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A simple but effective BP Write a simple plan and make it effective - Amal Krishna Biswas Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. What is a BP ? n A Business Plan (BP) can be defined as a document that describes an organizations current status and forecasts / plans for the growth in the times ahead. This can be from a quarter of an year to several years in the future. Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Main Features of a Business Plan The main motive of a business is profit. Business men dont rush into business unless they forecast their weaker areas first. A strong plan can either sustain a business or can ruin it. Business Plans is a simple representation of balancing and gaining edge over the weaknesses of a business with the strengths. Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. The Strategic Mind behind BP If you fail you might be Heart Broken, but if you never tried you are doomed. Working with strategies is the primary scope in Business Development and for Business Managers. Learn to strategically place yourself out of scenarios. You are never the main concern. You are just the representing medium. Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Focus Strategic Plans Focus the strategic parts of your plan related to: n Time and Energy to attain goals (predefine what is to be achieved) n Resource allocation (Count chickens before they hatch dont take in too much. Promise what can be delivered) n Your Business and Competition (Analyze your strengths and weakness) n Employee communication (nice trick, dont take the blame over you) Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Extended Tricks To Strategy A Secret Business Mind working n Divide the work. Take The Correspondence. n Editable BP make BP in revisions as you go in depth, make it finalized when you are sure about zero loopholes n Make another BP as a Plan 2, so that anytime you can seek in more resource (handy but a tough trick) Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. A Simple plan that shouldnt fail Apart from working on strategies and conventional ways of drafting a BP, a simpler way to provide BP is working on information. This is what makes a simple plan more effective and interesting Simple they say is always the best Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. How to Draft a Simple BP So How to work on a simple Business Plan ? Work on These lines: n Vision of organisation (or whatever ur plan is) n Goal of future n Clients, Users, Target market n Edge of you / ur team / company n Barriers to achieve the target n Better serve clients.how ? n Ad more to target.possible ? n Adding new customers / users / target market share n Accountings n Starting of the plan dates Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Vision of organization Know organizational vision Where company wants to go ? Will the organization fully supply you with resource ? How can you plan accordingly and what a company needs to do to attain goals Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Future Goals Make Futuristic but realistic goals. Dream in night, jot down in day how you vision the part of business. Where do you want to go. Answer is this possible ? If yes How Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Clients, Users, Target market Probably most important feature of the business. Understand whom to target and how. Know a users mind and you know business. If you provide Baby food to a teenager probably this wont sell. Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. The Edge and Strength Edge over your competition is the strength you possess. This also features n Special achievement and knowledge in team which can result growth n Special viewpoints and ideas Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Barriers to achieve the target These are the weaknesses and provide how these can be removed. Can be n Resource n Finance n Machinery n Communication barrier Plan accordingly and suggest ways so as to remove barriers. Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Better Client Servicing Clients are your customers. They are God. Always take a peek in better client services n Communication n Advices n Response Time n Suggestions Everything can be accounted in this section Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Increase in Target Always Increase target. Thats why is a business plan, grow the business. The best way is dividing targets quarterly During 1st phase it is least say 20% of total growth Increase a bit in second phase based upon your calculations The third phase is the highest increase Remaining of target comes in last phase (where you also analyze the present BP to formulate for new financial year) Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. New Segments of Scope Is there a new market ? Are their any growth in certain sectors ? How can these be trapped ? Are there any specific strategies ? How do you plan to grab a new target market ? Answer these questions in this section. Presentation by Amal Krishna Biswas. Accountings Financials and Accounting facts to be dealt with. This might also
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