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高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解2006年12月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1. 【看题预测】该题选项A) 是电话用语,询问对方是谁,回答Can I speak to;选项B) 是问候语,回答Im fine, and you;选项C) 是特殊疑问句,不符合出题规则,可排除;选项D) 用于回答一般疑问句。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在打电话,问候。Can I speak to Susan?A) Whos calling, please? B) How are you?C) Where is she? D) No, you cant.【解析】该题的问题是Can I speak to Susan,是电话用语。因此,A)是正确答案。2.【看题预测】该题选项A) 的意思是“可能”;选项B) 可以用来回答道歉等;选项C) 的意思是“没有办法”;选项D) 可以用来回答感谢。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在道歉,感谢。Im terribly sorry were late.A) Its possible. B) Thats a11 right.C) No way. D) My pleasure. 【解析】该题的问题是Im terribly sorry were late,是道歉。因此,正确答案为B)。3.【看题预测】该题选项A) 肯定回答一般疑问句;选项B) 对对方说的话表示怀疑;选项C) 用于回答感谢,意思是“客气了”;选项D) 是餐桌用语,意思是“不用了”。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在感谢,餐桌用语。Thank you very much for your help.A)Yes, of course. B) Is it true?C)Youre welcome. D) No, thanks.【解析】该题的问题是Thank you very much for your help,是感谢。因此,C)是正确答案。4.【看题预测】该题选项A) 和B) 都用于回答一般疑问句,不同的是A) 追问时间,而B) 追问做什么;选项C) 和D) 都用于回答陈述句,不同的是C) 追问如何做,而D) 追问谁。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在没有说明时间或做什么的一般疑问句,没有说明如何做或谁的陈述句。Shall we meet again to discuss it further?A)Yes. When? B)Yes. What?C) Well, how? D) Well, who?【解析】该题的问题是Shall we meet again Io discuss it further,是没有说明时间的一般疑问句。因此,A)是正确答案。5.【看题预测】该题选项A) 用于回答道歉;选项B) 用于回答请求帮助;选项C) 和D) 用于回答询问看法的陈述句, C) 的意思是“不可能”,而D) 的意思是“相当好”。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在表示道歉,表示请求,询问看法。How does the new product sell in the market?A) Never mind. B) Not likely. C) Im afraid I cant. D) Quite well.【解析】该题的问题是How does the new product sell in the market,询问销售情况。因此,D)是正确答案。 Section B 6.【看题预测】该题四个选项表达的都是food :节日食品,儿童食品,中国食品,西方食品。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问的方式是What,听力的重点在上述四种食品。M: I wonder if you have a special menu for children. W: Im sorry. But we dont have one. Q: What kind of food does the man ask for?A) Holiday food. B) Childrens food. C) Chinese food. D) Western food.【解析】该题的问题是What kind of food does the man ask for。根据男士I wonder if you have a special menu for children,正确答案为B)。7.【看题预测】该题四个选项均表达地点:在书店,在剧院,在海关,在银行。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问的方式是Where ,听力的重点在涉及上述四个地点的内容。W: What can I do for you?M: Id like to open a savings account here.Q: Where does the conversation most likely take place?A ) In a bookstore. B) In a theatre.C) At the Customs. D) At a bank.【解析】该题的问题是Where does the conversation most likely take place。根据男士Id like to open a savings account here,正确答案为D)。8.【看题预测】该题四个选项表达的内容各不相同:门口有来客,女士找Jack,门开着,电话铃响了。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在涉及上述四个方面的内容。M: Someone is knocking at the door. W: I think its Jack again.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?A) There is a visitor at the door.B) The woman is calling Jack.C) The door is open.D) The telephone is ringing.【解析】该题的问题是What can we learn from the conversation。根据男士Someone is knocking at the door,正确答案为A)。9.【看题预测】该题四个选项均为不定式,表达四种动作:完成工作,开会,那重要文件,与某人约会。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在涉及上述四个方面的内容。M; Why are you in such a hurry?W; I lost an important paper in the office.Q: Why is the woman going back to the office?A) To finish her work.B) To attend a meeting.C) To get an important paper.D) To meet somebody.【解析】该题的问题是Why is the woman going back to the office。根据女士I lost an important paper in the office,正确答案为C)。10.【看题预测】该题四个选项均为不定式,表达四种动作:拿药,检查,探望病人,照顾人。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在涉及上述四个方面的内容。M; Whats wrong with you, Helen?W: Nothing wrong. I just come from a medical check-up. Q: What does the woman want to do in the hospital?A) To get some medicine. B) To have a check up.C) To visit a patient.D) To look after the man.【解析】该题的问题是What does the woman want to do in the hospital。根据女士I just come from a medical check-up,正确答案为B)。Section C Scientists have discovered that tea is good for us. It tastes good and it is refreshing. In recent 11._ studies, tea has been found to help prevent heart attacks and cancer.One study suggests that both black tea and green tea help 12._ the heart. In the study, tea drinkers had a 44 percent 13._ death rate after heart attacks than non-drinkers. Other studies have shown that tea, like fruit and vegetables, helps fight against chemicals that may 14._ the development of certain cancers.Many people really like tea. Next to plain
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