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英语 三年级下册Unit 5Do you like pears?Period 1Content A Lets talk Lets play教学目标要求1能够使用英语表达自己喜欢的水果,如:I like apples. I like bananas. 来源:Zxxk.Com2能够使用英语询问他人喜欢的水果以及能回答别人的询问,如:Do you like pears? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3能够听懂并指认几种水果的英语名称,如:apple, pear, orange, banana等。4知道 Do you like ? 后跟的名词要用复数,如:Do you like apples / oranges? 等。5能够模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材中的对话,并能够模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。如:Do you like ? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.教学重点1.能够听懂并指认几种水果的英语名称,如:apple, pear, orange, banana等2.知道 Do you like ? 后跟的名词要用复数,如:Do you like apples / oranges? 等教学难点能够模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材中的对话,并能够模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。如:Do you like ? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用资源使用说明复习时间4m来源:Zxxk.Com1演唱歌曲,为学习目标语做铺垫Watch and sing.Look, boys and girls! Now lets watch and sing together.(Song: An apple a day)来源:学科网ZXXK来源:Z&xx&k.Com播放课件动画,请学生跟随音乐演唱。 2看图片回答问题,复习已学目标语Look and answer.What do you hear from the song? Do you like apples? (Yes, I do.)播放课件,请学生看图片回答问题。导入时间5m3导入本课话题What else do you like?(banana, orange, )通过头脑风暴活动,请学生先说一说自己知道的水果名称。 提示学生用完整的句式回答,注意回答时不要忘记水果名称后要加s, 如: I like bananas. 告诉学生不是指单个的水果。播放课件,请学生说一说自己知道的水果名称。4Look and answer.Look at the picture carefully. Whats this? (Its a pear.)Do you like pears?(Yes, I do. / No, I dont.)教师出示图片并且提问,引导学生用Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 回答。播放课件,学生看图片回答。5接着教师指着各种水果问:What are they? 引出水果一词:fruit, 并让学生认读这个单词。Can you guess my favourite fruit? 引导学生用:Do you like ? 来问教师。教师让学生拿着自己准备好的水果来问教师。教师要提醒学生提问时不要忘记水果名词要用复数。播放课件。操练时间10m6创设情境,运用对话Do you like ? Yes, I do. 或 No, I dont.Lets do.There are so many fruits. Lets make fruit salad. What do you like?教师创设情境,学生要进行制作水果沙拉比赛,大家互相询问对方喜欢哪种水果。学生以小组形式表演对话。Hello, .! Do you like ?Yes, I do. (No, I dont. / I like .)播放课件。7看图表演,加深目标语的印象Look and act.Who can act like John? Who can act like Chen Jie?教师让学生拿着图片或水果相互询问:Do you like pears / oranges / apples ?Yes, I do.Here you are.Thanks.播放课件,学生拿着图片或实物相互询问。Letstalk时间15m8读图听音,了解对话情景Look and guess.First, look at the picture and guess:Who are they? Where are they?(They are Sarah and her mother. They are in the fruit shop/supermarket.)Listen and guess.Please listen to their dialogue and answer:What do they want to buy?(They want to buy some fruits.)教师请学生看着没有对白的课文图片,听课文录音,了解对话情景概况。播放课件。读图,把握对话细节Read and answer.Look at the picture. Please read the dialogue. Then, answer: What does Sarah like?(She likes apples and pears.) 教师向学生展示带有对话文字的文本,请学生看着文本图片,寻找信息并回答问题。播放课件,学生回答问题。9看图,检验答案Read and check.Thats right. She likes apples and pears.播放课件,揭示问题答案。10看动画故事,感受完整情境,把握对话细节Watch and answer.Now, lets watch the cartoon. Then, answer: What do they buy?(They buy apples and pears.)播放课件动画,学生感受情境。11听音,并模仿跟读会话Listen and act.教师播放课文录音,学生逐句模仿跟读。播放课件,学生分句跟读。12学生扮演角色模仿课文会话表演Lets act.Please practice the conversations in groups.学生练习时,教师板书:Do you like ?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like 播放课件。拓展运用时间5m13拓展对话:在不同情境中拓展运用目标语言 Group work.教师请学生根据具体情境,运用今天所学的语言进行对话拓展表演。情境一:明天要去秋游了,同学之间相互询问对方喜欢的水果。情境二:同学们到Sarah 家给她过生日,Sarah拿出很多水果分给同学。播放课件,学生拓展运用句型。 作业时间1m14Homework.1. 听教材会话录音并模仿朗读。3. 调查自己家庭成员喜欢吃的水果。2. 与同学合作表演到水果店里买水果的对话。播放课件。
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