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Module7 Unit1 I helped Mum.教学目标1、增进学生之间的交流培养学生在课堂上的默契,形成团结互助,共同进步,共同提高的课2、培养学生积极乐观的心态,以及对生活充满热情和期待的生活态度。教学重难点教学重点:来源:Zxxk.Com学会并能运用句型:Did you yesterday? Yes ,I did./ No, I didnt.教学难点;1、熟练掌握下列动词的过去式:watch - watched listen -listened rain -rainedplay - played cook - cooked walk -walkedtalk - talked do -did2、 学会并能运用句型:Did you yesterday? Yes,I did./ No, I didnt3、 教学准备1、与教材内容相关的课件、声音、图片等多媒体素材。2999.com教学过程 Step1 Warming up Game :I do, you guess.(教师做动作,让学生猜) watch TV, listen to music, play on the computer, walk in the park,play football.Step2 Presentation 1. T: Its a fine day today.(教师边说边加上适当的手势以帮助学生理解句子的意思)。出示day的单词卡片,教学单词day。 2、出示幻灯片:T: Look, Today is Tuesday, June 18, 2009 and yesterday was Friday, June 17, 2009.教学单词yesterday。3. 出示幻灯片:T: Look, Today I watch TV, but yesterday I watched TV. Today I cook fish, but yesterday I cooked fish .There are some differents in the sentences,Can you tell me?S1:动词后面加了edS1:当时间是yesterday时,动词后面加ed.T: As usual, when the time is yesterday, we add “-ed” to the verb.4. 出示幻灯片:say the chant:学习本课主要的动词及过去式。进行分组练习。5. 垒词游戏:出示幻灯片引导学生依次读出下列内容:cook- cooked- cooked noodles-I cooked noodles -Yesterday I cooked noodles.6. T: Yesterday I cooked noodles .Did you cook noodles yesterday? 教学Did you cook noodles /listen to music yesterday?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt7. T: Yesterday I cooked noodles. And Amy phoned grandma, Look!出示图片,教学单词phoned.8. T: They talked about something. Look, grandma cooked fish, And grandma and grandpa walked in the park.出示图片:看图说图片。Step3. Activities出示图片进行练习。全班,小组,同桌练习。Step4 TeachingT: Sam played on the computer, Tom helped Mum, Did Amy helped Mum?1、 Listen to the tape and answer the question: Did Amy helped Mum?2、 Read the text and choose true or fault. :来源:学科网(1) Grandma cooked fish.( )来源:Z*xx*k.Com(2) Dad helped Mum. ( )3、Listen and mine.4、 Read the text again and try to act out the text in groups.Step5 Game智力大比拼:看谁能在规定的时间内说出更多的句子。Yesterday I played football, I listened to music,I.Step6 Education出示短片小猫爱妈妈对学生进行情感教育:The little cat helps her mother and she loves her mother very much, Do you love your mother? Yes ,we should love our mother. Lets say the sentence loudly: “Mum, I love you!Step7 Homework:来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K1、熟读课文。2、用英语和你的朋友交流你昨天做了些什么。板书设计 I helped Mum.watch - watched Did you yesterday? listen -listenedYes,I did./ No, I didnt 来源:Zxxk.Comrain -rained play - playedcook - cookedwalk -walked talk - talked do -did
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