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On How to give a modern information technology lessonsThe rapid development of modern educational technology, the knowledge that people need to learn more and more modern information society, information technology is one of important technologies, the correct use of information technology is a modern must-have skills. Currently, many primary schools are set up information technology courses, But how to teach this course of modern information technology, information technology education to the majority of those who brought new challenges and thinking at the same time, the information technology teachers teaching also put forward higher requirements, teachers need to constantly explore, reform teaching methods and teaching methods to improve teaching efficiency and to adapt to the modern educational technology. Through years of exploration and practice in the field, the author of information technology education has some superficial experience. A must have clear objectives <<Primary and secondary school curriculum guide for information technology (Trial)>> in the curriculum and teaching mission description of the objectives, the emphasis on student access, transmission, processing and application of information abilities, the use of information technology for the ability to learn and explore training, and innovative spirit and practical ability, therefore, how to improve teaching quality and teaching effectiveness, classroom teaching must have a clear teaching objectives, teaching and learning of all students and teachers should focus on activities to expand this goal, we must from the students actual level of knowledge itself to establish the characteristics of the teaching objectives for each lesson, so that teachers are prepared to teach, students learn the destination. Second, reasonable arrangements for the teaching of science content Curriculum requires teachers to creatively use materials, a reasonable choice of teaching materials, we must be based on the materials, but also to achieve breakthroughs in materials, we can address the school situation, selectively disrupt the sequence of chapters, such as: choose strong theoretical knowledge of the content in their classrooms, hands-on practice in the class room so avoid too much because the teachers in the room to explain the theory of knowledge, and frequent student-screen control, dampen the enthusiasm of students, the students spread the attention, the impact students understanding of theoretical knowledge systems, resulting in less effective consequences. Third, the creation of contexts to stimulate students interest in learning Instructional design to create situations to become one of the most important, ask us to target specific learning objectives, learning content will be arranged in the context of authentic learning activities to allow students to solve real problems by participating in activities such as practice for more effective learning in the teaching process, the creation of a number of life situations, in order to stimulate student interest and mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, which is commonly used methods of many teachers, is very effective and very practical approach. For information technology courses, this is particularly important as a tool for discipline, the characteristics of information technology is its usefulness in todays society, information technology has penetrated into all areas of peoples lives. The use of information technology on in our side, to pick out some of the close ties and students, meet the teaching objectives of the events and issues into the teaching of creation in the classroom scene is not difficult. By addressing these simulations is happening in reality, problems encountered, can enable students to truly appreciate the usefulness of information technology, will be naturally attracted the same time close to reality in this scenario, you can develop a good students to use information technology to solve everyday problems of the habits, improve their information technology literacy, are based on the so-called life, applied to life. Fourth, focus on classroom effectiveness, to develop students ability to apply Information technology classroom to foster student learning and application of computer interest and awareness, allow students to use knowledge and skills learned to solve real life problems, so the school needs for their services, so in the classroom enable students to apply their knowledge. to teach computer science students, comprehensive training of the teaching content to meet their age characteristics and actual needs, such as Paint, students can use it to design greeting cards, given to others, Word, the students You can use it to writing, wrote, Power Point, students can use it to create greeting cards, tape recorders, students can use it to put your favorite music, learn English so
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