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Module 10 Unit 1 Were going to different schools.教案一、 教学目标知识能力目标:1.大部分同学能听懂,会说单词Middle school; primary school;各科目的英文2.大部分同学能听懂课文录音,能回答老师提出的问题。3.能用本课所学句型Im going toWere going to 与朋友交流自己将要做的事情。情感态度目标:学生毕业离别时要去新学校的感受.二、 教学重难点1.单词:Middle,Geography,Biology,Chemistry,Maths,Chinese的识记及认读。2.句型Im going toWere going to 的理解与运用。3.句型be going to 的理解与运用。三、 课前准备教学工具:多媒体,录音机,单词卡片.四、 教学设计Step1: Greeting 1. Greeting to each other 2. Sing a song Step2: Learn new words and new sentencesT: Boys and girls, Amy, Sam, Daming and Lingling are my old friend in our English class. we know Sam is from England .Amy is from England ,too.( 课件及单词卡片学习from , 师领读,分组的,个人读)。Daming is from China. Lingling is from China, too.(板书China,课件及单词卡片)回顾前一节课所学的知识,best wishes to my friends.马上就要小学毕业了,大家都要去往不同的学习,学习不同的科目。Amy和Sam就要离开了,大家有什么话要对他们说。In China, there are lots of Middle schools. They are very beautiful. Which one are you going to? 出示课件指名回答。引导学生用Im going to go to 回答。T: Im going to go to Park Middle school? How about you?学生有回答I am going to Lake Middle school.老师就说We are going to go to different schools.(板书课题,并领读)T: Boys and girls. Today Im here. But tomorrow Im going to go to another school. Im going to learn different subjects. IIm going to Geography,Biology,Chemistry,Maths,Chinese.T: Thats great. Im also going to learn Music and Art .(本环节采用多媒体、单词卡片方式让每个单词以多维的形式在学生脑海里出现;学生通过集体读、小组读、个人读的形式让学生认读单词,提高了学生学习的兴趣。)A. Read after the teacher.B. say it with your deskmate.C. show time: point and read.Step3: text1. Boys and girls .today, we are going to leave our school. What do you want to say to your friends and teachers? A goodbye speech by Lingling.(请一个女同学上台模仿,并朗读)2. 根据录音,感受课文主题。Step4: practice1.Describe the pictures2.离别之际,给自己最亲爱的朋友写一些话。五、 课后作业Make a goodbye speech.
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