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Lesson7 Close Your Eyes (第一课时)一、教材分析:本节课选自EEC教材三年级上册Lesson 7Close Your Eyes. 的第一课时。本节课所教授的内容交际性较强,使学生学会用英语询问身体状况以及如何用英语向他人道歉。在学习重、难点句型的同时感悟现实生活,在创设的情景中学习和应用语言,使学生在不断的运用语言的过程中初步建立学习英语的信心,将英语语言学习融入生活培养学生的英语交际能力。二、学情分析:本节课授课的对象是小学三年级的学生,他们对英语有了初步的了解和认识,能进行简单的语言交流。他们活泼好动,好奇心强,想象力丰富、创造力强,对新鲜事物感兴趣,愿意和其他小伙伴一起交流,通过交流展示自己,希望别人重视自己。根据学生的这些特点,在教学中充分调动他们的激情,设计一系列的活动,让学生在亲身体验、探索、实践中掌握知识,使学生在真实的情景中轻松愉快地学习和应用所学的知识。学生通过老师的及时评价增强自信,激发学习热情,体会知识带来快乐的同时品味快乐的学习状态。三、教学目标知识目标: 能够用英语询问身体状况、用英语进行道歉以及应答。能力目标: 在实际的生活中,能够主动运用所学知识进行会话、交流,培养学生交际能力。情感目标: 能够主动关心他人,在做错事情的时候敢于承认错误,向他人道歉。四、教学重点:-Are you okay? -Yes, Im okay. -Im sorry. -Thats all right.五、教学难点:能在真实的情景中运用所学的知识自由进行语言交际。六、教学方法、手段:听说法、交际法、情景教学方法七、教具:Jack 和Mike的人物图片、口袋、录音机、各种真实情景的图片等。八、教学流程:在教学过程中,我根据学生的特点和教材的难易程度,设计了如下教学环节: I、Greeting & Warm-up1、Greeting:T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Ms Li.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thanks.2、Warming upT: Lets have a chant, OK?Ss: OK.(Teacher and students chant together.)(上课伊始,通过采用与日常会话相关的歌谣进行热身,消除师生间的陌生感,营造轻松活跃的课前气氛,为新课的教授做铺垫。)II、New LessonStep 1 Lead in and previewT: Today well learn “Lesson 7 Close your eyes.” (Write on the Bb)Ss: Close your eyes.T: OK. Eyes (the teacher points to eyes and explain: the right eye-e, the nose-y, the left eye-e, two eyes, so plus “s” ) (根据人的面部特点进行讲授,调动学生的学习积极性并帮助学生记忆单词)Ss: eyes. (The Ss do after the teacher and say together.)T: Eye, eye, eyes. e-y-e, eye. e-y-e-s, eyes.Ss: Eye, eye, eyes. e-y-e, eye. e-y-e-s, eyes.T: Eyes, eyes, my eyes.Ss: Eyes, eyes, my eyes.T: Eyes, eyes, your eyes.Ss: Eyes, eyes, your eyes.Then let the Ss say one by one. (充分练习并巩固新知)T: Now open your eyes. (The teacher acts) Look at me, what am I doing?Ss: T: OK. Open, look, open the door, open the book, open the window. ( the teacher does the actions as she says , let the Ss guess the meaning of “open”) Now can you guess the meaning of “open”?Ss: Yes.T: OK, youre so smart. Now do with me. Open your eyes.Ss: T: Now close your eyes. close, c-l-o-s-e, close. Whats meaning?Ss: T: OK. Now I say the sentences and you do the actions, OK?Ss: OK.The teacher says “ eyes, open your book, close your book, close your eyes, open your eyes” to practice. Then let the Ss do it by themselves.(open和 close两个动词是本课的重点,所以在讲授的时候充分利用简单有效的方式进行,有利于学生掌握。)T: OK. Now look at this picture. Whos he?Ss: Hes Jack.T: Whos he?Ss: Hes Mike.T: Theyre our friends. But whats happening? Lets listen to the tape and find which sentences you have learned.(Listen to the tape.)S1: Are you okay? Yes, Im okay.T: Youre so smart. (Blackboard writing “Are you okay?” “Yes, Im okay.”)Ss: Are you okay? Yes, Im okay.(Are you okay? Yes, Im okay.两个句型虽是本课重点,但是在Lesson 5的第二课时就已经学过,因此通过听音的形式将其引出,来练习学生听的能力。同时,采用男、女生分开读;组与组之间读等形式进行操练。)Step2 PresentationT: Jack and Mike crash together, so Mike says Ss: Are you okay?T: Jack answers Ss: Yes, Im okay.Step3 Listen to the tapeT: If you were Mike, what would you say? Please open your book to Page 84.Lets listen to the story and pay attention to the last two sentences.(Listen to the story.)(用课文的故事情景引出新知Im sorry. Thats all right.)Step4 Explain and PracticeT: If you were Mike, what would you say?Ss: Im sorry.T: Im sorry. s-o-r-r-y, sorry. (Blackboard writing) Sorry, sorry, Im sorry.Ss: Sorry, sorry, Im sorry.T: 把别人的书碰掉了,我们可以说Ss: Im sorry.T: 不小心踩到别人的脚,我们可以说Ss: Im sorry.T:做错事请时,我们要敢于说Ss: Im sorry.T: Mike 对Jack说了一声Ss: Im sorry.T: So Jack answers “Thats all right.” (Blackboard writing)Ss: Thats all right.T: Thats all right.Ss: Thats all rightS1: Thats all rightS2: Thats all right.(通过个人读、“我大声、你小声”等形式练习新句型)Step5 ChantT: Sorry, sorry, Im sorry. All right, all right, thats all right.Ss: Sorry, sorry, Im sorry. All right, all right, thats all right.(用自编的chant、接龙等形式再次进行巩固练习新知识。)III、PracticeT: Whats this?Ss: 口袋.T: S1, look out. (Then throw it to S1) Are you okay?S1: Yes, Im okay.T: Im sorry.S1: Thats all right.T: S2, look out. (Throw it to S2) Are you okay?S2: Yes, Im okay.T: Im sorry.S2: Thats all right.(创设半真实的情景来运用新知既激发了学生们的兴趣,又起到了承上启下的作用,为下一个教学环节进行了铺垫。)IV、ConsolidationT: Where is it? (Show the picture of playground)Ss: 教室。(用同样的方式展示学校操场、上学路上以及家中的图片,为学生创设贴近他们实际生活的情景。)T: Maybe we can use the sentences in these conditions. I will give you 1 minute to prepare a dialog, OK?Ss: OK.(Students prepare the dialog with their partners.)(以小组形式进行情景会话表演。)(通过让学生们以小组形式创设情景来运用新知,不但将书本知识与学生们的实际生活相结合,而且也培养了学生们的创新能力。)T:OK. Very good. Now lets look at the next page and listen to the tape. (通过熟悉原声并模仿录音巩固课堂开始学习的open和 close及其相关句型。)V、SummaryVI、Homework Listen to the tape and read the sentences more and more.VII、See you T: OK. Class is over, good-bye, everyone. Have a nice day!板书 Lesson 7 Close Your Eyes
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