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商丘市一高2017-18学年第一学期期末考试高二英语试卷(文科) 命题人 审题人第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ACity CollegeADMISSION REQUIREMENTSAll high school graduates and anyone 18 years of age or older, with or without a high school diploma, are suitable for admission. Individuals under the age of 18 who possess a high school diploma are also suitable for admission.HOW TO ENROLL IN CREDIT COURSESNew and readmitted students must complete and hand in a credit admissions application form available online at www.ccsf.edu.BEFORE YOU REGISTER:Learn about your skill level in English and Math through our assessment service;Attend an orientation (新生报到会) to hear about support services;Meet with a counselor (adviser) to select your courses;Find out if you are required for attending the entrance examinations. HOW TO ENROLL IN NONCREDIT COURSESCourses in Noncredit Programs are free of charge (no enrollment fee). For information on how to enroll in noncredit courses, click here.PARKINGStudents, faculty and staff are encouraged to use public transit. Click here for Parking Regulations.SERVICESCity College services include a bookstore, cafeteria, health center, tutoring center, career and transfer center, counseling, financial aid, library, learning resource center, student government offices, campus police, disabled students programs and more.21.Which kind of the following people could not be admitted to City College?A.A sixteen boy without a high school diploma.B.An adult without a high school diploma.C.Anyone who possesses a high school diploma.D.A high school graduate.22.What do we know about the entrance examinations from the passage?A. All new and readmitted students must take the examinations.B.Those who are poor in English and Math must take the entrance examinations.C.Not all the new students are required to take the entrance examinations.D.The entrance examinations are free of charge.23.Where can this passage be found?A.On an education website.B.In a newspaper advertisement.C.In a tour guide. D.In a college news report. BDerek Rabelo is not the only surfer(冲浪手) to conquer Hawaiis famous Pipeline big wave break, but while all others use their sight to do it, this young professional surfer must rely only on his other senses. Thats because he is completely blind.When Derek was born, over 24 years ago, he got his name from Derek Ho, the first Hawaiian surfing world champion. A surfing enthusiast himself, Ernesto dreamed that his son would share the talent(才干) of his uncle, a professional surfer. Unfortunately, Derek was born completely blind, but this didnt stop his family from believing that he could do anything he wanted, even if that meant becoming a surfer.At age 2, Derek received a bodyboard and the beaches of Guarapari, Brazil, became his backyard. He was always comfortable in the water and surfing was in his blood, but he didnt actually try riding a wave until he turned 17, when his father bought him a surfboard. His father taught him the basics and encouraged him to keep practicing, but after successfully standing up on the surfboard, Derek knew he needed to become much better if he was going to achieve Ernestos dream and become a professional surfer. So he joined the Praia do Morro surf school, where he studied under coach Fabio Maru.Standing up on a surfboard and conquering small waves is one thing, while gathering the courage to take on Hawiis board-breaking Pipeline is another. But thats exactly what Derek Rabelo set out to do just months after learning how to surf. Everyone told him it was too dangerous, but he felt he could do it, and he did, earning the praise of famous professional surfers like Keely Slater and Mick fanning. Now 24, Rabelo has been surfing the Pipeline every winter since.24.What does the first paragraph tell us?A.Derek Rabelo is the only blind professional surfer to conquer Hawaiis big wave break.B.Nobody has ever conquered Hawaiis big wave break.C.Derek Rabelo dreams to conquer Hawaiis big wave break.D.Good eyesight is necessary for becoming good surfers.25.How did Ernesto behave after Derek was born?A.He started his own interest in surfing. B.He named him after his uncle.C.He sent him to a surfing champion.D.He never lost confidence in him.26.After Derek was able to stand up on the surfboard, he _.A.began to try riding a wave B.was no longer afraid of waterC.realized he still had a long way to go D.knew his fathers dream had come true27.Which of the following words can best describe Derek according to the last paragraph?A.Skillful but proud. B.Brave and confident.C.Courageous but stubborn. D.Thoughtful and modest.CCities are likely to be affected by overheating, thanks to something called the urban heat island effect. Cities te
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