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音乐学(学前教育)专科起点本科(Musicology (preschool education), starting point, undergraduate course)This article is contributed by rpmvgoo129DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view.Musicology (pre-school education), Musicology (preschool education), starting point of undergraduate course, introduction to undergraduate art, introduction to artSchool of music, Zhejiang Normal University, 2004, 11OneProfessional categories: professional required courses, the nature and purpose of the course, introduction to art is one of the basic theoretical courses for students of the undergraduate course of music education in our college. The purpose and mission is through the studying of this course, make students understand all the art phenomenon of the human society from the theory, to explore and reveal the various art phenomenon common law, is the main common problems of all kinds of artistic phenomena, the basic principle and the concept of art, grasp the characteristics and rules of artistic beauty macroscopically. Establish a healthy aesthetic ideal, guiding artistic practice theoretically, to make their artistic practice more conscious, more thinking, more artistic height and depth. Two, teaching methods and assessment 1, the course is taught in a collective class based, using multimedia equipment to play related information films, to improve students perceptual knowledge. 2, the test way is the written examination; three, teaching hours: 4 days, 32 hours, four teaching contents and progress of the Arts (8 hours) the first chapter of the essence of art and the characteristics of the first section of the essence of art 1, several views on the nature of Art (understand) theory 2, the essence of Art (the problem to understand the characteristics of the second Art Festival) (Master) 1, 2, 3 image of the subject, the second chapter the origin of art aesthetic of the first section several viewpoints about the origin of the art (Master), 1 art originated in the imitation, 2 art originated in the game of 3, the origin of art originated in the performance of 4 in art, witchcraft surdetermination 5, art originated in the labor section second human practice and the origin of art theory (understand) the third chapter the function of art and art education in the first day of Art The social function (Master) 1, 2, aesthetic cognition, aesthetic education function 3 function of aesthetic entertainment section second Art Education (understand), 1 important aesthetic and art education, 2 Art Education in contemporary social life in 3, art education tasks and goalsTwoThe fourth chapter of the cultural system of art as a cultural phenomenon of the art of the first section (understand) the second section of art and Philosophy (Master) third festival of art and religion (understand) the fourth festival of art and morality (Master) Fifth Festival of Arts and Sciences (Master) in the art category (12 hours) the fifth chapter first use the art of practical art festival the main species (Master) 1, 2 aesthetic characteristics of architectural art, landscape art, 3 art and modern design second practical art (understand) the sixth chapter main types of plastic arts section of plastic arts (Master) 1, 2 aesthetic features of painting art, sculpture art 3, 4, second calligraphy art photography art the Art Festival (understand) the seventh chapter main types of artistic expression 1 expression art (Master) 1, 2 music art, dance The aesthetic features of Dance Arts Festival second expression art (Master), 1 main types of disposition and performance, 2 performances and image 3, rhythm and rhythm of the eighth chapter first comprehensive arts comprehensive art festival (Master) 1, 2, 3 drama drama art, film, television art aesthetic features 4 comprehensive art arts festival second (understand) the main genre of the ninth chapter first language art language arts festival (Master), 2, 1 aesthetic features of poetry, prose 3 novel Second Language Arts Festival (understand) the art system (12 hours) the tenth chapter art subject as the first day of artistic creation, the artist (understand)ThreeIn section second the process of artistic creation (Master), 1 art experience activities 2, the idea of art activities 3, third Art Festival art activities (Master), 1 mental image thinking and abstract thinking and inspiration thinking 2, conscious and unconscious fourth art style, art schools and art thoughts (understand) the eleventh chapter of art the first level of works of art works (understand) section second (Master) and typical artistic conception third China traditional art spirit (understand) the general rules in Chapter twelfth the first section of Art Appreciation Art Appreciation (understand) the second festival of art appreciation aesthetic psychology (Master) 1, 2, 3, Lenovo note perceived aesthetic
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