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Lesson 1 Its Windy and Cool. 教案1教学内容 1、单词: cold warm cool hot fine weather2、句型l: How s the weather?及回答 Its2教学目标 1、Words: cold sunny cloudy windy rainy warm cool hot fine weather2、Drill: How s the weather3学情分析 来源:学科网 本课时所执教的对象是五年级的学生,虽然是五年级,但是由于前面没怎么学,刚接触英语课,对英语有强烈的好奇心和学习热情,但孩子们的兴趣持续不了多久,因此,就需要我们在课堂上设计生动活泼,形式多样的活动来吸引他们的注意力,让孩子们的兴趣持之以恒。 这个班由44名学生组成,其中有8名学困生,课堂中大多数学生学习积极性比较高,能积极参与到课堂活动中来,他们善于表演,乐于模仿。接受能力也比较强,每节课所要求学会的内容也都能够掌握,但是这8名学困生在知识掌握方面有一定的难度。4重点难点能听,读本课对话掌握本课句型能熟练的运用句型完成对话How s the weather ?及回答Its _5.教学活动活动1【导入】Itswindyandcool 一、warming up来源:学科网S: Stand up , please.T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.S: Good afternoon, Mr. Tang.T: Nice to meet you .S: Nice to meet you , too.T: Lets sing : Like and loveT: Sit down, please.活动2【讲授】了解新单词 二、Presentation1、Look at the pictures, Lets study the new words, write the new words on the blackboard.Cold , sunny , cloudy , windy, rainy, warm, cool, hot, fine, weather2、Work in pairsT: Hows the weather ?S: Its cold.T: Hows the weather ?S: Its sunny /cloudy / windy / rainy / warm / cool / hot / fine .活动3【活动】学生互动 三、Practice in goupsGoup A: Hows the weather ?Goup B: Its cold / sunny /cloudy / windy / rainy / warm / cool / hot / fine .Boys and girls活动4【讲授】课文内容 四、Lets talk .Good morning, class !Good morning, Miss Yang !来源:Z|xx|k.ComBaby Bear , what day is it today?Its , its 来源:学科网Take it easy, Baby Bear .Its Tuesday.Wonderfull !活动5【练习】师生练习 五、Work in pairs.Teacher : Hows the weather , Peter ?来源:Zxxk.ComPeter : Its windy and cool.Teacher : Super! Sit down , please .Peter : Thank you .活动6【作业】课后作业 六、Write the new words ten times on your exercises-book.
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