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拟卷人: 杨运鑫教务科填写: 年 月 日考 试 用 广州大学继续教育学院 课程考试试卷 试卷(闭卷) 层次(本科)课程名称:商务英语阅读(1-2)1 课程编码: 试卷编号:A卷 考试时间:120分钟专业班级: 2013本科英语(商务英语方向)学号: 姓名: 题号一二三四五总分阅卷人题分151254820100杨运鑫 得分提示:考生答题时,专用答题纸左侧留出3厘米的试卷装订区,多余的空白纸为草稿纸!装 订 线I.Choose the right meaning of the underlined part according to the context.1. Klump was expected to make an assessment of his boss.A. resolution B. evolution C. devaluation D. evaluation2. On the other hand, beneath a deceptive veneer of familiarity, cultural gulfs often remain hidden.A. captive B. perceptive C. misleading D. Ambiguity3. The U.S. system learns from best practices in other countries, and it adapts accordingly.A. adopt B. adept C. abrupt D. accommodate4. This mutual adjustment eventually becomes the norm within an organization.A. criterion B. critic C. criticism D. crisis5. Deshande also sees local context as integral to the global big picture.A. inner B. intact C. intellective D. ingenuous6. When we think of entrepreneurs, most of us imagine dynamic, successful, over-achievers like Bill Gates of Mircosoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, Inc. or Tim Boylle of Columbia Sportswear, to name a few contemporary heroes.A. List a few examples B. call names C. nominate D. say a few words7. Success is very personal and subjectiveA. conscious B. instinct C. selfish D. Based on personal feelings8. Visioning involves development of a clear mental picture of what we would like to become in the next five to ten years.A. complicates B. envelops C. includes D. absorbs9. According to the authors of Canadian Small Business, goals should be “SMART”, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-oriented.A. particular B. complete C. special D. explicit10. Generally speaking, four shared personality traits: conservatism in financing, sensitivity to the world around them, awareness of their identity, and tolerance of new ideas, form the essential character of the companies that have functioned successfully for hundreds of years.A. the ability to respond to affective changes B. allergy C. emotion D. sympathy11.Then we discovered another monthly fee that eliminates most roaming charges and still offers weekend freebies.A.gets rid of B. adds to C. pays off D. holds up12. Municipal bonds pay interest that is exempt from federal income tax and often from state tax in the states in which theyre issued.A.increased B. decreased C. aroused D. free13. Starting in 2002, you can write off the interest paid on all qualifying student loans.A.pay B. remove C. limit D. Transfer14. Redeem your mature bonds, pays the taxes and invest in new Series EE bonds.A. due B. full C. grown D. Typical15.Certifiicates of deposit at online banks usually have higher yields than CDs at brick-and-mortar banks.A.requirements B. credit C. income D. reputation16.Homeless and destitute, shopping bag ladies in New York City live a miserable life, suffering from delusions and fantasies.A.depressed B. desperate C. poor D. impoverish17. School classes were suspended for fear of spread of the terrible epidemic.A. dangled B. dismissed C. deferred D. debarred18. His speaking voice was a beautiful, relaxed tenor, not the contrived basso profundo of pompous Politicians.A. Consisted B. affected C. devised D. conspired19.City residents upbraid migrant workers for the sharp rise in urban crime rate.A.blame B. uphold C. embrace D. contain20. Thousands of audience listened to the speaker with rapt admiration.A.endorsed B. eccentric C. absent D. absorbed21. It is the most excellent and prestigious priests that would be raised to the purple.A. contemplable B. respectful C. contemptible D. reputable22.There is no discernable normal lobular architecture, though vascular structures are present.A. discerptible B. discriminable C. separable D. segregable23. His conduct calls for the severest condemnation.A. punishment B. conviction C. condensance D. Penalty24. The force of public opinions can help check abuse in modem politics.A.evil B.drawback C.malpractice D.disadvantage25.Aside from motorcars, the factory turns out bicycles.A.except for 3. except C. besides D. beside26.They will do anything to undermine their adversarys reputation.A.demolish B. delist C. mineralize D. underline27. He felt no animosity towards his critics.A. animation B. amiability C. enmity. Emanation28. He tried to keep neutral in the conflict between
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