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B A painting spider(蜘蛛) lived in the basement (地下室) of a museum with other spiders. They lived there alongside some 43 . They were left there and forgotten for years. It was certainly a44place to spin webs(织网). Our painting spider created the best web in the whole museum, and he felt satisfied and45 . All his time was spent looking after the web. He46it as the most important thing in the world. 47 , as time went on, the museum set about checking its paintings, and it started makingspace upstairs to put some of the basement paintings on display( 展 览 ). Many of the basement spiders realized what was happening, and were48it, but our spider paid it no mind: “It doesn t matter,”he would say, “it ll just be a few paintings.” More and more paintings were taken away from the basement, but the spider said, “Where am I going to find a better place than this?!” Early one morning, too quick for him to leave, they took away all the paintings, along with the spider and his web. The spider realized that he would lose not just his web, but also his49 . He finally chose to 50 up his great web and run away. ()43. A. spidersB. people C. basementsD. paintings ()44. A. terribleB. strange C. bigD. great ()45. A. sadB. surprised C. proudD. lonely ()46. A. lostB. considered C. acceptedD. wondered ()47. A. ThoughB. So C. HoweverD. Until ()48. A. interested inB. worried about C. thankful forD. angry at ()49. A. dreamB. work C. houseD. life ()50. A. giveB. get C. handD. stand 第三部分: 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的几个选项中, 选出最 佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A October 28, 2016 Dear Annie, How have you been? It s been a long time since you sent me an e- mail. I miss you a lot. I started going to the night school in September. My classes begin at 7:00 every evening from Monday to Friday. Of all the subjects, math is the most useful to me. History and Chinese Art are difficult. English is much easier. I m having a lot of fun with the new language. Maybe I can talk to your American friends some day. Best wishes, Mom Peter, Mom and Dad called several times from London when you went to the movies last night. They were very worried because they couldn t reach you by calling your mobile phone. Please call them when you wake up. I m going to the library with my classmates and will be home at 5:00 pm. Mom and Dad will be back home this Friday afternoon. Lisa 8:00 a.m. Monday, November 14 ()51. What s Annie s mom busy doing these days? A. Going to the park. B. Joining different parties. C. Taking night school classes. ()52. Which subject does Annie s mom think is interesting? A. History.B. English. C. Chinese Art. ()53. What did Peter do last night according to the second e- mail? A. He went to the movies. B. He went to the library. C. He traveled to Shanghai. ()54. Peter s parents will go back home on _. A. November 14th B. November 16th C. November 18th ()55. What can we learn from the two e- mails? A. Annie misses her mom a lot. B. Peter and Lisa are brother and sister. C. Peter s mobile phone got lost last night. B An Englishman who lived in the Alps as a goat for three days has won one of this year s Ig Nobel prizes(搞笑诺贝尔奖). Tom Thwaites had special prostheses (假肢) made so that he could walk like an animal. The so- called awards(奖), which are not quite as famous as the real Nobels, were handed out during their ceremony(仪式) at Harvard University each year. Among other studies, one examined rocks, and one studied how the world looks when you bend over and view it through your legs. Goat- man Tom Thwaites shares his biology prize with another man, Charles Foster, who also has spent time in the wild trying to experience life in an animal s eyes. Mr Thwaites said he tried to escape the stress of modern living. He spent a year researching the idea, and even asked an expert in prostheses to build him a set of goat legs. “Great, though a little funny,” Mr Thwaites said about the whole experience. He developed a strong relationship with one animal a “goat brother” , but also very nearly kicked off a big fight at one point. “I was just walking around, eating grass, and suddenly one or two of the goats started tossing their horns (摇晃它们的角) around. I think I was about to get in a fight,” he told BBC News. ()56. What s the main idea of this passage? A. An Englishman lived with animals for days to win a Nobel Prize. B. An Englishman had special prostheses made to walk like animals. C. An Englishman who lived like a goat for three days won the Ig Nobel prize. ()57. What can we know about the Ig Nobel prizes? A. The awards are as popular as the real Nobels. B. A ceremony of the awards is held every year. C. The awards were handed out in the UK last year. ()58. The underlined words “bend over”in the second paragraph mean _. A. 弯腰 B. 躺下 C. 侧翻 ()59. What did Tom Thwaites share with Charles Foster? A. The biology prize. B. The goat s perspective. C. The love for animals. ()60. What can we know from the last paragraph? A.
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