object points near the shadow. The default value is 0.005.Area light (zone lamp)Area light (zone lamp) is a new standard light type added by 3ds Max 6. It is specially designed for mental ray renderer, and supports global illumination, spotlight and other functions. This is not the light from the point light source emitting light from the light source, but around a broad area, and generate edge soft shadows, can increase the sense of reality for the rendering of the scene; but the rendering time will be longer. There are two types of regional lights: Area Omni Light and Area Spotlight.Area SpotlightA region light beam emits light from a rectangular or circular region, that is, a light source is a plane figureOn: turn on or off the area spotlight. The default is selected.Show Icon in Renderer (display icon rendering): when selected, mental ray render a scene of regional location for rendering a light dark pattern; when unchecked, area lights are not visible in the rendering. Default to turn off.Type: changing the shape of the area light source, there are two choices: rectangle and circle. Default is rectangle.Radius: when the area light source shape is circular, set the circular radius here, use 3ds Max World unit. The default value is 20.Height/Width: when the area light source shape is rectangle, set the rectangle height and width, use 3ds Max World unit. The default values are 20.Samples (sampling) option groupAdjust the shadow generated by the area lamp, set the sample number in the lighting area. For rectangular area lights, U and V represent the number of samples subdivided on the long side and the short side, respectively, and the circular area lights, U and V, respectively represent the number of samples along the radius and the center of the circle. The default values are 5.Area floodlightA region light emits light from a sphere or cylinder, that is, a light source is a solidType: changing the shape of the area light source, there are two choices: sphere and cylinder. The default is sphere. You can use the rotating tool to adjust the orientation of the cylinder light source.Radius: set the radius of a sphere or cylinder, using the 3ds Max World unit. The default value is 20.Height: when the area light source is cylindrical, set the cylinder height and use the 3ds Max World unit. The default value is 20.Point (Dian Guangyuan)Point source is divided into two types: target point light source (Target Point) and free point light source (Free Point). The target point light source can be used to project light to a target point. The distribution properties of its light include three kinds: isotropic, spotlight and web. The fun
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