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The unit of the signal variables is always null. This dimensionless unit has the main advantage to be compatible will all other units. It is then possible to connect a null signal to a submodel requiring a variable having a physical unit, like bar or m/s. Note that is such case, the signal is directly transferred without any unit conversion.信号变量的单位总是“空”。这个无因次单位的主要优势都将其他单位兼容。然后可以将一个空的信号连接到子模型需要一个变量物理单位,比如 bar 或者 m / s。注意,这种情况下 ,没有任何单位转换信号直接传输Even on blocks sending variables corresponding to time, like CLOC0, the output variable has a null unit.即使在块发送变量对应于时间,像 CLOC0,输出变量有一个空单元。Figure 1: CLOC0 submodel output variable3. Sources, Sinks This sub category contains the signal sources and signal sinks. The source components do not depend on any other input than time, and produce simple or complex signals. Most source icons consist of a circle containing the type of signal to be delivered.3。源、汇这个子目录包含信号和信号接收来源。源组件不依赖于任何其他比时间输入,并产生简单的或复杂的信号。大多数源图标由一圈包含信号传递的类型。Signals can be either continuous (sine wave.) or discrete (square wave.). Note that some sources like the sine wave SIN0 use to reduce automatically the maximum time step of the solver. For instance, SIN0 reduces it to T/4 with T the period of the sine wave. Using such a source in a model may then have an influence on the behaviour of the simulation. Most submodels altering the maximum time step indicate the change by a warning message. Some source components contain some input ports. These allow some variable characteristics of the signal generated by the source. For instance, a sine wave with variable frequency.信号可以是连续的(正弦波)或离散 (方波)。注意,一些来源如正弦波 SIN0 使用减少自动解算器的最大时间步。例如,SIN0 减少它 4 T / T 的正弦波。在模型中使用这样的来源可能会有影响的行为模拟。大多数子改变的最大时间步表明变化的警告消息。一些源组件包含一些输入端口。这些允许一些变量的特点生成的信号来源。例如,一个正弦波变频。Figure 3: source component having an input portThe sinks are used to terminate signal lines. Some sinks can play an important role like STOP0 which terminates the simulation under certain conditions or SIGWRITE0 and SIGWRITE1 that write the value of the input signal to an external ASCII file.行汇用于终止信号。一些水槽可以发挥重要的作用像 STOP0 终止模拟在一定条件下或 SIGWRITE0 SIGWRITE1,输入信号的值写入外部 ASCII 文件。Figure 4: signal sinks4. Maths The Maths sub category contains components performing simple mathematical operations. These are compatible with continuous and discrete signals.4。数学数学子类别包含组件执行简单的数学操作。这些都是与连续和离散信号兼容。Figure 5: list of components allowing mathematical operationsSimple operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication(s), division can be done by standard components, but have also dynamic block equivalents, that can be applied on multiplexed signals.简单的操作是加法,减法,乘法, 除法可以通过标准组件, 但动态区块的等价物 ,也可以应用于多路信号。Figure 6: icons of variable gain and multiplication blocksThe difference between the variable gain and the multiplication block resides in the constraints applied to the gain by the variable gain: these constraints are set by the user in parameters mode and limit the multiplication factor. Such a limitation does not exist in the multiplication component. More complex operations like computing the mean value or constant moving average require internal state variables.可变增益之间的差异和乘法块位于约束应用于获得的可变增益:这些约束用户设定的参数模式和限制倍增系数。这种限制并不存在于乘法组件。更复杂的操作,比如计算平均值或不断移动平均需要内部状态变量。5. Continuous This sub category contains the components handling continuous-time state variables. These deal with analog signal processing and can be used to model analog electronic systems.5。连续这个子目录包含的组件处理连续时间状态变量。这些处理模拟信号的处理,可以用来模拟电子系统模型。Figure 7: signal continuous componentsTheir main characteristic comes from their icon reproducing their Laplace representation. For instance, the integrator is represented by k/s icon.他们的主要特点是从图标复制拉普拉斯表示。例如,积分器是由“k / s”图标表示。Figure 8: continuous time integratorThe most general blocks are the integrator, differentiator, state space formulation, and transfer function. These are used to represent systems of differential equations. The first order and second order lags correspond to particular forms of transfer functions commonly used in control design. The state space block allows the definition of a system in state space form:最一般的块积分器、微分器状态空间配方和传递函数。这些都是用来表示系统的微分方程。一阶和二阶滞后对应于特定形式的转移函数常用的控制设计。状态空间块允许系统在状态空间形式的定义:X = A.X + B.UY = C.X + D.UThe continuous delay inserts a time delay between its input and output signals. Using a standard time delay can perturb the linearization process since the link between the input and the output signals is not direct. To cope with such a problem, delay submodels using Pad approximants have been created, consisting of a transfer function. The PID is the main controller component. It is commonly used in control loop systems. The chapter 12 describes some methods for tuning the PID parameters.连续延迟插入其输入和输出信号之间的时间延迟。使用标准时间延迟扰动线性化过程从输入和输出信号之间的关系并不是直接的。应对这样的问题,延迟子使用 Pade approximants 已经创建, 由传递函数。PID 控制器是主要的组件。它一般用于控制回路系统。第十二章描述了一些优化 PID 参数的方法。6. Discrete This sub category contains the components dealing with discrete time signal processing. The signals are sampled in time b
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