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Unit 10 Great inventions【词组】1.a great invention 伟大的发明2. in the world 在世界上3.write on 在上书写4.tell the time 知道时间5.travel from one place to another very fast 很快地从一个地方去另一个地方 from to 从到(可接时间或地点)6.invent something myself 我自己发明东西7.go anywhere with it 乘着它去任何地方8.draw pictures 画画9.go to places far away in a car 坐车去远方10.a flying machine 一个飞行器11.fly like bird 像鸟一样飞行12. draw a picture of our flying machine画一幅我们飞行器的图13.in any weather 在任何天气14. so much fun 如此有趣15.be(am/is/are) far away from 远离【句型】1. I think paper is a great invention. 我认为纸是一个了不起的发明。2. People can tell the time anywhere. 人们可以在任何地方知道时间。3. People can travel from one place to another very fast. 人们可以很快地从一个地方去另一个地方。4. Im going to invent something myself. 我打算自己发明一样东西。5. What are you going to invent? 你打算发明什么?6. People can go anywhere with it? 人们可以乘着它去任何地方。7. They like to invent things. 他们喜欢发明东西。【语法】1. invent是动词,invention是名词。2. watch表示“看”,一般看电视、看比赛、看鸟都用watch这个词。see表示“看到”,表示看的结果。look表示“看着”,一般跟at搭配组成短语look at。read表示“看”,一般看书,看报用read。3. go travelling意思是“去旅行”,travel 也可以作名词“旅行”,近义词是trip。4. self加在物主代词或代词的后面表示“某人自己”,是反身代词,如:Yourself你自己 himself他自己 herself她自己 ourselves我们自己 yourselves你们自己 themselves 他们自己反身代词可以用在动词或动词短语后面,也可以和by搭配,表示“某人独自做某事”,如:I can do my homework by myself. 我可以独立完成作业。固定搭配:enjoy oneself 玩的开心 如:Enjoy yourself on the way. 旅途愉快。5. something一般用在肯定句中,anything(任何东西)一般用在否定句和疑问句中。如: I have something in my bag. 我包里有样东西。 Do you have anything to eat? 你有什么吃的东西吗?something和anything 的用法与some和any的用法相同。6.I think 在口语和书面语中用得很多,既可以放在句子开头,也可以放在句子结尾,表示“我认为”,要表达否定含义时,一般就说I dont think (我不认为),如: I think youre right. 我认为你是对的。 I dont think youre right. 我认为你错了。6. with的意思有“和”、“带着”、“用”等意思。如:I ride bikes with my friends. 我和朋友们一起骑车。I can tell the time with it. 我可以用它来知道时间。
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