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新课标人教版课件系列 高中英语 必修5-1.3 Homework checking (P4, Ex 1) 1. examined 2. put forward 3. expose 4. cure 5. immediately l6. look into l7.annoouced l8. instruct l9. valuable Homework checking (P42, Ex 1) 1. exposeto 2. linkto 3. connectto 4. blame 5. severe 6.examine 7.test 8. rejected 9. absorbed 10.defected Homework checking (P4, Ex 2) 1. make a telephone call 2. make a plan 3. make a speech 4. make a change 5. make a decision 6. make a contribution 7. make a noise 8. make a description Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning. (p5, Ex 2) 1. people who are terrified 2. seats which are reserved 3. water that is polluted 4. a room that is crowded 5. a winner who is pleased 6. astonished children 7. a broken vase 8. a closed door 9. the tired audience 10. an trapped animal P 5, Ex 3 1. blamed 2. tired 3. disappointed 4. shocked 5. excited 6. infected Ex.1,2, P44. Using structures 1.prepared 2. interested 3. worried, continued 4. arrived 5. concerned 6. frightened 1. I found this broken plate on the floor. 2. I saw a tall, dark and handsome man called Xiao Ming. 3.I looked at that modern abstract painting coloured in yellows and greens. 4. Yesterday I got the expected answer to my question. 5. She is my friend devoted to my interests. 6. On the doorstep I found a lot of bottles were marked in green ink. 7. We saw many cracked windows in that room. Listening (P5) 1. Qian Xuesen first studied to be an engineer. 2. In America he began to work on space rockets so that he was able to develop a space programme when he came back to China. 3. When Qian Xuesen returned to China he sep up a Space Institute to begin training people in how to design and build rockets. 4. In China he has been honoured as “the father of the space programme”. 5. Steve Smith suggested putting Qian Xuesens picture on Mars when the first Chinese astronaut lands there. Finish Ex. 2 on P42 1.Apart from going to the park, I have not been outside my flat this summer. 2.The results of the scientific experiments are valuable to us and they will contribute to the success of our research. 3.In addition to a good income, I am offering you a new flat to live in. 4.It is difficult to make a conclusion without enough evidence. 5.Please check carefully after you complete the writing and make sure all the sentences make sense. 6. Youre going to attend the lecture, arent you? But you dont seem very enthusiastic about it. 7. Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. 8.The government announced that the disease was under control. 9. Professor Yang is strict with his assistants. They must do the experiments according to his instructions. Listening Task (P44) New words mathematician revise foundation geometry calculus mechanics diagram 数学家 修改 基础 几何学 微积分学 机械学,力学 表格 Listening Task P44 Eulers achievements Examples New symbols and terms Old areas of mathematics New area of mathematics Importance sin, cosin Revised and analysed all maths of his day Topology introduced a lot of symbols into maths; wrote more books than anyone before
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