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河南科技大学 硕士学位论文 隧道式干燥机的节能参数研究 姓名:聂保军 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:农产品加工及贮藏工程 指导教师:张仲欣 20090501 摘 要 I 论文题目:隧道式干燥机的节能参数研究论文题目:隧道式干燥机的节能参数研究 专专 业:农产品加工及贮藏工程业:农产品加工及贮藏工程 研研 究究 生:聂保军生:聂保军 指导教师:张仲欣指导教师:张仲欣 教授教授 摘 要摘 要 为了降低隧道式干燥机的能耗,使之能够在干燥工业和农业生产中得到更广 泛地推广和使用,本文利用自行设计的隧道式中药材干燥机,首次引入隧道长度 作为能耗研究的参数,对隧道式干燥机的能耗进行了深入研究。 隧道式干燥机隧道内部风速和温度的分布不均匀是导致干燥能耗高、效率 低、干燥不均匀的主要原因,因此,首先对隧道内部的风速分布进行了研究,得 到了隧道内风速场的分布情况为:中心风速小,隧道四周边缘风速较大,热风进 入物料盘后风速迅速下降,隧道内部风速局部紊乱,整体稳定;同时,研究了隧 道长度对风速的影响规律,得到了隧道出风口风速关于隧道长度的回归方程与影 响规律曲线。研究结果表明,隧道越长,隧道内的物料小车对气流的阻力越大, 在同样的进风条件下,隧道越长,隧道出风口的风速越小,呈抛物线趋势下降。 其次,根据介质温度受风速影响较明显、致使设定温度与实际得到的介质温 度相差较大这一现象,研究了控制面板上的设定温度、实际介质温度与风速三者 之间的关系。结果表明,风速越大,介质温度受风速的影响也越大;设定温度越 高,介质温度受风速的影响也越大。同时对温度控制系统进行了校正,得到了设 定温度关于实际介质温度与风速的回归方程,并绘制出温度校正曲线,利用这一 方程或校正曲线,可以方便地实现介质温度的精确调节,提高了干燥温度控制的 精度。 最后,为了降低隧道式干燥机的能耗,寻求一种有效的隧道式干燥机的节能 研究方法,以青萝卜丝为干燥物料,以介质温度、风速和隧道长度为试验因素, 以单位能耗为指标,兼顾生产效率,在单因素试验的基础上,进行了三因素二次 通用旋转组合回归试验,得到了单位能耗与生产效率关于介质温度、风速和隧道 长度的回归方程。并利用加权优化的方法,得到了利用该隧道式干燥机干燥青萝 卜丝时能耗较低同时效率较高的最佳参数组合为:介质温度 52.8 ,风速 1.50 m/s,隧道长度 4.93 m,单位能耗最小值为 2.08 kWh/kg,生产效率最大值为 2.26 kg/h,并经过验证试验进行了验证。结果表明,单位能耗平均误差为 0.32%,生 产效率的平均误差为 0.17%,试验值与优化值能够很好地符合。同时运用降维分 摘要 II 析的方法分析了介质温度、风速和隧道长度分别对单位能耗和生产效率的影响规 律,结果表明,介质温度越高,生产效率越高,单位能耗也越高;随着风速的增 加,单位能耗先增加后稍有下降,生产效率明显提高;随着隧道长度的增加,单 位能耗先急剧降低后稍有升高,生产效率提高。 关关 键键 词:词:隧道式干燥机,隧道长度,风速分布,温度校正,能耗 论文类型:论文类型:应用研究 摘要 III Subject: Energy Saving Parameter Research on Tunnel Dryer Specialty: Farm Produce Processing and Storage Engineering Name: NIE Bao-jun Supervisor: Professor ZHANG Zhong-xin ABSTRACT In order to reduce the energy consumption of tunnel dryer, and make it more widely used in drying industry and farming, the energy consumption related drying factors were deeply studied by using the tunnel dryer for Chinese medicine material, which was self-designed, and also by using the tunnel length as drying factor for the first time. Lack of homogeneity of the air velocity in the tunnel dryer often seems to be the main factor that leads to high energy consumption, poor drying efficiency and non- homogeneity of the products. So the air velocity distribution was studied firstly, and the air velocity distribution in the tunnel was clear: the central air velocity was small, the air velocity at tunnel border was a bit stronger; the hot air velocity was decreased when entered into the material plate; the air velocity inside the tunnel was disordered partially, but stable in general. At the same time, the relationship between tunnel length and air velocity was also studied, the regression equation of air velocity at the air outlet and the effect of tunnel length to air velocity were gained. The results show that the longer the tunnel, the greater the resistance to the air. Under the same air inlet condition, the longer the tunnel is, the smaller the air velocity at the center of the outlet is. Secondly, based on the phenomenon that the air temperature was obviously affected by air velocity which causes the set temperature is not equal to the real air temperature in the tunnel, the relationships among the set temperature of the temperature control panel, the real air temperature in the tunnel and air velocity were studied. The results showed that the stronger the air velocity, the stronger effect of air velocity to air temperature; the higher the setting temperature, the stronger effect of air velocity to air temperature. At the same time, the temperature control system was proofread. The regression equation of set temperature to real air temperature and air velocity was gained; the proof-curve of temperature was drawn. Using this equation or proof-curve, the air temperature can be adjusted accurately and conveniently, the 摘要 IV precision of the machine was improved. At last, in order to reduce the energy consumption of tunnel dryer, get a effective studying method for energy saving of tunnel dryer, based on the single factor experiment, the quadratic general rotary unitized experiment with three factors was operated, using the green radish pieces as drying material, the air temperature, air velocity and tunnel length as drying factors, unit energy consumption and production efficiency as indexes. The theoretical models of unit energy consumption and production efficiency were gained. And through the method of weighted optimization, the best combination of drying factors using the tunnel dryer to dry green radish pieces was gained. The combination is: air temperature is 52.8, air velocity is 1.50 m/s, tunnel length is 4.93 m. The best unit energy consumption is 2.08 kWh/kg, production efficiency is 2.26kg/h. These values were verified through the verifier tests. The verified results showed that the average error of unit energy consumption was 0.32% while the average error of production efficiency is 0.17%; the verified values conformed to the optimizing value very well. Then through data reduction analysis, the affections of air temperature, air velocity and tunnel lengt
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