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2012届高三月考试题广东(三)英语命题人:华附在线学习中心(爱学网)提供学海导航2012届高三月考试题广东(三)英语 第一部分语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案转写到答题卷上。Have you ever noticed how hard it can be to find the right words? I have _1_ struggled to find the right words. And there are times when I am certain the right words do not even _2_.More than once I have been called to a hospital emergency room or to be with a family around the bed of a _3_ relative. And more than once Ive been at a _4_ for words.A wise doctor at a university teaching hospital once made a comment about _5_ those who suffer. Someone asked the doctor what advice he offered his _6_, future doctors and nurses, when _7_ for mothers who gave birth to stillborn(死产的) babies. The doctor paused for a moment in _8_. Then he said, I tell them that they need two eyes. One eye is not _9_; they need two eyes. With one eye they have to _10_ the drip(静脉滴注器). And with the other eye they have to weep. Thats what I tell them. I _11_ them that they need two eyes.That may be some of the _12_ advice Ive ever heard. We may not always need to _13_ out what to say; we really only need two eyes. In Emily Dickinsons words, “Saying _14_sometimes says the most.” It says I want to be fully present with them and walk alongside them, difficult as it may be. My _15_ is something they can draw real strength and hope from.() 1. A. seldom B. frequently C. rarely D. scarcely () 2. A. exist B. happen C. occur D. speak() 3. A. living B. staying C. starving D. dying() 4. A. loss B. distance C. hospital D. place() 5. A. abusing B. blaming C. comforting D. chasing() 6. A. students B. instructors C. patients D. friends() 7. A. caring B. craving C. searching D. seeking() 8. A. time B. advance C. thought D. action() 9. A. many B. colorful C. full D. enough()10. A. stop B. hold C. continue D. check()11. A. order B. tell C. command D. request()12. A. laziest B. wisest C. stupidest D. funniest ()13. A. look B. take C. figure D. keep()14. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ()15. A. silence B. absence C. presence D. pretence 【答案及解析】1. B从本句的前后两句可以判断,作者认为要找到合适措词是很难的,所以此句是要说,“我常常努力去寻找合适的措词”。2. A作者觉得找到合适措词很难,常常奋力去找,然而因为太难了,所以时常甚至会确定地认为合适的措词是不存在的。3. D从全文可以判断,作者应该是位医生或护士,他不止一次被叫到紧急救护室或是与一个围在一位奄奄一息的亲人床边的家庭待在一起。4. A从第一、二段的语境来看,作者应该是“不止一次(在这些生死关头)失去了合适的措词(不知说些什么话)。”5. C一位大学教学医院聪明的医生曾对怎样安慰那些痛苦的人们提出了自己的想法。6. A这位医生在大学教学医院工作,所以这些未来的医生和护士应该是他的学生。7. Acare for在此意为“照顾”。此处意为“在他们照顾生出死胎的母亲时”。8. C此句意为“医生停了停,想了一会。”in time“及时”;in action“在起作用; 在运转中”;in advance “提前”。9. D此句意为“一只眼不够,他们需要两只眼”。10. D此句意为“他们要用一只眼来检查滴注器”。11. B前句提到“那就是我所告诉他们的”。此句意为“我告诉他们他们需要两只眼”。12. B第三段的第一句提到这位医生是位智者,他给了学生们一个聪明的建议。13. Cfigure out在此处意为“想出”。总句意为“我们可以不要老是去想要说些什么,我们真的只需要用双眼去关注”。look out往外看,小心; take out带出去; keep out 留出,阻止入内。14. D用艾米丽狄更斯的话说,“什么都不说有时能表达得最多。”15. C整句的意思为“我的在场是他们从中获取真正力量和希望的东西”。第二节语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卷标号为1625的相应位置上。Doctor Cockerell and his heavily pregnant wife Kaltun bought a new house in West Hampstead. They _16_ (plan) to move in after the wifes childbirth. _17_ (fortune), two days after being left not looked after, the house was invaded by a group of 11 squatters (擅自占用者), who changed the locks and lived in it as if it _18_ (be) their own home. They even brought three old televisions, four mattresses and some _19_ things for their daily use. They did all sorts of things they like, _20_ (make) the whole house filled with a strong smell of beer and cigarettes. These squatters were not found _21_ the couple came to visit their new house with a newly bought carpet. Seeing the whole house teeming with crazy strangers, Mrs. Cockerell nearly fainted _22_ the spot, while her husband was greatly shocked. He tried to drive the group out of the house. Instead of following his order, the lawbreakers refused _23_ (leave) unless given $1,000. After weeks of useless pleading, finally the couple had to call 911 and the police arrested the group immediately. Later, the couple formally took _24_ to court. Unexpectedly, a recent court order stated that the couple would be responsible for any damage to the _25_ (possess) left by the squatters until the final sentence is announced a week later.【答案及解析】16. planned通篇都是用的一般过去时,所以这里也要用plan的过去式。17. Unfortunately根据句子结构的分析,这里应该缺
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