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1Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary.单词拼写1The book covers terrorism,_ (贫穷) and global warming.2Because of the bad harvest many people will suffer from _ (饥饿) .3The worker _(测量) the board.4. You should _ (教育)your children to behave well.5The policeman asked the lost boy to describe his _ (位置) on the phone.6Everyone should set a _ (目标) for his life,work and so on.7The _ (发展) of a child should be paid more attention to.8He earns 1,000 yuan a month.His family live on such a small _(收入).单项填空1(2013成都高一调研)I realize a students failure or success isnt always _ in marks.Ameasured BpraisedCmade Dencouraged2When he applied for a _ in the office of the local newspaper, he was told to see the manager.Alocation BprofessionCcareer Dposition3(2013延安高一质检)To develop _ and make everyone _ is the basic policy of our country.Aeducation;well educatedBeducator;well educatedCeducate;good educationDeducate;well educating4Her boss expressed his dissatisfaction with _ she has made in the development of market.Alittle progress Bthe little progressCfew progress Dthe few progress5Before we set off,_ that you remember the order of these 2activities.Acome out Bmake upCmake sure Dcome across6(2013大连高一月考)He doesnt work but he gets a good _ from his investments.Awage BearningsCincome Dsalary7The average life expectancy of Chinese reaches about 73 years,and this _ is still rising.Afigure BgoalCfeature Dincome8. With the energy _ less and less,people have to make every effort _ new sources of energy.Abecame;to look forBbecoming;to look forCbecoming;looking forDbecome;to look for9At the top of the mountain _,on which tourists can enjoy the view of the Yangtze River.Aa tower stands Bdoes stand a towerCstands a tower Da tower does stand10. This football match is _ attract thousands of fans,because England must win this game to be _ qualifying for the World Cup.Asure of;sure about Bsure to;sure ofCsurely to;sure for Dsure about;sure of11(2013新课标全国卷)Theres no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery _ another man,also intelligent,fails.Asince BifCas Dwhile12She studied very hard.As a result,her name was _ the list in the exam.Aat the top of Bon topCat the bottom of Don top of13. Its high time we _ effective _ to improve our working 3conditions.Atake;means Bmade;measuresCtook;measures Ddo;actions14The food in the dining hall cant _ everyone in the school,for different people have different tastes.Aagree to Bagree onCagree with Dagree15Whose advice do you think I should take?_.AYou get it BUp to youCAnyone you like DYou speak.完形填空Being positive is very important.So I often _1_ my son to be positive.But one day I was caught not _2_ what I often tell him to do.My son is 7 years old and he was _3_ a show to be put on at his school.He was playing the role of an angel.On the evening before the show,he asked me, “Mom,can we _4_ angels?” As usual,I seized (抓住) the _5_ to teach him to be positive and I said, “Yes,_6_ only those who are perfect,and think and talk positively can.” He asked, “You must have seen them then?”I was _7_ for a few seconds,not knowing what to say.I was touched by his _8_ that his mother was a perfect person.He looked into my eyes,_9_ a positive answer.I chose to be _10_ with him and told him, “_11_.Ive not been a good person all the time.”I was almost _12_ to admit this to him.I thought that his _13_ of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces.But he_14_ it positively and said, “Its alright.You know to try to be better _15_.”I smiled as I replied, “Thats _16_.Sometimes,we might make a _17_,but when we do,we must always try to do better.”My sons _18_struck me right in my heart and are always with me.I _19_ a good lesson that day “to always try to be better”This will always _20_ me in all situations where Ill need to be positive.1A.paid BrefuseCworry Dencourage2A.saying Bsharing Cdoing Dexplaining43A.going through Bpreparing forCturning to Dlooking for4A.describe Bdraw Cinvite Dsee5A.feeling BattitudeCchance Dmethod6A.but Bso Cbecause Dif7A.pleased BinterestedCexcited Dquiet8A.thought BbehaviorCdream Dstory9A.making BexpectingCtrying Dchoosing10A.wrong BangryCstrict Dhonest11A.No BSureCOK DGreat12A.glad BsurprisedCrelaxed Dembarrassed13A.description BspeechCpicture Didea14A.finished BtookCcaught Dchanged15A.in the future Bagain and againCfrom now on Dat times16A.right BfineCimpossible Dunnecessary17A.plan BdecisionCdifference Dmistake18A.words BperformancesCjoy Dprogress19A.taught BlearntCorganized Dcreated520A.hurt BprotectChelp Dfind.阅读理解A new World Bank report warns that c
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